Child Development Flashcards
At birth…
- preference for human face
- hands fisted/closed
- turns head side to side
- sees objects 8-12 inches away
- recognized caregiver’s voice/smell
Anticipatory guidance for children at birth
Safe sleeping, feeding, car seats, supporting head
Toys for children at birth
Things with high contrast, other people
Language/communication development at 4 months…
Baby begins cooing
Cognitive development at 4 months…
- reaches for toy with one hand
- uses hands and eyes together (to reach for a toy)
- watches faces closely
Movement/physical development at 4 months…
- holds head steady, unsupported
- may be able to roll over from tummy to back
- can hold a toy and shake it
- brings hands to mouth
- when lying on stomach, pushes up to elbow
Anticipatory guidelines for children at 4 months
Babies can fall off bed, or changing table
Toys for children at 4 months
Rattles, anything they can get in their mouth
Language/communication development at 6 months…
- can string vowels together when babbling
- responds to own name
- makes sounds to show joy and displeasure
- begins to say consonants
Social/cognitive developments at 6 months…
- shows curiosity and tries to get things that are out of reach
- begins to pass things from one hand to the other
Movement/physical development at 6 months…
- rolls over in both directions
- sits without supports
- when standing, supports weight on legs, might bounce
Anticipatory guideline for children at 6 months
Falling risks from shopping carts and high chairs
Toys for children at 6 months
Toys that allow the use of both hands
Language/communication development at 9 months…
- understands no
- copies sounds and gestures from others
- uses finger to point to things
- repetitive consonant sounds (mamama, bababa)
Cognitive development at 9 months…
- watches the path of something as it falls
- looks for things he sees you hide
- plays peek-a-boo
- puts things in mouth
- uses immature pincer grasp
Movement/physical development at 9 months…
- sits without support
- pulls to stand
- crawls
Language/communication development at 12 months…
- responds to simple spoken requests
- uses simple gestures (shaking head no, waving bye)
- says “mama” and “dada” and “uh-oh”
- uses 1 or 2 single words
Cognitive development at 12 months…
- starts to use things correctly (drinks from a cup)
- puts things in/out containers
- lets things go without help
Movement/physical development at 12 months…
- pulls to stand, walks holding to furniture (cruising)
- can take a few steps without holding on
- may stand alone
Anticipatory guidelines at 12 months
Children might pull things down from the stove, hit corners, fall, or drown
Language/communication development at 18 months…
- says several words (6 words)
- points to show someone something/get attention
Cognitive development at 18 months…
- scribbles on own
- shows interest in doll/stuffed animal by pretending to feed
- knows what ordinary things are (spoon, telephone)
- can follow 1-step verbal commands without gestures (ex. sit down)
Movement/physical development at 18 months…
- walks alone
- walks upstairs with hand held
- climbs onto furniture
- drinks from a cup, eats with spoon
Language/communication development at 2 years…
Says sentences with 2 to 4 words
Cognitive development at 2 years…
- plays simple make-believe games
- builds towers with 6+ blocks
- plays with other children
- follows 2-step instructions
Movement/physical development at 2 years…
- kicks a ball
- runs, jumps
Red flags in development
- not walking by 18 months
- rolling before 3 months
- hand dominance before 18 months
- loss of skills
- no babbling/pointing/gestures by 12 months
- no single words by 16 months
- no 2 word sentences by 2 years
Language/communication development at 3 years…
- follows instructions with 2 or 3 steps
- can name most familiar things
- uses I, we, me, and you
- can say first name, age, sex
- can carry on a conversation using 2-3 sentences
- talks well enough for strangers to understand
Cognitive development at 3 years…
- does puzzles with a few pieces
- copies a circle with pencil/crayon
- plays simple games
Movement/physical development at 3 years…
- pedals a tricycle
- walks up stairs with one foot on each step
Language/communication development at 4 years…
- uses he and she correctly
- tells stories
- can sing songs from memory
- can say first and last name
Cognitive development at 4 years…
- names some colors/numbers
- starts to understand the concept of time
- uses scissors
- plays with several children, role playing
Movement/physical development at 4 years…
- hops and stands on one foot
- catches a bounced ball
- alternates feet when going down stairs
Language/communication development at 5 years…
- tells a simple story using full sentences
- uses future tense
- says name and address
Cognitive development at 5 years…
- counts 10+ things
- can draw a person with at least 6 body parts
- writes name
- copies triangle/other geometric shapes
Movement/physical development at 5 years…
- skips
- stands on one foot for 10+ seconds
- uses a fork/spook and maybe a table knife
Key milestones at 4 months
- Supports weight on forearms
- Opens hand spontaneously
- Coos, laughs
- Smiles appropriately
Key milestones at 6 months
- Sit momentarily
- Transfers objects between hands
- Shows dislikes/likes
- Babbles
Key milestones at 9 months
- Pulls to stand
- Inferior pincer grasp
- Plays pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo
- Imitates sounds
Key milestones at 12 months
- Takes steps
- Releases object on command, fine pincer grasps
- Points with index finger
- Uses 1 to 2 meaningful words
Key milestones at 18 months
- Walks upstairs with assistance
- Uses spoon to feed self
- Mimics actions of others
- Uses at least 6 words
Key milestones at 2 years
- Runs, jumps
- Builds a tower
- Plays with others
- Speaks 2 to 4 word sentences
Key milestones at 3 years
- Pedals a tricycle, alternates feet going up stairs
- Copies circle
- Plays simple games
- Knows age/gender, can speak in sentences
Key milestones at 4 years
- Hops on one foot, alternates feet doing down stairs
- Copies square/cross
- Plays with several children, begins role playing
- Can tell stories
Key milestones at 5 years
- Skips
- Copies triangle, writes first name
- Plays competitive games
- Uses future tense
General language guidelines at age 1
- Uses single words
- 25% of speech is intelligible to strangers
General language guidelines at age 2
- Uses two word combinations
- 50% of speech is intelligible to strangers
General language guidelines at age 3
- Uses three words sentences
- 75% of speech is intelligible to strangers
General language guidelines at age 4
- Uses four word sentences
- 100% of speech is intelligible to strangers
Sensorimotor Stage
- From birth to 2 years
- Infant and toddler use new found skills and motor abilities to explore the environment in order to build new skills
Preoperational Thought Stage
- Ages 3 to 6
- Characterized by egocentric view (assumes everyone sees their point of view)
- Can use symbols (language)
- Don’t understand conversationism (tall thin cup has more water than short cup)
Concrete Operations Stage
- Ages 7 to 10
- Uses logical rules to solve problems
- Can “conserve” number, length, and volume
- Can begin to take perspective of another
Formal Operations Stage
- Ages 11+
- Can use abstract concepts
- Considers real and hypothetical events
- Consider divergent possibilities and what might occur