Chem12 Flashcards
What does a skeletal structure
What bonds will a metal form
The arrangement of atoms and the bonds between them
Why does carbon usually make four bonds
What describes the number ov double or triple bonds
Define IHD
Why do alkanes typically have an IHD of zero
Formula of alkanes
Formula of cycloalkanes
Why do cycloalkanes have an IHD of one
This also have an IHD of one
It is unstable
How many fewer hydrogens it has than its fully saturated form
They have only single bonds
they have 2 less hydrogens,
What is thermochemistry
Formula of enthalpy
Exothermic vs endothermic which has negative enthalpy
What are ICE tables used for
What is the equilibrium constant expression
Formula for molar enthalpy
The heat associated with reactions or phase changes
Internal energy plus (pressure times volume)
A ratio of concentrations of reactants and products
One with negative enthalpy change
Keeping track of concentration at different stages of a reaction
Total enthalpy over number of moles
What did kekule discover
What makes benzene so stable
the chemical structure of a benzene ring
Its a resonance hybrid
What does Quantum mechanical model tell us
What does energy levels are ‘quantized’ mean
Frequency of an electron from energy
How many numbers in scrodingers wave equation
The likely location of an electron
They can only have discrete values
Energy divided by plancks constant
What is schrodinger wave equation
Exactly four numbers that allow you to determine the probable location of an electron
What is an alyl alcohol
A CH2 double bonded to an OH
Why do straight molecules ten to have a higher boiling point than branched molecules
They have a greater surface area so more IMFs
methylpropane otger name
2 propanol other name
Isopropyl group structure
Morpheme iso- define
Result of adding an O to a methyl group
Tert-butyl structure
What determines the degree of a carbon
Two methyls and an R group radiating from a CH
Methoxy group
Three methyls and an R group radiating from a carbon
The number of other carbons that are stuck to it
Wuz a salt look like
Grid of ions
Why can metals conduct electricity
What do acids make when reacted with active metals
Electrons are delocalized
What does it mean if gibbs free energy is zero
The Reaction is exergonic(energy was released)
When do you have a chemical equilibrium
When reversible réactions go at the same speed in both directions
Addition and condensation
How do addition reactions create polymers
Formula of ethylene
Two most common reactions that make polymers
Stick new monomers on
Addition and condensation