Child development RO57 - topic 1 Flashcards
What factors might affect someones decision to have children?
-relationship with partner
- finance
- parental age
- peer pressure / social expectations
- genetic counselling for hereditary diseases
What factors affect pre-conceptual health?
- Smoking
- weight
- drinking alcohol
- drugs and age
What is ovulation?
Release of an egg
What is preconception ad conception?
Preconception is before the parents try for a baby
Conception (fertilisation) is the point at which the sperm and egg meet
What is fertility?
The ability to conceive and produce babies
What is contraception?
Using various method to prevent pregnancy when having sex
What is reproduction?
The process of having babies
What is antenatal and postnatal care?
The medical care which is given to a woman during pregnancy (antenatal) and after birth (postnatal)
How does weight affect chances of conceiving?
Women - overweight can affect ovulation (higher chance of gestational diabetes). Underweight can affect periods and therefore ovulation
How does smoking affect chances of conceiving?
can affect quality of egg and sperm.
Lower sperm count and higher amount of abnormal sperm
How does drinking alcohol affect chances of conceiving?
Lower sperm count
Women - affect ability to become pregnant
When trying to become pregnant try and avoid alcohol as you don’t know if you are pregnant until around 4 weeks (can damage baby)
How does taking recreational drugs affect chances of conceiving?
- affect sperm and eggs
- can cause permanent problems with reproductive system.
- hormone production and menstrual cycles can become erratic
How does parental age affect chances of conceiving?
- age ability to conceive / quality of eggs begin to decline
Older - menopause
What is folic acid and why is it taken?
- advised to take 400mcg per day - from pre-conception up to 12 weeks of age
- Can prevent birth defects - prevent spina defiea
Why is having up to date immunisations important?
- so you don’t get sick and don’t kill baby. or pass things on through placenta or umbilical cord
Why is the rubella vaccine important?
If a mother catches rubella during pregnancy the baby could develop health conditions including deafness, blindness, and heart problems. It could even die
Can the rubella vaccine be given during pregnancy?
Women should have two doses of the vaccine before becoming pregnant.
Why is the MMR vaccine important?
(Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
If women haven’t had the rubella vaccine, they can have the MMR
Can the MMR vaccine be given during pregnancy?
Not recommended.
It can be given upto a month before pregnancy
Why is the whooping cough vaccine important?
Whooping cough is dangerous in young babies. Vaccine can pass on antibodies
Can the whooping cough vaccine be given during pregnancy?
between 6 and 32 weeks
Why is the flu vaccine important?
Pregnant women have a weakened immune system and will be more susceptible to flu.
Can have serious affects during pregnancy - result in a still-birth
Having injection during pregnancy can pass on antibodies
Can the flu vaccine be given during pregnancy?
Why is the COVID-19 vaccine important?
COVID-19 can be dangerous to anyone
Can the COVID-19 vaccine be given during pregnancy?
What type of contraception is a male condom?
What are some advantages of male condom?
- prevents STIs
- no side effects
- no prescription
- carried and used whenever needed
What are some disadvantages of male condom?
- some people are allergic to latex
- carefully put on and taken off (rips)
- has to be put on when penis is hard
How effective is the male condom?
What type of contraception is the female condom?
What are some advantages of female condom?
- prevents STIs
- no side effects
- put in several hours before sex
disadvantages of female condom?
- more expensive than male condoms
- carefully put on and taken off (rips)
How effective is female condom?
What type of contraception is the diaphragm?
Advantages of diaphragm?
- no side effects
- put in several hours before sex
Disadvantages of diaphragm?
- must be fitted by a clinician
- spermicide can cause irritation
How effective is diaphragm?
92 - 96% (might slip out during sex)
What type of contraception is the Combined pill?
Hormonal - oestrogen and progesterone
Advantages of combined pill?
- reduce periods
- reliable
Disadvantages of combined pill?
- No STI protection
- needs prescription
How effective is combined pill?
over 99%
What type of contraception is POP?
Progesterone only pill
Advantages of POP?
- reliable
- fewer health risks
Disadvantages of POP?
- No STI protection
- Must take every day
How effective is POP?
over 99%
What type of contraception is contraceptive injection?
Hormonal (Progesterone and oestrogen)
Advantages of contraceptive injection?
- lasts for 13 weeks
- privacy and reliable
Disadvantages of contraceptive injection?
- Cause weight gain
- cause mood swings and headaches
How effective is contraceptive injection?
Over 99%
What type of contraceptive is contraceptive implant?
Advantages of contraceptive implant
- reversable
- lasts for 3 years
Disadvantages of contraceptive implant?
- No STI protection
- might cause discomfort
- be inserted by doctor
How effective is contraceptive implant?
Over 99%
What type of contraception is IUD or coil?
Has copper
Advantages of IUD or coil?
- No side effects
- lasts 5-10 years
Disadvantages of IUD or coil?
- additional bleeding and cramps
- no STI protection
How effective is IUD or coil?
Over 99%
What type of contraception is Intrauterine system (IUS)?
Advantages of intrauterine system (IUS)?
- lasts 3-5 years
- safe to use when breastfeeding
Disadvantages of Intrauterine system (IUS)?
- no STI protection
- can cause headaches, sore breasts, mood swings
How effective is Intrauterine system (IUS)?
Over 99%
What type of contraception is Emergency contraception (morning after pill)?
Advantages of Emergency contraception (morning after pill)?
- very important for emergencies
Disadvantages of Emergency contraception (morning after pill)?
- still needs contraception
- up to 25 pounds
- last resort
How effective is emergency contraception (morning after pill)?
- 95% - 24 hours after
- 85% - 48 hours after
- 58% - 72 hours after (Levonelle)
EllaOne is 98% effective upto 120 hours
What are the ovaries?
- two ovaries control production of oestrogen and progesterone
- contain ova (eggs) and release one every month (ovulation)
What is the fallopian tubes?
- connect ovaries and uterus.
- Cilia waft egg towards uterus.
- Carry sperm towards egg
- Fertilisation happens here
What is uterus?
- Muscular bag where baby grows and develops
- Lining holds fertilised eggs
- uterus protects and nourishes foetus and placenta as they grow.
What is the cervix?
- Strong ring of muscle separating uterus and vagina.
- Holds baby securely in place
- opens (dilates) during labour allowing baby to be born
- During ovulation, creates mucus to help transport sperm.W
What is the vagina?
- muscular tube leading towards, connecting cervix to outside world
- Penis enters during sex
- Folds of skin (labia) meet at entrance forming a vulva
- acts as a passage for childbirth and blood and tissue during menstruation
What is the lining of the uterus / endometrium?
- Thickens each month ready for a fertilised egg
- If this doesn’t happen, lining is shed out through vagina as a woman’s monthly menstrual period
Label the female reproductive system:
1 - vagina
2 - cervix
3 - endometrium / lining of uterus
4 - uterus
5 - fallopian tubes
6 - fimbriae
What are the primary changes in males during puberty?
- penis and testes enlarge
- sperm starts to be produced
- secretions released from prostate gland
What are secondary changes in males during puberty?
- growth of chest, pubic, and armpit hair
- voice deepens because of changes in larynx
What are primary changes in females during puberty?
- ovulation occurs
- menstruation begins
- uterus and vagina grow
What are secondary changes in females during puberty?
- breasts develop
- growth of pubic and armpit hair
- body changes - hips widen and waist narrows
What do hormones do in puberty in females?
- hormones stimulate ovaries to begin producing oestrogen.
- Oestrogen and LH and FSH mature body and prepare for pregnancy.
- Progesterone focuses on uterine lining (endometrium)
What do hormones do in puberty in males?
- release hormone testosterone which triggers puberty
What is Phase 1 of menstrual cycle?
- period
- lining sheds
- day 1 - 5
What is Phase 2 of menstrual cycle?
- Proliferate phase
- oestrogen and progesterone increase and egg matures in ovaries
- days 6 - 13
What is Phase 3 of menstrual cycle?
- ovulation
- egg is released
- woman is most fertile here