Chaptre 2 Flashcards
A government that us controlled by people who live under it.
Clear purple gemstone.
Civil rights
The rights of a citizen.
Manga carta?
The great charter guaranteed the English people certain civil right.
A country without a monarch.
Constitutional monarch
A monarch in which the monarch rules accordingly to the constitution and laws of the nation.
Gulf Stream
Warm ocean current flowing from the Gulf of Mexico north along the coast of the US and then to east Europe
Spanish Armada
A great fleet of ship sent by Spain to invade England in 1588.
To colonize?
Settle in and control The lands of others.
A person who runs a business, taking the risk on order to make the profit.
a medieval association of craftsmen or tradesman which upheld standards and protection of its members.
Any Christian not belonging to the Roman Catholic Church or Orthodox Church.
An assembly of people who gather for religious worship
Church of England
The established church in England headed by the monarch
Decorated ceremonial
A follower of the teaching of John Calvin, a leader of the Protestant reformation
To dissent
To differ in opinion, disagree refuse to conform to the established church.
To tolerate
To allow people to live, think or worship accordingly to their one beliefs
Original sin
In Christian beliefs the state of sin in which all humans live because eve caused Adam to disobey gods will
State of uncontrollable Excitment
Untidy, dirty, careless dress
To exalt
To place high in rank, honour, or power
To debase
To make low in rank, honour, or power
A cruel and unjust ruler or person
Lacking ability
To comprise
To settle a dispute with both sides giving up a part of what they demande
To alienate
To cause someone to become indifferent of hostile
Ship money
In earlier times coastal town hade to supply the king with money for building ships. Charles 1 made all towns and landowners pay ships money
Tunnage and poundage
A custom duty or tax collected on the tons and pounds of goods coming for leaving the country
To billet
Home owners were required to provide food mad shelter for soldiers