chemistry - matter Flashcards
what is an element
Element – Substance made of one type of atom, elements are listed on the periodic table
what is a compound
Compound – Substance made of more than one type of atom chemically joined together.
what is a chemical symbol
Chemical Symbol – The 1 or 2 letter symbol used for each element. The first letter is always upper case. The second letter, if there is one, is lower case. (e.g. H, Na, C, Mg, O, Cl)
what is a chemical formula
Chemical Formulae – The chemical symbols and numbers representing the atoms that make up a substance and how many of each. (e.g. CO2, H2O, MgO, O2, H2, Mg)
what is an element
An element is a substance that cannot be broken down into other substances.
come up with examples of elements
Some examples are
gold, silver, oxygen, chlorine and helium.
how many elements are naturally occuring
There 92 naturally occurring elements on earth and
scientists have made a few more.
what lists the elements
The Periodic Table lists the elements.
how are elements grouped
The elements with similar
properties are grouped together.
how do you identify an element
Every element has its own chemical symbol.
how do you write a chemical symbol
The first letter is
always a capital letter. If there is a second letter in the symbol, then it will be lower case e.g. C, O, Li and He
what is a vertical column called
A vertical column is called a group.
A solution with a pH value less than 7.
A soluble base. A solution with a pH value greater than 7.
Name for Group 1 of the periodic table. Highly reactive metals.
A substance that neutralises an acid
How a substance behaves in its chemical reactions.
How much mass there is per volume.
Density=Mass ÷ Volume
Displacement Reaction
In a displacement reaction a more reactive element displaces (or pushes out) a less reactive element from a compound.
Column on the periodic table. Elements in same group have similar chemical properties.
Name for Group 7 of the periodic table. Highly reactive non metals.
Elements on the left of the stepped-line of the periodic table. They are good conductors.
Elements near the stepped line of the periodic table. They show some properties of metals and some of non-metals.
Noble Gases
Name for Group 0 of the periodic table. Very unreactive gases.
Elements on the right of the stepped-line of the periodic table. They are poor conductors.
A row on the periodic table.
A property of a material you can observe or measure. e.g. appearance, melting point, or conductivity.
Something is reactive if it easily takes part in reactions without adding lots of energy.
A pattern in measurements or observations that changes gradually.
what is a horizontal row
a horizontal row is called a period.
how can you tell how many electrons an element has
Every element has its own atomic number relating to that.
Element – Substance made of one type of atom, elements are listed on the periodic table
what is an element
Compound – Substance made of more than one type of atom chemically joined together.
what is a compound
Chemical Symbol – The 1 or 2 letter symbol used for each element. The first letter is always upper case. The second letter, if there is one, is lower case. (e.g. H, Na, C, Mg, O, Cl)
what is a chemical symbol
Chemical Formulae – The chemical symbols and numbers representing the atoms that make up a substance and how many of each. (e.g. CO2, H2O, MgO, O2, H2, Mg)
what is a chemical formula
An element is a substance that cannot be broken down into other substances.
what is an element
Some examples are
gold, silver, oxygen, chlorine and helium.
come up with examples of elements
There 92 naturally occurring elements on earth and
scientists have made a few more.
how many elements are naturally occuring
The Periodic Table lists the elements.
what lists the elements
The elements with similar
properties are grouped together.
how are elements grouped
Every element has its own chemical symbol.
how do you identify an element
The first letter is
always a capital letter. If there is a second letter in the symbol, then it will be lower case e.g. C, O, Li and He
how do you write the symbol
A vertical column is called a group.
what is a vertical column called
A solution with a pH value less than 7.
A soluble base. A solution with a pH value greater than 7.
Name for Group 1 of the periodic table. Highly reactive metals.
A substance that neutralises an acid
How a substance behaves in its chemical reactions.
How much mass there is per volume.
Density=Mass ÷ Volume
In a displacement reaction a more reactive element displaces (or pushes out) a less reactive element from a compound.
Displacement Reaction
Column on the periodic table. Elements in same group have similar chemical properties.
Name for Group 7 of the periodic table. Highly reactive non metals.
Elements on the left of the stepped-line of the periodic table. They are good conductors.
Elements near the stepped line of the periodic table. They show some properties of metals and some of non-metals.
Name for Group 0 of the periodic table. Very unreactive gases.
Noble Gases
Elements on the right of the stepped-line of the periodic table. They are poor conductors.
A row on the periodic table.
A property of a material you can observe or measure. e.g. appearance, melting point, or conductivity.
Something is reactive if it easily takes part in reactions without adding lots of energy.
A pattern in measurements or observations that changes gradually.
a horizontal row is called a period.
what is a horizontal row
Every element has its own atomic number relating to that.
how can you tell how many electrons an element has
periodic table
A table of all the elements in which elements with similar properties are grouped together
Chemical symbol
A one or two-letter code for an element that is used by scientists in all countries.
The smallest part of an element that can exist.
A substance made up of atoms of two or more elements, strongly joined together.
A group of two or more atoms, strongly joined together.
Chemical formula
A formula that shows the relative number of atoms of each element in a compound.
Ionic bond
Electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions
Covalent bond
Shared pair of electrons between two non-metals.
Metallic bond
A lattice of metal atoms with a sea of delocalised electrons.
Atomic number
The number of protons (and electrons) an atom contains
Mass number
The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.
A positively charged sub-atomic particle in the nucleus.
A negatively charged sub-atomic particle in the shells surrounding the nucleus.
A neutral sub-atomic particle found in the nucleus of an atom.
A substance that cannot be broken down into other substances.