Chest X-Rays Flashcards
What is the best film to order to examine the axillary ribs?
Oblique Film
What are some common indications for ordering a CXR?
Respiratory distress (SOB, Pleuritic Px, Hemoptysis, etc) Trauma Chest Px / Cardiac Dz Infection (Tb or Pneumonia) Pre / Post Procedure
What are 4 considerations a provider should keep in mind when examining CXR quality?
RIPE Rotation Inspiration Position (PA vs. AP) Exposure
How many anterior ribs should be visible on an CXR for a good film?
At least 5 to 7 anterior ribs.
Fewer ribs indicates inadequate inspiration
Which view is appropriate to clinically determine cardiomegaly?
PA view
As a provider you are attempting to determine if the PT has a pneumothorax or pleural effusion…. What CXR image should you order? (Air trapping vs. Fluid)
Lateral decubitus film
A good film MUST HAVE…. (what things visible)
PT identifier
Good Inspiratory effort (5 to 7 anterior ribs)
Entire thorax displayed
Thoracic vertebrae visible through heart (good measure of X-ray penetration)
What is the systematic ABCDE approach to examining CXR’s?
Airway (Trach, Bronchus, Hila) Breathing (Lungs, pleura, diaphragm) Cardiac (Heart size, heart borders, vessels) Disability (osteo-pathology) Exposure / Everything else
The trachea is pushing to the same side as the pathology… What conditions would you suspect?
Non-tension pneumo
(Negative pressure / lung collapse pulls the trachea to the same side)
Trachea is pushed to the opposite side of the pathology in the CXR… What conditions would be on your differential/suspect?
Tension pneumo Pleural effusion (very large one)
Bilateral hilar enlargement is visible on your 45 year old patients CXR with visible lymph nodes… What is your initial Dx?
If unilateral think malignancy
Unilateral hilar enlargement is visible on your 70 y.o. patient’s CXR; what might you suspect from this finding?
(Malignancy may also appear with well demarcated borders) (effusions are usually diffuse)
(If bilateral it would be sarcoidosis)
You should be able to visualize the pleura in healthy individuals CXR.
The pleura are not normally visualized in healthy individuals CXR
Costophrenic blunting can indicate what conditions if visualized on a patients CXR?
Consolidation (i.e. effusion) in that area
Also can occur secondary to hyperinflated lungs (COPD)
Air appears to be present between the diaphragm, costophrenic angle, and liver; what condition do you suspect?
(Surgical emergency) There should never be distinguishable space b/t the diaphragm and liver
If the cardio-thoracic ratio is greater than what value; cardiomegaly can be Dx’d?
If cardiomegaly is determined; what conditions could cause this?
> 50% (PA View ONLY)
Valvular Dz
Pulmonary HTN
Pericardial Effusion
Loss of definition of the Aortic Knob/Knuckle on CXR may indicate what kind of clinical condition?