Chapters 4&9 Hormones and Wellness Flashcards
What are the body functions that hormones regulate?
Sexual function, growth, and metabolism
Which types of glands secrete hormones?
How many major endocrine glands are in the human body?
What are some other glands found in the human body?
Exocrine glands, sebaceous glands, sudoriferous glands, and apocrine glands
What are trophic hormones?
Signal hormones, they cause other glands to make hormones
Name some things the hormones produced by the pituitary gland do
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) causes production of sex hormones, regulate fluid retention in body, control growth, and cause the female breasts to produce milk
Which gland ties the nervous system to the endocrine system?
What are the two main hormones secreted by the thyroid gland?
Thyroxine and triiodothyronine
What is overactivity of the thyroid gland called?
What is underactivity of the thyroid gland called?
List some symptoms of hyperthyroidism
Clinical symptoms: Weight loss, rapid heartbeat, moodiness or irritability, irregular menstrual cycles, hand tremors, loose bowel movements
Skin symptoms: feelings of warmth flushing or redness, intolerance of heat, itchiness, fast growing nails or nails that lift off the nail bed, thinning or fine hair, myxedema, hives
List some symptoms of hypothyroidism
Clinical symptoms: weight gain, tiredness or fatigue, depression, heavy menstrual periods, joint pain, constipation, poor balance
Skin symptoms: dry and flaky skin, coarse skin texture, brittle and dry nails and hair, intolerance to cold, facial puffiness
Which glands contain a medulla and a cortex?
The adrenal glands
What does the medulla of the adrenal glands make?
Adrenaline and noradrenaline (known as epinephrine and norepinephrine)
What does the cortex of the adrenal glands make?
Steroid hormones
What do corticoids help do?
Regulate metabolism and the body’s use of carbs, proteins, and fats, maintain water balance, and regulate sodium and potassium levels
Which corticoids regulate blood sugar?
Which corticoids regulate blood minerals and male hormones?
______ is the major glucocorticoid, which is also called the stress hormone
What is long term cortisol production related to?
Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, upper body weight gain, and obesity
The pineal gland produces ______, a specialized hormone that regulates the body’s circadian rhythm
Where are the islets of Langerhans located? And what do they do?
The pancreas
They manufacture insulin, which regulates blood sugar or gluocose levels
______ is caused by failure of the pancreas to secrete insulin. (sometimes called juvenile diabetes)
Type 1 diabetes
<10% of people who diabetes have type 1
______ is caused by an insulin deficiency or cells not responding normally to insulin. (sometimes called adult onset diabetes)
Type 2 diabetes
Most prevalent form
What can influence type 2 diabetes?
Family history, age, ethnicity, obesity
Skin conditions associated with diabetes
*Bacterial, yeast or fungal infections of the skin
*Diabetic dermopathy
*Acanthosis nigracans
What gland produces T cells?
What hormone gives a woman female characteristics?
What hormone helps enlarge the pelvic opening during childbirth?
What age does puberty usually occur?
Age 12-14
Where do pores become visible first?
The nose
What helps to resolve keratosis pilaris?
Mildly abrasive scrubs, gommages, and light extraction
How long is the menstrual cylce?
27-30 days
What phase does estrogen reach a high point?
Phase 3
What does the trophoblast do?
Provides nutrition for the embryo
What term refers to the condition in which the face develops significant hyperpigmentation?
What condition is commonly referred to as stretch marks?
striae distensae
What should you do when treating a pregnant woman?
Obtain a written note from the client’s physician and use topical treatments and products conservatively
How long before menstruation do women typically develop acne flare-ups?
7-10 days
When do the ovaries stop releasing eggs?
What condition are women who lose their ovaries early in life more likely to develop?
How many joules of energy are found in a single calorie unti?
How many calories are in one gram of protein?
How many calories are in one gram of alcohol?
What are the two processes that make up metabolism?
Catabolism and anabolism
What term refers to unstable molecules that have broken away from weak molecules and steal electrons to stabilize themsleves?
Free radicals
What are some examples of excellent antioxidants?
Foods high in vitamin C & E, beta-carotene, and selenium (nuts, legumes, leafy greens, fruits, whole grains, red wine, and dark chocolate
What can a deficiency of vitamin A cause?
Dry, cracked skin and brittle hair and nails
What vitamin is essential in the formation of collagen protein?
Vitamin C
What does vitamin P do?
Enhances capillary strength and acts as an anti-inflammatory
What mineral is required for muscle contraction and transmitting impulses through the nervous system?
What mineral is used in oxygen transport and is essential for the regulation of cell growth and differentiation?
What is glycation the number one causes of?
AGE content levels
Cakes: 838,000
Cereals: 193,400
Diet soda: 9,500
Coffee: 2,200
Tea: 2,025
Orange juice: 600
Low AGE product foods
Low fat dairy products
Fish (except fried or breaded)
Fruit (in small quantities)
What prepares the body for an emergency response?
What does cortisol do?
Releases energy from fat cells for use in the muscles
What term refers to situations that bring on a stress response?
Stress triggers