Chemical Restraint & Field Anaesthesia Flashcards
Describe training for injec tion?
- Lower stress for animal
- Often lower drug doses
- Takes time & planning
- skilled personnel
Describe restraint for injection?
-Often high stress for animal
-Avoids risks of darting
-Skilled personnel
-Need correct equipment
Describe Pole syringe (for IM injection)
-1-2 m range
-10ml capacity
-Firearms license not required
Describe the USE of pole syringe?
- Larger vol than darts
- Short range
- Large animal only
- collapsed or immobilise animals
- Animals confined to smalls secure area
Describe types of dart?
- Compressed Air dart
- Explosive Charge Dart
- Blowpipe dart
Describe the compressed air darts?
- Reusable and modular (separate needle and flights)
- Dartguns and blowpipes
Describe Explosive charge dart?
- MEtal
- Not reusable
- Some kinds of dartguns
What details/ options with dart NEEDLES?
- Length
- Width
- Cuffed, barbed, plain
describe blowpipe dars ?
- Various lengths
- Uses 3ml compressed air darts
- Lower force than dartgun
- Quiet
- Firearms license required!
Describe the USE of blowpipe?
- Shorter distance
- Animals confined to sheds
- Smaller naimals
- Animals that don’t know what it is
- Operator skill required
describe DanInject CO2 rifle?
- COmpressed air darts - 1.5ml, 3ml, 5ml, 10ml
- Optical and laser sight
Gun license required
How do CO2 guns work?
- Fire by adding correct CO2 pressure for the distance and weight of dart
- Pressure too high = dart will bounce out, incomplete drug delivery, inc risk fo trauma
Pressure too low = dart will drop before target, inaccurate/incomplete dleivery of drug
Describe Pneudart rifle
- Explosive charge darts, 1-5ml
- Optical and laser sight
- Gun license required
- Fire by adding correct gun charge for distance
When do use Pneudart rifle?
- Longer distance & larger animal
What legislation around dartguns?
Section 5 prohibited Firearms (Firearms act 1968)
What does law state about dartgun use/storage?
- Each operator must have a firearms lciense listed with authorities before purchase and use
Secure storage with alarm - Zoo license may mandate training
- Legislation for drug prescription
Darting & Animal safety?
- Be aware of other animals
- Consider pressure
- Avoid in smaller or delicate animals
-Operate skill - practice!
What aim when darting?
- Large area fo muscle mass
- Caudal (quads/ glutes)
- In rhino NECK
-In elephant Upper forelimb - Perpendicular to tissue
What PREP for field anaesthesia?
- Starved if poss/appropriate?
- BW
- Separation of group?
- Stress levels
- Location for induction
- Risk assessment
DO we PRemed?
- Oral/transmucosal -> ACP, zoletil, alpha 2
- Oral -> midazolam/diazepam
- IM - azaperone, butorphanol, midazolam
->Additional darting & food intake before GA
What alpha 2 might we use for Induction?
- Medetomidine, detomidine, xylazine
- Reduced HR/ RR , inc regurg in ruminants
What Dissociative anaesthetics can be used for induction?
- Ketamine, tiletamine (in zoletil)
- Excitation, inc HR/BP, apnoea, lowered seizure threshold, corneal drying
What opioid options for induction?
- Potent: etorphine, carfentanil etc
- Butorphanol
- Inc HR/ BP, resp dep, poor muscle relaxation
Give some induction combinations that can be used?
- Medetomidine + ketamine (+/- butorphanol)
- Zoletil - (zolazepam + tiletamine)
- BAM (butorphanol + azaperone, medetomidine) good for deer
- Etorphine +/- alpha2/ACP
Etorphine risk ?
Sched 2 drug - more rq for record keeping, disposal, locked cabinet secured to wall
- Rapid onset severe cardiopulm depression
- Use PPE
- Dart removal be careful
- Have naloxone on site
don’t use in blowpipes & not in public areas
Induction - describe?
- Quiet dark area?
- Approach from distance, cover eyes , ears
- Make sure airway position clear
Human safety during procedure?
- Desired depth of anaesthetic
- Ability to give more drug as needed
- Escape routes/ space
- Hobbles
- Horn protectors
What maintenance drugs we can use?
- Incremental iv drugs (ket, propofol)
- incremental i.m drugs (usually same as induction)
Inhalation agents
Monitoring in field?
- ABCs!
- Blood glucose in SMALL animals
- Pulse ox
- Capnography?
Considerations for wild animals?
- Thermoregulation
- Bloat
- Regurg
- Trauma during induction / recovery
- Trauma from darting
- Capture myopathy
- Muscle necrosis
- Novel drug reactions
- Dive reflex
- Sudden arousal
- Effects of stress
Recovery ?
- Dark quiet area?
- Clear personnel
- Positioning
- Removal of earplugs, eye covering
- Give reversal agent
- Extubate
- close monitoring until standing
What can go wrong with darting?
- Misses
- Unsure fi drug delivered
- Drug not delivered?
- Trauma to animal
- Lost darts