Chemistry and Physiology of the Synapse Flashcards
There are 2 classes of postsynaptic receptors, what are they called?
- ligand gated (ionotrophic) and G-protein coupled (metabotrophic)
- ion gated (ionotrophic) and G-protein coupled (metabotrophic)
- ligand gated (ionotrophic) and ion gates (metabotrophic)
- receptor tyrosine kinase (ionotrophic) and G-protein coupled (metabotrophic)
- ligand gated (ionotrophic) and G-protein coupled (metabotrophic)
- ionotrophic = ion sensitive
- metabotrophic = associated with metabolic pathways
How do ligand gated channels work?
- ligand binds with receptor on ligand gated receptor
- ligand gated receptor undergoes conformational change creating a pore/channel
- ions to cross the membrane (creates gradient membrane)
Why are metabotropic receptors given this name?
- the eventual movement of ions through a channel will require one or more metabolic steps
- GDP to GTP for example to activate the G protein and intracellular pathways
Why are ionotropic receptors given this name?
- once ligand binds ion channels are formed
- ions can enter or leave the cell
How do G protein coupled channels work?
- ligand binds to binding site
- G protein inside cell activates intracellular pathway
Do ligand gated (iontropic) or G-protein coupled (metabotropic) receptors have a faster transmission?
- ligand gated channels
- dont require all the intracellular steps associated with the GPCRs
What does GLuR mean?
- GLu = glutamate
- R = receptor
- Glutamate Receptor
What is glutamate?
- an amino acid ingested in the diet
- functions as an excitatory neurotransmitter
What are the 3 types of ionotropic glutamate receptors, that are defined by the agonist of the receptor?
- AMPA (main one), NMDA, Kainate
- Na+ channel (main one), NMDA, Kainate
- GPCR (main one), NMDA, Kainate
- AMPA (main one), K+ channel, Kainate
- AMPA (main one), NMDA, Kainate
- AMPA (main excitatory channel)
- NMDA (has a Mg+ molecule that inhibits it
- Kainate
AMPA is a glutamate receptor. What happens to the AMPA receptors if glutamate binds with it?
- conformational change, opens Na+ channels and re-polarisation
- conformational change, opens Na+ channels and hyper-polarisation
- conformational change, opens K+ channels and de-polarisation
- conformational change, opens Na+ channels and de-polarisation
- conformational change, opens Na+ channels and de-polarisation
- the receptor has a conformational change
- conformational changes makes it specific to Na+ ions
- action potential occurs at post synaptic neuron
Glutamate NMDA is a glutamate receptor. The NMDA receptor is composed of 2 identical subunits. In addition to glutamate, what else is required to bind with the NMDA receptor to try and initiate an action potential?
- glycine
- glutathione
- gamma-amino-butyric acid
- dopamine
- glycine
Glutamate NMDA is a glutamate receptor. The NMDA receptor is composed of 2 identical subunits. Glutamate and glycine (both neurotransmitters) bind to a subunit each. This can open the channel allowing Ca2+ to flow into the cell. However, this can also be insufficient alone to remove the Mg2+. What else can contribute to NMDA receptors to open?
- multiple graded potentials
- increased glycine binding
- decreased K+ leaving the cell
- increased glutamate binding
- multiple graded potentials
- multiple NMDA receptors allows the charge to cross the threshold for an action potential
- charge around NMDA receptor is changed and the Mg2+ inhibitor is removed
- Ca2+ then flows into the cell creating an action potential
What does GABA stand for and what is it?
- Gamma Aminobutyric Acid
- a neurotransmitter
GABA can bind to a ligand gated channel that is able to inhibit the post synaptic membrane. How does it do this?
- influx of Cl-
- opening K+ channels and K+ leaves the cell
- closes Na+ channels so Na+ cannot enter the cell
- inhibits Na+ channels
- causes an influx of Cl-
* results in hyperpolarisation and inhibits action potentials
Where is the acetylcholine (ACh) ionotropic receptor found in the body?
- neuromuscular junction
- binds with 2 ACh ligands using the 2 a subuntis