childhood development milestones Flashcards
gross motor- 6 weeks
head control (can raise head)
stabilises head
gross motor- 6 months
sits without support
rolls tummy to back
gross motor- 12 months
walks alone
gross motor- 18 months
run and jump
gross motor- 2 years
walk upstairs (both feet each step)
throw ball
gross motor- 3 years
- hops on one foot for 3 steps
- walk upstairs 1 foot per step
gross motor- 4 years
up and downstairs like an adult
fine motor- 6 weeks
fine motor- 6 months
palmar grasp
transfer hand to hand
fine motor- 12 months
neat pincer grip
casting bricks
stack 2 bricks
fine motor- 18 months
stack 4 bricks
fine motor- 2 years
draw vertical line
stack 8 bricks
turn several pages at a time
fine motor- 3 years
draw circle
build a bridge with blocks
turns 1 page at a time
uses Griffiths beads
fine motor- 4 years
draw a cross and square
stack 12 blocks/ build steps
cut paper in half
uses small beads
S+L- 6 weeks
startles to loud noise
S+L- 6 months
turns head to sound
understands bye/ no
babbles (monosyllabic)
S+L- 12 months
understands nouns (wheres mummy)
3 words
points to own body parts
S+L- 18 months
understanding of more nouns (show me the book)
1-6 words
S+L- 2 years
understands verbs (what do you eat with)
2 words joined together
S+L- 3 years
understands negatives and adjectives
S+L- 4 years
understands complex instructions
can describe events
Social- 6 weeks
social smile (if not present- could be a visual problem)
Social- 6 months
objects to mouth
shakes rattle
reaches for bottle/ breast
Social- 12 months
waves bye
plays alone
drinks from beaker with lid
Social- 18 months
imitates everyday activities
Social- 2 years
eats with spoon
Social- 3 years
shares toys
plays alone without parents
fork and spoon
bowel control
Social- 4 years
sympathy for others
best friend
bladder control
imaginative play/ can play with rules
handles knife
dresses and undresses
describe the primitive reflexes and when they disappear by
Stepping (0-6 weeks) Palmar and plantar grasp (0-3 months) Moro reflex (0-4 months) Atonic neck reflex (0-6 months) Sucking and rooting (0-6 months)
describe the postural reflex and when they emerge
emerge from 3-8 months
Parachute reflex from 9 months !
Positive support
Lateral propping
what is developmental delay
Development along normal route but takes longer to reach milestones compared with normal route
what is a developmental disorder
- development does not follow normal pattern
- may make progress but it will be disordered
what is developmental arrest / regression
normal development initially
then failure to gain new skills / slows down/ loss of skills