Chemical Waste System Flashcards
What is the purpose of the cooling water waste subsystem?
Collects chemically treated cooling water from the aux and radwaste buildings for reuse or disposal
What is the purpose of the radioactive chemical waste subsystem?
Collects corrosive radioactive waste from chem labs and decon facility
What is the purpose of the condensate polisher regen waste sub system?
Collects and neutralizes potentially radioactive waste for disposal (if not radioactive) or discharges to the LRS if it is radioactive
What systems are collected in the chem waste subsystem?
Decon room Special decon room Lab fume hoods Instrumentation respirator maint. and issue room Cold lab fume hood
Where does the waste collected in the chem waste subsystem go?
Chem drain tanks
Where does the chem waste system waste go after it leaves the chem drain tanks?
Liquid radwaste huts
Where does the cooling water waste system receive drains from?
NC surge tank overflow and drain WC Chilled water circ pump EW surge tank overflow and drain. Fphx BAC Rw evap SI Ldhx Ew room EC water pump room Gas stripper
Where is the drainage collected in the cooling water waste subsystem directed to once collected?
Cooling water hut
Where does the water collected in the cooling water waste subsystem go after the cooling water hold up tank.
What are the other option for the cooling water waste subsystem once it leaves the cooling water hut?
Ew surge tank
Nc surge tank
Where does the condensate polishing demin waste subsystem go?
2 cwnt
2 sumps, 100% pumps, cwnt xfer pumps
Once the water is collected in the condensate polisher demin sumps where does it go?
High or low TDS sump
Where does the waste collected into the high TDS sump go?
Neutralizing tanks
Where does the waste collected in the low TDS demin waste tank go?
CW unless radioactivity is detected
If so LRS huts
Where does the waste from the demin waste system go once it has been neutralized?
Retention basin via neutralizer transfer pumps
Where are the condensate polishing demin sumps located?
100’ turbine bldg
Where are the cond demin high and low TDS sumps located?
100’ se turb bldg
Where are the cwnt?
Yard area n of turb bldg
What powers the CM system pumps?