Chest/Abdominal Imaging Flashcards
Most kidney stones occur in what 2 locations?
- ureteropelvic junction (UPJ)
- ureterovesicular junction (UVJ)
What is the sensitivity and specificity of CT scan for cholecystitis?
- sensitivity = 94%
- specificity = 59%
Chest CT is the imaging modality of choice in these 4 occasions.
- assess advanced parenchymal lung disease
- evaluate nodules/clarify abnormalities
- assess for traumatic injuries
- assess for PE
What is a Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) used for?
- Non-invasive imaging of the biliary and pancreatic ducts
What CT protocol is used for cholecystitis?
What are the 2 most common causes of SBO?
- adhesions s/p surgery
2. hernias
What is the sensitivity and specificity of CT scan for cholelithiasis?
- sensitivity = 55-80%
- specificity = 100%
What is the 1 caveat to a V/Q scan?
-requires normal chest XR
What are the 2 oral contrast agents available? Which one is most commonly used?
- Diatrizoate (Gastrografin) (most common)
- Barium sulfate
What does KUB stand for?
- Kidney
- Urether
- Bladder
Why is a CT necessary in a bowel obstruction?
you can see the transition point
What imaging study offers quick, non-invasive screening test for radiopaque foreign bodies?
Cholelithiasis can be composed of what?
- cholesterol
- bile
- calcium
or mix
What is the difference between hydronephrosis and hydroureter?
- hydronephrosis = dilation of the renal pelvis
- hydroureter = dilatation of the ureter
both signs of obstruction
This is a hyperlucency secondary to a collapsed appearance of vessel distal to the occlusion that may be seen on CXR in a patient with a PE.
Westermark sign
A coffee bean sign seen on KUB is consistent with what?
The small bowel is made up of circular folds termed _______.
The large bowel is made of small pouches of colon termed _______.
- small bowel = plicae circulares
- large bowel = haustra
Which of the following is both diagnostic and therapeutic? (MRCP or ERCP)
The majority of aneurysms are located where?
How dilated does the lumen have to be to diagnose appendicitis?
> 6mm
Barium sulfate is contraindicated if you are concerned for what?
intestinal perforation or bowel obstruction
What 4 findings on a KUB are consistent with a SBO?
- dilated small bowel >2.5 cm
- Air fluid levels
- Stacked coins
- String of beads