Adolescence-Larsen Flashcards
What qualifies as early adolescence?
12-14 yo
What qualifies as middle adolescence?
14-16 yo
What qualifies as late adolescence?
16-18 yo
What is peak height velocity?
the point of your fastest height growth
This occurs @ 12 yrs for females.
This occurs @ 14 years for males.
What happens to female’s body mass during puberty?
fat accumulation
2X males
What happens to male’s body mass during puberty?
muscle mass
What are the sexual characteristics of females after puberty?
What are the sexual characteristics of males after puberty?
voice change
Why do kids get gangly preceding puberty?
first harbinger of puberty is linear growth
muscle mass follows
for a while you look gangly
How long does puberty last?
4-5 years
**starts 2 years earlier for females
When does puberty usu start for females? Males?
Females: 9-11 years
**around 9–get breast budding & pubic hair
Males: 11-13 years
**around 11-enlargement of scrotum & testes
T/F It is best for both males & females psychologically to be the first to go thru puberty in class.
Better for males. Best for females to be somewhere in the middle.
What happens in the adolescent brain?
Second wave of proliferation and pruning Peak F= 11 years M = 12 ½ years Pruning 15% **white matter thickens
Look at slide 9
What happens to cognitive growth in early adolescence?
Beginning of reasoning based on hypothesis or verbal propositions
What happens to cognitive growth in middle adolescence?
Ideological beliefs – family, religion, humanism, social, cultural; yet still egocentric (thinks mostly from their own perspective)
What happens to cognitive growth in later adolescence?
Improved ability to perceive outcomes of ideas, sense of time, concern for the future, hypothetical thinking, consider effects on others
What are the psychological tasks of adolescence?
- satisfactory & realistic body image.
- increased independence from parents & adequate capacities for self-care & regulation.
- appropriate control & expression of increased sexual & aggressive drives.
- identity consolidation (personal moral code & provisional plans for vocation & economic self-sufficiency)
What is the definition of body image in adolescence?
Body image is self-evaluative, and influenced by the “goodness of fit” between self-evaluation of one’s own body, one’s expectations for the physical self, and the perceived evaluations of others.
What is the trajectory of girls & boys’ body images as they progress thru puberty?
Girls’ body image worsens.
Boy’s body image gets better.
T/F Mothers are strong transmitters and reinforcers of social messages around body image and eating.
What are some causes of poor body image?
Bigger discrepancy b/w weight of average woman & models.
Unattainable muscular image for guys.
TV characters either super skinny or “fat”.
Poor parent relationships-bad body image.
What is the influence of pro-anorexia & pro-bulima websites?
they make it normalized. Give these girls someone to talk about how few calories they eat.
When is there the most conflict b/w parents & adolescents?
early adolescence
tapers off by middle.
When is the first awareness of the feeling of sexual attraction?
age 10
When do most kids explicitly masturbate?
10% at age 7
80% at age 13
When do kids engage in “heterosexual play” & “same-sex play”?
heterosexual play: 65% at age 13
25-30% of 13 yo same sex play.
Which aspect of sex is the most important for girls? For boys?
Girls: relational aspect of sex
Boys: more about pleasure or exploitation
What are the 2 most common “groups” to end up in if you can’t fit in anywhere else?
drug group
What is Erikson’s stage during adolescence?
identity formation v. Identity diffusion
What are the 4 identity statuses according to Marcia’s taxonomy?
- Identity-Confused: not yet experienced an identity crisis or made a role commitment.
- Foreclosed: made unexamined commitments. just join a group.
- Moratorium:actively struggling to define values & commitments.
- Identity-Achieved: crisis resolved.
What is the moral development during early adolescence?
Defers to social, family, school structure/beliefs
What is the moral development during middle adolescence?
Re-examines known values usually by negating parents beliefs
Parents receptivity will aid the adolescent to assess reality, effectiveness and maintain self-esteem
What is the moral development during late adolescence?
More introspective, able to consider the opinions of parents and others.
What is the social development during early adolescence?
Same sex peer groups
What is the social development during middle adolescence?
Males “catch up” to girls and interact Peer groups gain intensity (love, hate, acceptance, rejection) Appearance (fashion, hair, skin) Peer values > parent values Impulsivity peaks
What is the social development during late adolescence?
Less narcissistic, thinks of other’s needs and opinions, relationships gain in meaning, witness increased ability to repress, sublimate, self-reflect etc.
What are the leading causes of death during adolescence?
MVA Other causes homicide unintentional injury suicide
There are more slides to make flaschards for.
Don’t forget to do it!