Checkride Prep Flashcards
Far 23 VMC (how does Vmc change with these variables)
Engine - sea level/ lowers with height - Max power takeoff/ lowers with less speed - Critical Engine inop/ lowers - Critical Engine Windmilling/ lowers
Configuration - trim for takeoff/ NA - Cowl for takeoff/ NA - Flaps for takeoff/ NA - Landing gear retracted/ extended gear decreases Vmc
Aerodynamics - airplane in ground effect/ NA - up to 5 degrees bank toward op engine/ increases if not banked - most unfavorable CG/ greater arm means greater rudder authority which lowers VMC - max takeoff weight/ Vmc increases with weight
what is a critical engine
An engine whose failure most adversely effects the performance and directional control
Which of our engines is our criticla engine
We do not have one.
Instead we have counterrotating props
what is our zero side slip
half a ball
2-3 degrees
How much can you bank at the beginning of an engine failure
as much as needed and then your zero side slip (2-3 degrees)
what is Windmilling
the dead engine is spinning in the wind
it creates a lot of extra drag. Fix by feathering the prop
you feather the prop when you pull the prop lever all the way back
How much of our power is lost with an engine failure
How much of our climb performance is lost with an engine failure
Accelerated Stop Distance
engine failure @ or below Vr and you can execute a full stop
Accelerated Go Distance
Seminole does not have one
@ VR, rotate, still able to clear 50ft obstacle one engine
our Ramp weight
Takeoff and landing weight
Baggage max weight
Fuel capacity and usable fuel
110 capacity
108 usable
oil capacity
6-8 quarts
Max Horsepower
Climb rate for dual and single engine
1280 - 2 engines
210 - single-engine
Rate of climb two engine fpm
Rate of climb one engine fpm
Engine out absolute ceiling
aircraft can not keep itself above this altitude on one engine
Engine out service ceiling
ceiling at which single engine can no longer climb at 50 fpm
Max crosswind Component
17 kts
What is the first indication of an engine failure
yawing and rolling motion toward the inoperative engine
What steps must be taken if an engine failure occurs during flight below Vmc
retard throttles
rudder and bank toward the operating engine
lower the nose to increase airspeed
maintain directional control
When is the gear extended before landing with one engine operative
final descent to landing
What is the final approach speed and configuration on one engine
90 kias
gear down
and flaps 25
what restrictions are there to crossfeeding
no climbs and descents
What is the purpose of the red gear unsafe flight
anytime the gear is in transit or not locked
When does the gear horn sound or the yellow gear light go off
on the ground when the gear is down and the selector switch is up
anytime either throttle is below 14” MAP and all three gear are not down and locked
anytime 25 or more of flaps are extended and all three gear are not down and locked
What is the primary indication the heater is overheating and what can be done to remedy the situation
cold air coming in the cabin
nothing can be done until the aircraft is on the ground. The reset button is on the heater unit itself in the nose compartment
What could cause the heater to overheat
blockage of the air intake valve due to snow, ice, or other foreign obstruction
What is the maximum allowable rpm drop during the feathering check on the runnup
500 rpm
what is the ground limitation for pitot heat
off except for short intervals to remove ice or to check it on preflight
What is the limit on cranking the starter
30 sec on 2 min off
What is the normal magneto drop during the runup and what are the limitations
100 rpm is normal
175 rpm drop apiece is allowed with a differential of 50 rpm
What should be done if the cylinder head temperature becomes too hot (greater than 500F)
Reduce power
open cowl flaps
enrichen the mixture
lower nose if climbing
what holds the gear up in the retracted position
hydralic pressure
what happens if the hydraulic system malfunctions or leaks
the gear extends slowly
Why are the prop controls pushed forward before landing
to provide maximum power simply be adding full throttle in the event of a go-around
What is Vmc
the minimum flight speed at which the airplane is directly controllable with one engine inoperative
What does the basic empty weight include
optional equipment
full oil and unusable fuel
hydraulic pressure
What happens to the CG as fuel is burned or the gear retracted
the CG is not significantly affected
How many fuel tanks does the seminole have and where are they located
2 tanks
one behind each engine
What is the fuel capacity of each tank
55 gallons
54 usable
How many fuel pumps total are there
6 total (2 engine driven, 4 electric, 2 for the heater)
What is the purpose of the carburetor heat
carburetor heat provides heated air to the carburetor int he event of icing and also serves as the alternate source of engine air
What is the temperature range where carb ice is most likely occur
50-70 Farhenhite
How many cowl flaps settings are there
three - full open, full closed, intermediate
What is the advantage of counter-rotating props
eliminates the “critical engine” and lowers the Vmc
Constant Speed Prop System
go study
What is the precharge pressrue of the unfeathering accumulator
70-75 PSI (depending on temperature)
How long does it take for the prop to feather
10-17 seconds
how long does it take for the prop to unfeather
8-12 seconds
What is the PSI for the prop governor
200 - 300 PSI
What kind of gear system is installed in the seminole
electrically controlled
hydraulically actuated
how long does it take the gear to cycle
6 to 7 seconds
How is the gear held in the extended position
down lock hooks
springs maintain force on each hook
What happens when the emergency gear extension is used
hydraulic pressure is released and the gear freefalls
where is the gear pump and reservoir located
behind the baggage compartment
Where is the squat switch
left main gear
is the hydraulic reservoir for the brakes the same as the gear
no, the brakes reservoir is in the nose compartment
what are the flaps settings on the Seminole
0, 10, 25, 40
how are the flaps actuated
general electrical system on the seminole
battery - 35 amps / 12 volts
two 14 volt 70 amps
what happens if the alternator voltage becomes to high
the overvoltage relay trips the alternator off automatically and the alternator overvoltage light illuminates
Where is the external power plug located and what is its purpose
under the nose on the right side
give power to start if the batteries are low
where is the actuator for the alternate static source
left side wall
how is the static system drained
by pushing the two pitot/static drain buttons on the left side wall by the left pilot seat
where is the heater located
in the nose compartment
When does the heater fan automatically shut off
when the gear retracts
Where is the fuel drawn for the heater
left fuel tank at 1/2 gallon an hour by an electric fuel pump
what is a synchrophaser
automatically synchronizes the engines
the seminole does not have one :(
where is the battery located?
in the nose cone
How is the stall warning horn differentiated from the gear warning horn
the stall horn is continuous
the gear horn is intermittent
With an engine inoperative and feathered where is the ball
the ball should be 1/2 deflected out toward the operating engine
as altitude increases, stall speed
as altitude increases, Vmc
what is the highest single drag item on the seminole
full flaps
the second highest single drag component in the seminole is
as the center of gravity moves aft, Vmc
how would the Vmc be affected with a larger engine
Vmc would increase
how would turbocharging affect Vmc
Vmc would remain constant as altitude increased
According to the ACS, when performing the demonstration of Vmc, what is the maximum amount of bank a pilot can use
What are the privileges of a muli-engine rating
allows the pilot to fly as PIC of any aircraft with more than one engien
What are the requirements to obtain a multi-engine rating
an endorsement from an instructor
How does this affect the commercial certificate or instrument rating
you can fly both with a multi engine while acting as PIC
Pitot static system equipment
vertical speed indicator
airspeed indicator
our Engine
two lycoming four-cylinder, direct drive, horizontally opposed engines
180 horsepower
2700 RPM
air cooled
have oil coolers with low temperature bypass systems and engine mounted oil filters
Our propellers
counter rotating props - this eliminates the critical engine
two blade, constant speed, controllable pitch
feathering hartzell propellers
mounted directly to engine crankshafts
Feathering lock
operated by centrifugal force, prevents feathering during engine shutdown by making it impossible to feather any time the engine falls below 950 RPM
Landing Gear
hydralically operated, fully retractable tricycle landing gear
hydraulic pressure if furnished by an electrically powered, reversible to hydraulic pump
the pump is activated by a tow-position gear selector switch located to the left of the control quadrant on the instrument panel
Gear extension to retraction normally takes 6 to 7 seconds
where is the hydraulic pressure fluid kept for the gear
behind the baggage compartment
When are the green gear lights automatically dimmed
the navigation lights are turned on
Emergency Gear Extension
if the gear does not extend and you need it so you can manually do it. all you need to do is release the hydraulic pressure
Put the gear selector switch in the down position and the emergency gear extension knob
Fuel System general information
two 55 gallon tanks, one in each nacelle
total fuel 110, usable 108
vents have an anti icing design
we have a fuel primer, electrical and engine driven pumps
Fuel tank tank to engine
from fuel tank to selector valve
then through filter and sump
then it will either be through the engine driven fuel pump or the primer solenoid valve
then it goes to the carburetor
Cross feed fuel
we can take fuel from the other tank in the event of an engine failure
can only be done in straight and level flight
Electrical System
negative ground, dual fed, split-bus system
alternators - two 14 volt 70 amp alternators one on each engine - provides full electrical output
voltage - if an alternator exceeds 17 volts the voltage regulators will take it offline - the ALT light will illuminate on the annunciator panel
battery - 35 amps, 12 volts battery provides current for starting - in the nose
Air induction
alternate air that is unfiltered
ollio struts
Oil and air
nose wheel has shimmy dampner
hydraulic braking system
When will the yellow alt warning illuminate
the voltage regulator has kicked in
when does the red low bus illuminate
electrical system issues
where is the heater
in the nose
Engine failure below Vr
throttles - immediatly close
brakes - as required
engines - shutdown if necessary
Engine failure above Vr (takeoff aborted)
directional control - maintain
throttle controls - idle
land - straight ahead
brake - as required
Engine Failure in Flight (above Vmc)
maintain directional control above 88 knots
mixture controls- full forward
Propeller Controls - full forward
Throttle Controls - full forward
flaps - up
gear - up
inoperative engine - identify and verify
inoperative engine - throttle idle
If there is not enough time or opportunity to troubleshoot
inoperative engine propeller - feather
inoperative engine mixture - idle cut off
establish bank 2-3 into operative engine
climb airspeed - 88 kias
zero side slip- establish
Engine Failure in flight (below Vmc)
rudder - apply against yaw
throttles - retard
pitch attitude - lower to accelerate above Vmc
Engine fire during start
Start - continue to crank
Mixture - idle cut off
Throttle - full open
Fuel selectors - off
electric fuel pumps - off
Engine fire in flight
fuel selector (inop) - off
throttle (inop) - idle
Propeller (inop) - feather
Mixture (inop) - idle cut-off
Cowl Flap (inop) - open
Electical fuel pump (inop) - off
Electrical Fire
flashlight (at night) - locate
battery master switch - off
alternator switch - off
all electrical switches - off
radio master switch - off
vents - closed
cabin heat - off
fire extenguisher - activate
all circuit breakers - pull
Electric trim malfunction
trim inter switch - press/hold through recovery
pitch trim CB - pull
aircraft - trim manually