Characteristics of living cells Flashcards
why do we use MRS GREN
because all living things need a life process
movement - an action by an organism or its parts causing change in its position or place
respiration - is the chemical reactions in cells that break down nutrient molecules to release energy for the metabolism (aerobic and anaerobic)
sensitivity - ability to respond and detect changes in the environment (internal or external)
growth - permanant increase in size or dry mass in cell number or cell size, producing more or bigger cells
reproduction - reproduction or more offspring (living things) from the same species
excretion - the removal or toxic waste, waste products, or substances in excess by chemical reaction in cells
nutrition - taking or using food nutrients and vitamins for health and growth energy and development
examples of M
- predators running to catch prey
- whale swimming
- hands moving during eating
examples of R-s
- running but had to stop to breathe
examples of S
- cold room makes shivers
- bacteria senses where nutrients are
examples of G
- boy grew 1 inch this year
- bamboo grew
- my muscles grew
examples of R-p
- my bird gave 3 eggs
- my mom had 3 children
examples of E
- urine
- sweat
- exhale air
examples of N
- plants and photosynthesis
- animals eat other organisms
happens in living cells, is a chemical process, to release energy from nutrients in the food
happens in breathing organs (lungs, skin or gills), is a physical process, it happens to exchange gases in the environment
removal or body waste from cells chemical reactions (urine, excreted carbon dioxide)
feces elimination (remains of undigested food)
smallest living organisms, all things are made of cells
a group of cells with similar structures, that work together for a function
a group of tissues which work together to carry out a specific function
organ systems
a group of organs with related functions that work together to carry out body functions
a living thing, such as animals, plants, fungi and bacteria
image =
Actual x magnification (I AM)
1cm -
line graph/ bar graph criteria
size, line/bar, axis, plotting
1m - mm
1mm -um
1um -mm
1mm -m
why the 5 kingdoms
because organisms can be classified into groups by the features they share
- multicellular
- have cellulose cell walls
- have nucleus
- have chlorophyll
- asexual
- are autotrophs (make own food)
- bamboos, algae, flowers
- multicellular
- don’t have cell walls
- have nucleus
- don’t have chlorophyll
- sexual
- are heterotrophs -food from oragnism
- humans, giraffes, birds
- normally multicellular
- have cell walls but not cellulose
- have nucleus
- don’t have chlorophyll
- both asexual and sexual
- both autotrophs and heterotrophs
- mushrooms, mold, yeast
- unicellular
- some have cell walls
- have nucleus
- some have chlorophyll
- both asexual and sexual
- both autotrophs and heterotrophs
- amoeba
- unicellular
- have cell walls (peptidoglycan)
- have no nucleus
- have chlorophyll but no chloroplasts
- both asexual and sexual
- both autotrophs and heterotrophs
- bacteria, blue-geen algae