Chief 6 Flashcards
When attempting to determinethe proper size for a boiler feed pump it is advisable to obtain one capable of delivering
One cubic foot of water for every boiler horsepower
A zeolite water softener exchanges calcium and magnesium ions for
Sodium ions
The motor out of rotary cup oil burner drives the atomizing cup at a speed of
3450 rpm
The proper amount of CO2 when using number six oil is
The best type of flame detection device to use on a multiple oil burner systems would be
The pressure at the base of a column of water 125 ft high will be
The temperature of the air surrounding a 40° C electric motor is 65° f. What is the ambient temperature
65° f
Cavitation is more likely to occur in a
Centrifugal pump
The maximum time allowed for trial of ignition on an oil burner with the minimum firing rate is
90 seconds
Normal furnace draft found in oil fired boilers is
.05 to 1.0 inches of water
The proper amount of CO2 present when using natural gas is
A scale pocket is most often on
The bottom of a riser
The most widely accepted test method used to determine the viscosity of the various grades of fuel oil is the
Saybolt universal viscosimeter
The component present in greatest amount by weight number six fuel oil is
The most highly toxic of the following refrigerants is
Sulfur dioxide
On induced draft fan connected is between the
Stack and the breeching
If the temperature of the condensate returning to the vacuum pump in a low pressure steam vacuum heating system is above 180° f the trouble may be caused by
Faulty radiator traps
Which of the following is not on the low side of refrigeration system
Liquid seal
When the temperature of water that is to be pumped rises from 150° f to 200° f the suction lift of the pump will
Want to duplex system pump dimension is given as 3x 2x3 the third figure usually refers to the
Length of the stroke
115 volt hot water heater has resistance of 5.75 ohms the current it will take at rated voltages
20 amps
When it is necessary to add chemicals to a heating boiler it should be done
At a time when there is heavy flow of condensate to the boiler
An open feed water heater is located
Ahead of the feed pump
If a Fahrenheit thermostat registered a hundred degrees Fahrenheit what would be the reading on a Celsius scale
37.7 C
Specific gravity can be measured by the use of a
Modern electric motors are considerably smaller than older motors of the same horsepower because of the use of
Thinner insulation
The pitch rivets in a boiler seem joint is the
Distance between center lines of adjacent rivets
Approximately how many feet would a boiler to be if it measured 3 meters long
An elliptical manhole opening in a water tube boiler shall not be less than
160 square inches
The largest size safety valve would have a diameter of
5 in
Ammonia system condenser tubes are usually constructed of
The corrosive action of the flu gases in an oil-fired boiler would be more noticeable if the flu gas temperature was
One of the most popular types of wet back water boilers is a
Scotch Marine
One firetube boiler cannot be taken out of service already great length of time to permanently repair an interior tube leak a boiler inspector may allow
The use of a tube stopper
A globe valve is better suited for
Application requiring frequent operation
The lower the vacuum maintained in a vacuum heating system the easier it is to control the steam distribution true or false