Chemistry 5.2 & 5.3 Flashcards
pH in skin &nails
pH greater than 7 is..
alkaline solution
Distilled water with pH of 7 is..
Substances of acidic or alkaline dissolve in water & contain
Solution with more positive hydrogen ions than negative hydroxide ions is
Which shampoo remove product build up
Clarifying shampoo
Ammonia is composed of hydrogen and..
Silicone used in conditioners to give softness
Conditioner ingredient giving hair a smooth feel
Fatty alcohols
Dry soup represents..
Shampoo type designed to treat scalp & hair problems
Medicated shampoo
Temporary colors are..
Certified colors
What happens when permanent hair colors are combined with peroxide
Chemical reaction
Ingredients from conditioners are proteins derived from
Animal or vegetable materials
Ingredient found in alkaline waves shortening processing time
Ammonium hydroxide
Main chemical ingredient found in alkaline waves
Thioglycolic acid
What doesn’t occur when processing lotion is applied
Disulfide bonds are hardened into new position
Overprocessing hair is called
Conditioners would help achieve everything except..
Increase new hair growth
Shampoo recommended for ill & bedridden
Powder dry shampoo
Primary ingredient in shampoo
Deionized water
Water as a First ingredient in label list means..
Largest amount
Shampoo not used or chemically treated or damaged hair
Plain shampoo
Main chemical ingredient found in acid waves
Glyceryl monoyhioglycolate
Redox gains an electron & releases
Mixing conditioners to meet a special need
Customized conditioner
Ability to absorb moisture, liquid, or chemicals
Shampoo containing additives to improve strength & porosity of hair
Conditioning shampoo
Mixture of two or more molecules is a..
Mixtures of fats & oils converted to fatty acids by heat& then purified are
Mixtures of two or more kinds of molecules that tend to separate
Cosmetic classification requires sifting until free of gritty particles
Conditioners having a vegetable oil base recommended for fine hair
Water can be purified by
Sedimentation & filtration
Cleaning the hair & scalp removing foreign matter
Why is chlorine added to water purification process
Kills bacteria
Rinses affect mostly the surface of hair
Can be detrimental if allowed to build up on hair
Acid rinse that dissolve soap, untangle & separate hair & add sheen
Vinegar rinse
Cosmetics in the US are regulated under
Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
Main ingredients found in neutralizer
Hydrogen peroxide, sodium perborate, sodium bromate
Oxidants have the ability to release..
Popular type of lightener
Cream lightener
What is used for hair that has been damaged by chemicals & heat styling
Conditioners containing a vegetable protein & are acidic
Which conditioner will penetrate into damaged hair shaft& & deposit proteins into cortex
Body building conditioner
Oil loving part of surface active agent is..
How far can healthy hair be stretched without breaking when wet
Who is responsible for distribution of MSDS
If water contains certain salts of calcium, magnesium & other metals it is..
Hard water
Combination of a natural vegetable dye along with metallic salt results in
Compound dye