Chapters 25 - 27: Male & Female Genitourinary / Anus, Rectum, Prostate - Study Flashcards
Structures involved in an upper UTI:
Kidneys, ureters, bladder, & urethra
Structures involved in a lower UTI:
Bladder and below
Male UTI’s are:
Harder to treat
Name for prostate growth:
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
BPH is treated with:
Tamsulosin (Flomax)
BPH rates:
50% of men over 50 years old
Why do we collect a C&S before giving an antibiotic for a UTI?
B/c we do not want antibiotic resistance
So-called groin:
Inguinal area
Bladder cancer risk factor:
At what age does sperm production gradually decrease?
Around age 40
Enlargement of prostate associated with tissue hyperplasia & surrounds the urethra:
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
What disorder causes an obstruction of the urine stream and increases the risk for UTI’s?
The GFR for stage III CKD is usually:
30 - 60
Symptoms for stage III CKD:
What is diagnosed via blood testing, UA’s, and imaging studies?
Difficulty / painful urination:
Frequency, urgency, excessive urination during the night:
There is an increase in STI’s with what patient population?
Baby boomers
Why is it important to check urine color, consistency, and if there is sediment?
Changes can be indicators of infection (UTI, etc)
Excess quantity of urine:
Diminished urine output, less than 400 mL in a 24 hours period:
400 mL per 25 hours is equivalent to how many mL’s per hour?
16.67 mL/hour
How to determine if urine output is normal based on patient weight:
0.5 mL per kilogram per hour
Absence of urine:
Urethral opening on POSTERIOR aspect of penis in setting of normal anatomical positioning:
Urethral opening on ANTERIOR aspect of penis in setting of normal anatomical positioning:
What can urethritis be associated with?
Gonorrhea & chlamydia
Prepuce opening narrowed not allowing for foreskin retraction: (due to swelling):
Retraction of foreskin associated with glan constriction pain (can lead to necrosis):
So-called kidney stones causing abdominal and/or flank pain:
Renal calculi
Inflammation of the urethra that can cause purulent discharge, erythema, and edema:
What is associated with heart failure, renal failure, and/or localized inflammation or trauma?
Scrotal edema
WHat type of cysts are a normal finding on the scrotum?
Sebaceous cysts
What is typically seen in severe HF?
Scrotal edema
A maneuver used in the setting of swelling or masses.
Turn off the lights, shine a flashlight behind scrotal contents.
Is transillumination normal or abnormal? Why?
Abnormal - B/c no light passing through is NORMAL
Protrusion of bowel outside abdominal wall:
What type of cancer has a cure rate of near 100% prior to metastasis in settings of early detection?
Testicular cancer
Why is patient education so important regarding a testicular self-examination (TSE)?
Early detection rates
Testicular Self-Examination (TSE)
Timing = monthly
Testicular Self-Examination (TSE)
Shower with warm water to promote scrotal sac relaxation
Testicular Self-Examination (TSE)
Examination & note any changes / report to provider immediately
How is urine function tested?
Urinalysis (UA)
A UTI can cause ______ , which has a 40% mortality rate.
Infection of the kidneys / upper renal system:
What occurs on the right side, is an immediate medical emergency, and is known as acute spermatic cord twisting?
Testicular torsion
In testicular torsion, the testis have a potential for:
Gangrene within hours, and death if blood supply is fully blocked
Hemorrhoids are common in:
The elderly
Control for the rectal external sphincter:
Control for the rectal internal sphincter:
Distal end of the large intestine, approx. 12 cm in length:
Anterior of rectum wall:
Prostate gland
Non-specific, most commonly diagnosed cancer of males (also has higher incidence rates):
Prostate cancer (PC)
The risk for prostate cancer is higher in:
Obese male populations
Slow growing cancer that is commonly screened for around age 45-50 in the setting of so-called average risk:
Colorectal cancer (CRC)
Stool of occult blood described as black and tarry, coffee ground consistency:
Stool in the setting of biliary cirrhosis, gallstones, and hepatitis of ETOH / viral origin:
Clay colored stool
Stool containing excess of fat, typically in Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, and chronic pancreatitis:
BRBPR (Term, but never document or state this):
Blood right blood per rectum
Term used for instruction of the patient to bear down:
Valsalva maneuver
Impressively painful longitudinal tear of superficial mucosa about the anal margin, also described as ‘shards of glass’ with stool evacuation:
Varicose veins, so-called flabby papule:
Protrusion of complete rectal mucous membranes, appearance can be described as a red, moist doughnut containing radiating lines:
Rectal prolapse
Name this structure:
Name this structure:
Indurated cord
Name this structure:
Rolled-edge neoplasm
Name this condition:
What structure is well aligned with the rectum?
Name this condition:
Beniign prostatic hyperplasia (hypertrohy)
On a female, foley insertion can be:
How many tries on a female foley insertion do you get before you have to stop?
2 tries
What occurs in females at approximately 48-51 years of age?
What occurs when menopause begins?
Menses cessation
Number of pregnancies:
Number of births:
Spontaneous (miscarriage) or planned
Acute pelvic pain lasts how long?
Less than 3 months
Chronic pelvic pain lasts how long? 3 months or longer
3 months or longer
Yellow, firm, non-tender, multiple, approximately 1 cm nodules:
Sebaceous cysts
In a UA, the squamous epithelium value indicates:
If a sample is clean or dirty
Squamous epithelium value between 0 - 5:
Clean UA & reliable sample, will treat
Squamous epithelium value over 10 =
Dirty UA, not reliable at all. Re-collect sample