cheng yu 160-220 Flashcards
塞翁失马 meaning
a loss may turn out to be a gain, or that bad luck can bring good fortune
三思而行 meaning
don’t act before you’ve thought it through carefully
杀鸡取卵 meaning
eager for immediate gain that they destroy a source of long-term benefit. It refers to a short-sighted action that sacrifices future potential for present rewards.
伤天害理 meaning
behavior that is cruel, unjust, and against the principles of humanity.
舍己为人 meaning
(shě jǐ wèi rén)
to sacrifice oneself for others.
实事求是 meaning
(shíshì qiúshì,)
To seek truth from facts; to be practical and realistic.
事半功倍 meaning
(shì bàn gōng bèi)
To achieve twice the result with half the effort; to be highly efficient.
视死如归 meaning
(shì sǐ rú guī)
To face death fearlessly, with the same calm as going home; to be prepared to sacrifice one’s life.
守望相助 meaning
(shǒu wàng xiāng zhù)
To watch and help one another; to support and assist each other in times of need.
守株待兔 meaning
(shǒu zhū dài tù)
To stand by a tree stump waiting for a rabbit to bump into it; to wait idly for opportunities instead of taking initiative.
熟能生巧 meaning
(shú néng shēng qiǎo)
Practice makes perfect; through practice, one becomes proficient and skillful.
水到渠成 meaning
(shuǐ dào qú chéng)
When the conditions are right, success will naturally follow; things will fall into place naturally when the time is right.
水落石出 meaning
(shuǐ luò shí chū)
When the water subsides, the rocks emerge; the truth will eventually come out.
司空见惯 meaning
(sī kōng jiàn guàn)
Something that is so common that it is no longer surprising; a usual or everyday occurrence.
四面楚歌 meaning
(sì miàn chǔ gē)
Surrounded on all sides by enemies; to be in a situation where one is completely isolated and under attack from all directions.
损人利己 meaning
(sǔn rén lì jǐ)
To harm others in order to benefit oneself; selfish behavior at the expense of others.
螳臂当车 meaning
(táng bì dāng chē)
To overestimate one’s abilities and attempt to confront a task beyond one’s capabilities; to act beyond one’s power.
桃李满天下 meaning
(táo lǐ mǎn tiān xià)
To have many successful and accomplished students; to have widespread influence as a teacher.
天渊之别 meaning
(tiān yuān zhī bié)
A vast difference; a significant gap or contrast between two things.
挑拨离间 meaning
(tiǎo bō lí jiàn)
To incite discord and create divisions between people; to sow seeds of conflict or mistrust.
铤而走险 meaning
(tǐng ér zǒu xiǎn)
To take desperate risks; to resort to dangerous or illegal actions when faced with dire circumstances.
同甘共苦 meaning
(tóng gān gòng kǔ)
To share both joys and sorrows; to go through both good and bad times together.
同流合污 meaning
(tóng liú hé wū)
To associate with others who are corrupt or engage in unethical behavior; to compromise one’s integrity by joining in with wrongdoing.
同心协力 meaning
(tóng xīn xié lì)
To work together with unity and determination; to pool efforts and collaborate effectively towards a common goal.