Child Language Acquisition - Theory (A02) Flashcards
What is Nativism?
The belief that children learn language naturally without facilitation from parents
What is Behaviourism?
The idea that language is learnt through understanding the difference between right and wrong
What is Social Interactionism?
The idea that language is learnt through parental influence and scaffolding
What is Cognitivism?
The idea that language is learnt through exposure to environments and development of schema
What did the Bard and Sach’s study into Jim identify?
Bard and Sachs studied a boy called ‘Jim’, who was son of two deaf parents. Although he was exposed to TV and radio, his speech development was severely retarded. It demonstrated that simple exposure to language (e.g. from television) is not an effective stimulus to language learning; human interaction is necessary to develop speech
What did Clark-Stewart identify about vocabulary development?
Clark-Stewart found that children whose mothers talk more have larger vocabularies.
What is the ZPD?
Zone of proximal development
What does Vygotsky say about the ZPD?
Vygotsky suggested that for children to learn they need an MKO who supports the child in moving beyond their ZPD, encouraging them to move beyond what they already know to what is not yet known by the means of scaffolding and support.
What is Garvey’s sociodramatic play?
Garvey asserted that sociodramatic play usually begins when the child is around four-years-old and fulfils Halliday’s imaginative function. In their re-enactments they use subject specific lexis and structure them in some of the formulaic ways that adults use in real-life situations, suggesting they can observe and imitate adult behaviours.
What is the LAD Model by Chomsky?
Chomsky stated that children are born with an innate knowledge of language and universal grammar. This innate ability to learn language is governed by the LAD which he suggested needed activating and is the reason children sometime over regularise and put grammar into utterances when they are not needed
What criticism did Tomasello provide for Chomsky?
Tomasello called Chomsky an armchair theorist as his ideas were only speculative.
Explain Berko Gleason’s Wug Test
Wug Test - When faced with a picture of an imaginary ‘wug’:
76% of four-to-five-year-olds formed the regular –s plural. 97% of five –to-seven-year-olds formed the regular –s plural
Berko Gleason found that even very young children are able to connect suitable suffixes—to produce plurals, past tenses, possessives, and other forms—to nonsense words they have never heard before, implying that they have already internalized systematic aspects of the linguistic system which no one has necessarily tried to teach them.
What is Steven Pinker’s Nativist argument (1994)?
In ‘The Language Instinct’, Pinker suggests that rather than being a human invention, language is an innate human ability because:
Deaf babies "babble" with their hands as others normally do with voice, and spontaneously invent sign languages with true grammar. Even in the absence of active attempts by parents to correct children's grammar, accurate speech develops.
Explain the Genie Wiley case study
A 13-year-old Los Angeles girl who had been locked away from all social interaction. Following her rescue, attempts to teach her English only ever produced partial success, and she never achieved full grammatical competence.
Explain the Oxana case study (1991)
An 8-year-old who had lived with a pack of dogs, when she was found she could hardly speak and ran on all fours barking. Since being taught language; her speech is odd, without rhythm, inflection or tone. She speaks flatly, as though it’s an order, and can still communicate through barking.
Explain Lenneberg’s critical period hypothesis
Lenneberg proposed that the capacity to learn a language is innate but that if a child does not learn a language before the onset of puberty, the child will never master language at all; this is known as the critical period hypothesis. Evidence for Lenneberg’s theories emerged from studies on feral children such as Genie and Oxana.
What is Skinner’s Behaviourist Theory?
Skinner believed that biology plays almost no part in the way children learn language. He experimented on rats and believed his findings on operant conditioning could be extended to language development. He stated that all behaviour is conditioned through positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement.
Provide a criticism for Skinner’s Theory
Chomsky questioned the validity of experiments on rats and pigeons to offer comment on humans’ capacity to learn.
What is Piaget’s attitude to language development?
Piaget stated that children need to develop certain mental abilities before they can acquire particular aspects of language, so they cannot be taught before they are ready. Until around 18 months, children are egocentric, and then they begin to realise that things have object permanence.