Childhood and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Flashcards
What are childhood disorders?
DSM-5 splits childhood disorders into two chapters:
neurodevelopmental disorders and disruptive, impulse control and conduct disorder. Some disorder are unique to children and some disorders are primarily childhood disorder but may continue into adulthood
What is externalizing disorders?
Externalizing disorder is characterized by outward-directed behaviors, noncompliance, aggressiveness, overactivity, impulsiveness (includes ADHD, conduct disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder), more common in boys
What is internalizing disorders?
Characterized by inward-focused behaviors, depression, anxiety, social withdrawal (includes childhood anxiety and mood disorders), more common in girls
What is neurodiversity?
The range of differences in individual brain function and behavioural traits, regarded as part of normal variation in the human population (used especially in the context of autistic spectrum disorders)
What are the characteristics of intellectual disability?
Deficits in intellectual functions, adaptive functioning resulting an inability to meet development and sociocultural standards for perusal independence and social responsibility, starts in the developmental period
What are some of the causes of intellectual disability?
Inherited recessive gene disorder, chromosome abnormality, anoxia and hypoxia, low birthweight, brain infections, childhood malnutrition, severe head injury, exposure to toxins, social deprivation and poverty, severe maternal malnutrition, maternal iodine deficiency, maternal infections, maternal drug abuse, maternal medications
What are the treatments available for intellectual disability?
Residential treatment, behavioral treatment (language, social and motor skills training, applied behavioral analysis, teaching basic self-care skills), cognitive treatment, computer-assisted instruction
What are the characteristics of autistic spectrum disorder?
Profound problems with the social world, theory of mind not achieved, communication deficits, repetitive and ritualistic acts
What are some of the causes of autistic spectrum disorder?
Heritability, epigenetics, genetic modulators, double-hit mutations, environmental exposures, sex-linked modifiers, overgrown areas in the brain
What are the treatments available for autistic spectrum disorder?
Intensive operant conditioning, parent training and education, pivotal response treatment, joint attention intervention and symbolic play used to improve attention and expressive skills, medication
What are the characteristics of specific learning disorders?
Inadequate development in a specific area of academic, language, speech or motor skills
How many types of specific learning disorder are there according to the DSM-5 and what they are?
There are four. 1. Problems with accurate or fluent word recognition, poor decoding, and poor spelling abilities 2. Problems with written expression 3. Difficulties mastering number sense, number facts or calculation 4. Difficulties with verbal and written expression
What are the treatments available for specific learning disorders?
Reading and writing specifiers: phonics instructions, readiness skills for preparation to read, multi sensory instruction in listening, speaking and writing skills
Communication disorders: computer games and audiotapes that slow speech sounds
What are the three specifiers of the diagnosis of ADHD in the DSM-5?
Predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, combined
What are the characteristics of ADHD?
Excessive levels of activity, distr ability and difficulty concentrating, difficulties with peer interaction
What is the differential diagnosis with conduct disorder?
Conduct disorder is diagnosed when the individual is more aggressive, act out in most of the settings, has antisocial parents and family hostility. ADHD has more off-task behavior, cognitive and achievement deficits.
What is the prevalence of ADHD (sex, age, other factors)?
8-11% worldwide. More common in boys than girls. Symptoms persist beyond childhood. Girls with ADHD are more likely to be anxious and depressed, exhibit neurological deficits, have eating disorder and substance abuse.
What are some of the disorders that ADHD is comorbid with?
Anxiety and depression
What are the treatments for ADHD?
Stimulant medications, medication and behavioral treatment, psychological treatment (parental training, changes in classroom management, behavior motoring and reinforcement of appropriate behavior), supportive classroom structure