chemical control and integration Flashcards
location of hypothalamus
basal part of diencephalon forebrain
in males ————and —-regulate spermatogenesis
fsh and androgens
in femaqles LH functions
ovulation of fully mature graffian follicles
maintains corpus luteum
in female
FSH functions
grwoth and develop,ent of ovarian follicles
pineal gland location
dorsal side of forebrain
isthmus is a thin flap of
connective tissue
thyroid gland is composed of ——–and ————-
follicles and stromal tissues
hypothyroidism diseases
exopthalmic goitre otherwise called(hyperthyroidism)
graves didease
thyroid hormones control the metabolism of
carbohydrate proteins fats
thymus gland location
lobular structure located between lungs behinf sternum on the ventral side of aorta
glucagon acts mainly on————-and stimulates ————-
diabetic mellitus associated with
loss of glucose through urine and
formation of harmful compounds knoiwn as keton bodies
glucagon stimulates
gluconeogenesis and glycogenelysis
catecholamines stimulate
breakdown of glycogen(glycogenelysis)
breakdown of lipids proteins fats