Children Flashcards
What is primary enuresis
The child has never been dry at night before
Nocturnal Enuresis definition
The child continues to involuntarily void beyond the age of anticipated control
For example bed wetting twice a month in a child of 5 years
Secondary enuresis
A recurrence of incontinence after the child has been dry for 6 months
What is the initial drug of choice in enuresis?
Desmopressin which is a vasopressin
How long does desmopressin work for?
7-10 hours after administration
Retractile Testis definition
Descended testis that have moved upwards by cremaster muscle spasm and can be massaged and it will drop again
Undescended Testes definition
These are testes that have not descended down the abdomen
Ectopic testes
This is when the testis has passed through the inguinal canal and has deviated away towards the outside of the scrotum
What are the 2 descents of the testes?
- Transabdominal descent
2. Inguinoscrotal descent
What is orchidopexy?
A surgical procedure where they move an undescended testicle into the scrotum and permanently fix it there
What usually happens at the 3 month mark to baby boys to help descend testes?
There is a surge of testosterone
What is prune belly syndrome always associated with?
Bilateral undescended Testes
What is the risk for undescended testes of becoming malignant?
5-10x more risk of malignancy
What is the treatment for UDT?
- Wait until 12-18 months
- Orchidopexy
- Hormone therapy(B-HCG and Gonadotropin releasing hormone)
What is the most common organism that causes UTI’s in children?
E coli
What ages is it common for children to have a UTI?
6 months
What are some of the common clinical signs of UTI in children?
- Fever (febrile convulsions)
- irritability
- Trouble feeding
- Diarrhoea and vomiting
- Jaundice
How do you collect urine from a child with possible UTI?
- Use a urine bag
- suprapubic catheter for complications getting an uncontaminated bag specimen
- Midstream urine specimen
What are the investigations for UTI in children?
First you do a dipstick and if leucocytes and nitrites are high then it is suggestive of a UTI
Then ensure you do a Ultrasound KUB and MCUG
What investigation is the gold standard for Vesico-ureteric Reflux?
What investigation cannot be done until the UTI is treated?
How long do you give the antibiotics for?
7-14 days
What prophylactic Antibiotics do you give?
You can use co-trimoxazole(bactrim)
When does the prepuce develop intra-uterinally?
12th-20th week
Give 4 medical indications for circumcision?
- Phimosis
- Parphimosis
- To reduce risk of penile cancer
- Reduce incidence of UTI in baby boys under 6 months
- Reduces incidence of HIV
Sensory innervation of the penis is supplied by?
Two dorsal nerves of the penis on either side of he midline
What anaesthesia do you use in infants prior to circumcision?
- Bupivicaine (1mg/kg) which lasts for 6 hours
2. Lignocaine (2mg/kg)
Define hypospadias
Abnormal opening of urethral meatus on the ventral aspect of the penis
Chordee-The curvature of the penis towards the ventral aspect of the penis
What other congenital anomalies is hypospadias associated with?
- Undescended testes
2. Inguinal hernias
What is a requirement for the development of the normal urethra?
You need DHT(dihydotestosterone) convrted testosterone by 5-alpha reductase
At what age does hypospadias surgery occur?
Around the age of 2
What are the most important factors for the hypospadias surgery?
To correct the chordee and straighten the penis
To reconstruct the urethra
What is antenatal hydronephrosis?
5 mm AP diameter on ultrasound
What is the most common cause of unilateral hydronephrosis?
Pelvic-ureteric junction obstruction
What are some of the causes of bilateral hydronephrosis?
Bilateral Pelvic-ureteric junction obstruction
Bilateral VUR
Prune belly syndrome
What is VUR?
This is defined as when the urine back-flows from the bladder up the ureters again
What is primary VUR?
When the issue is a congenital one and is related to how the ureters enter the bladder(short submucosal tunnel)
What is VUR associated with in children?
What is the gold standard to diagnose VUR?
What are the complications of VUR?
Renal failure
Hypertension due to renal scarring
Reflux nephropathy or chronic pyelonephritis
What is secondary VUR?
This caused by some sort of obstruction
Bladder outflow obstruction or posterior urethral valve or neuropathic bladder
What is the DMSA used to detect?
Renal scarring
When do you do a post natal ultrasound when dealing with VUR?
At 1 and 6 weeks
When do you do do a DMSA/MAG3 when dealing with VUR?
At 6 and 12 weeks
What is the medical Rx of VUR?
We give low dose chemo-prophylaxis-nitrofurantoin or nalidixic acid
What is the definition of a PUJ?
The obstruction at the junction between the ureter and the renal pelvis which results in restriction of urinary flow
Which kidney is usually affected with PUJ?
The left kidney
What is neonatal anuria?
The inability of the child to pass urine before the first 24 hrs of life
If the baby has not passed urine within 24 hours what could be the cause?
Urinary retention or anuria
What are the causes of anuria?
Bilateral renal agenesis or renal venous thrombosis
Or renal arterial thrombosis
Causes of urinary retention include:
Bladder outlet obstruction
Posterior urethral valves
Magnesium sulphate in pregnancy to help with pre-eclampsia
What is cloacal exstrophy?
Involves the bladder and the bowel
What is bladder exstrophy?
It involves the bladder and the urethra exposed
What is epispadias?
It involves the urethra being open on the dorsal aspect
What are the clinical features of exstrophy?
Undescended testes Epispadias Bifid clitoris in girls Diastasis of pubic symphysis Penis is usually short and stubby
Management of a child with bladder exstrophy
Urological emergency
Cover with plastic and transfer immediately for bladder closure+ orchidopexy+ urethral reconstruction and iliac osteomies
What are the triad of abnormalities associated with prune belly syndrome?
Undesecended testes
Abnormal abdominal wall
Anomalies of the urogenital tract
Babies with prune belly syndrome often present with:
Pulmonary hypoplasia- respiratory distress
What are some of the special investigations associated with prune belly syndrome?
Urine culture and Urine MCS because of the high occurrence of UTI
Management of babies with prune belly syndrome:
Treat with AB because of the UTI
Elective bilateral orchidopexy for the UDT
What are the clinical features of posterior urethral valves on ultrasound?
- oligohydroamnios
- bilateral hydronephrosis
- thickened bladder wall
What is the surgical Rx for VUR?
ureterneocystostomy which has a 90% success rate
What are the primary causes of PUJ obstruction?
Abberant development of ureteric/pelvic circular muscle
Abberant insertion of the ureter into the renal pelvis(higher than normal)
Abnoemal collagen folds
Extrinsic vessels occluding the ureters
What is the best investigation for PUJ?
Ulrasound then MAG3/DMSA followed by IVP
What are the clinical signs of PUJ?
Loin pain
What are the complications of PUJ
Renal failure
Mx of PUJ obstruction:
Conservative with AB and watch with U/S
If surgery is indicated then do:
pyeloplasty, balloon dilataion or nephrectomy
What is the ratio of the ureter and the ureteric diameter/
What is simple multicystic dysplastic kidney disease?
This is when it affects only one side of the kidney
What is complex multicystic dysplastic kidney disease?
This is when it affects both kidneys
Unilateral disease of MCDKD is associated with:
contralateral PUJ or VUR of the contralateral kidney
In autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, the child dies from:
Respiratory distress
What genes are associated with Polycystic Kidney Disease?
PKD1 and PKD2
What is the incidence of nephroblastoma in children?
About 10-20%
At what age does Wilms Tumour occur?
2-3 years old
What do children with Wilms tumour present with?
AbdomInal mass, haematuria, hypospadias, UDT
What is the treatment of Wilms tumour?
Nephrectomy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy
What are the clinical presentations of children with neuroblastoma?
systemically unwell fever abdominal mass loss of weight anaemia