Chapters 8 and 9: The Cosmological and Design Arguments Flashcards
Impossible to measure.
Returning to a former, less developed state.
Theist God
A God who is concerned with the creation and who intervenes in the universe - the God of religion.
Deist God
A God who is a creator but who does not intervene in the universe.
The action of causing something.
First point for the Cosmological argument
A.when you examine the universe, everything seems that exists has been caused to exist by something else.
B. Nothing can cause itself to exist cannot go back forever (infinite regress of causes) there must be one exception,something that existed before everything, God
Second part of the cosmological argument
This argument is popular, with non-religious,religious and scientist. Especially physicists as the only other option for the creation is that everything was created by chance.
What is contingent?
Their existence is dependant on something else
What is circular logic?
When no progress is made but the argument goes in a circle
Who created the Cosmological argument?
Thomas Aquinas
What is infinite regress?
The idea that the universe has always been there and has no cause.
What is the definition of Cosmological?
A theory describing the natural order of the universe.
What the design arguments two different sides? And what figures do they suggest?
Design (theist God), chance (Mother nature)
Who symbolises the design argument?
William Paley
What are the criteria for a complex object?
Specific materials, several parts, has a purpose, regular motion, indispensable parts.