Chen-Acupuncture Flashcards
How old is acupuncture?
5000 years ago. 3000 BC
NOTE: only things with a ** before the question were in red on the ppt.
Who is credited with discovering acupuncture?
China’s Yellow Emperor
Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon of Internal Medicine written thousands of years later. Still studied today.
Who brought acupuncture back to the West?
Henry Kissinger was treated for pain relief w/ acupuncture.
*In 1996 what important thing happened?
USFDA changes the status of acupuncture needles from Class III to Class II medical devices (safe and effective in the hands of licensed practitioners).
*In 1997 what important thing happened?
NIH Consensus Conference finds clear evidence for benefits of acupuncture, particularly for pain conditions.
Who does too.
*In 2004, what important thing happened?
nearly 50% of Americans who were enrolled in employer health insurance plans were covered for acupuncture treatments.
*T/F Partly due to the success of acupuncture, at least 35% of the US population has used Complementary Medicine in the past year.
What is Qi?
the energy of the universe, symbol shows steam rising above rice.
it flows thru all living beings
really just air. but also some energy concepts.
Qi flows thru what?
energetic pathways known as meridians
can be accessed via acupuncture points
Yin & Yang. Which represents the light & which the dark?
Yin: dark portion
Yang: light portion
Equal but opposite
What are the 5 types of Qi?
Fire Earth Wood Water Metal
T/F Acupuncture points are somewhat variable.
What is an acupuncture point?
locations on surface of the body which allow contact with the Qi of an acupuncture meridian.
almost every point of your body
What is point specificity theory?
stimulation of specific acupoints are important for addressing certain clinical conditions, whereas other acupoints are less effective for those conditions.
**need to find out which points are useful for which diseases.
**How does acupuncture really work?
stimulating unmyelinated fibers of nerves
*high electrical conductance, mixed results.
high density of gap jcns at the epithelial of these points
high conc’n of NO & NO synthase @ these identified points.
THERE IS NOT a specific acupuncture receptor.
T/F If you stick a needle in a trigger point it helps.
True 92% of the time. These are usu acupuncture points.
T/F Acupuncture points correlate well with head zones.
How many meridian pathways are there? What are they each associated with?
14 pathways
each associated with an organ
meridians may be a map of a part of the nervous system.
T/F Myofascial meridians coordinate with the acupuncture meridians.
T/F Referred pain patterns do NOT coordinate with meridians.
False. they do.
Is there medication on the back of the needle?
No. That is why they are so skinny b/c they don’t need to be hollow.
What are some other things used in acupuncture?
moxa cupping gua sha scraping tui na massage (push & pull) chinese herbal medicine
**Describe the form of herbs used in Chinese medicine.
A concoction of multiple herbs used to treat internal and external conditions
Each herb has a specific purpose – ie. treatment, transport, reduction of side effects, harmonizing, etc.
Prescribed in standard concoctions or personalized formulas.
**idea is that the extra stuff in addition to the main agent will reduce side effects.
In a meta analysis, does acupuncture help?
yes, superior to control. 20,000 its studied.
Needles work how?
CNS opioid system
doesn’t work if you anesthetize the point–proves has to do with nerves.
acupuncture stimulates the gate of pain
stimulates NT
**Which minor adverse events occur w/ acupuncture? What percentage of time?
7-12% of the time minor bleeding needling pain hematoma dizziness
**What do we do to assure safety of acupunctures?
acupuncture needles are sterile & single use
**What is the rate of serious adverse events?
5 events per 1 million
**How many cases of infection were there w/ acupuncture?
since 1970 there were 50 cases of bacterial infection. & 80 cases of Hep B transmission. But now we don’t reuse needles!
**How many deaths were caused by acupuncture?
86 ever b/c of pneumothorax. Don’t puncture the lung!
T/F Acupuncture requires long term treatment. Short term relief.
What is the Chinese concept of organs?
“Organs in Chinese medicine have different functions than in Western medicine. For example, the Chinese considered the spleen as being responsible for digestion, when in fact Western medicine probably has it right.”