Child development RO57 - topic 2 Flashcards
What is anatal / prenatal?
Care given to mother to be and unborn baby before birth
What is the timing of the first anatal clinic appointment?
- First should be before week 10 of pregnancy. May happen from week 8.
Most occur between weeks 8 and 12 (scan)
What is examined at an anatal appointment?
- examination of the uterus
- urine
- mother’s weight
- baby’s heartbeat
- blood pressure
- blood tests
Why and how do midwifes check the uterus during an anatal appointment?
- Using gloved index finger and middle finger. Insert through vagina and cervix. (sometimes only on bump)
Checks: - soft cervix?
- thinning or effacement of cervix
- position of cervix
- how far into pelvis baby has descended
- presentation of baby (breech? face first?)
Why do midwifes check urine during an anatal appointment?
Protein - infection or early signs of pre-eclampsia
Sugar - gestational diabetes
Ketones - build up if woman has been vomiting lots. go into coma or even die - called ketosis
STI’s - harmful / life threatening for mother and baby. some can be treated (bacterial). some cant (virus)
Why do midwifes check the mother weight during an anatal appointment?
When first booked to record baseline weight. Checked at every appointment to track and monitor their weight gain.
- Excessive gain - pre-eclampsia and high BMI limits birth options
- Weight loos - baby has stopped growing / sign of illness.
How much are women expected to gain during a normal, healthy pregnancy?
10 - 12.5 kg
Why do midwifes check the baby’s heartbeat during an anatal appointment?
Confirms the baby is alive
Checks it’s a normal rythm
What is the expected heartbeat of an unborn baby?
110 - 160 BPM
Why do midwifes check the blood pressure of a pregnant woman at anatal appointments?
Checks pressure against the normal
Raised blood pressure could be a sign of strees or pre-eclampsia
What is considered a raised blood pressure of a pregnant woman?
What is the normal blood pressure of a pregnant woman?
110/70 - 120/80
What is pre-eclampsia?
Serious blood pressure condition. Affects organs in the body. Puts stress on your heart and other organs and can cause serious complications.
Why do midwifes do blood tests at anatal appointments?
Check for:
- Anaemia - treated with folic acid and iron tablets
- High blood sugar - diabetes (gestational?)
- Check blood group - in case of a transfusion
- Check immunity to rubella - can cause blindness, deafness or brain damage for unborn baby
- Hepatitis B&C - can cause liver disease
- HIV - can be passed to baby
What is a GP?
Visit when they think / know they are pregnant
confirm pregnancy and then ensure she is in ‘maternity system’.
Talk about existing conditions that might affect pregnancy - make referrals to experts if need be
Talk about mental health. Also, provide postnatal care
What is a midwife?
Experts in normal pregnancies. Give care during pregnancy and upto 28 days after birth.
What are a midwifes responsibilities?
- Provide full anatel care, parenting classes etc
- Identifying high risk pregnancies
- Discuss birthing options
- Monitoring women and supporting them during labour and birthing process.
- Teach new and expecting mothers how to feed, care for and bathe their babies
What is a hospital midwife?
- based in a hospital, birth centre / midwife led unit
- run anatal clinics and labour and postnatal wards
What is a community midwife?
- see women in home / specialised clinics. Attend homebirths and carry out postnatal care. Visit home for upto 10 days after birth.
What is a independent midwife?
- work outside the NHS privately - most likely with those having homebirths
What is an obstectrician?
Experts on complex / high risk pregnancies
Perform assisted deliveries and caesarean sections
What do obstetricians respond to?
- pre-existing acute or chronic illness that might complicate pregnancy or birth
- complication identified during pregnancy
- a baby becomes distressed during labour.