Chapters 13 & 14 Flashcards
Alien and Sedition Acts
made it a crime to criticize the government
any published statement that unjustifiably exposes someone to ridicule or contempt. Defamation, Identification, Publication
statements made in government meetings, in court, or in government documents cannot be used as the basis for a libel suit.
actual malice
a reckless disregard for the truth or falsity of a published account
invasion of privacy by physical trespass into a space surrounding a person’s body or onto property under his or her control
false light
invasion of privacy in which a journalist publishes untrue statements that alter a person’s public image in a way that he or she cannot control
invasion of privacy by using a person’s name or image for commercial purposes without his or her permission
prior restraint
a judicial order that stops a media organization from publishing or broadcasting a story or image
shield laws
laws that give journalists special protection from having to testify in court about their stories and sources
sexually explicit material that is legally prohibited from being published
equal time provision
requires broadcast stations to make equivalent amounts of broadcast time available to all candidates running for public office
fairness doctrine
former policy that required television stations to “afford reasonable opportunity for the discussion of conflicting views on issues of public importance”
Net neutrality
Rules that would require internet service providers to give equal access to all online content providers
Copyright Act 1976
Ringer - copyright lasted 50 years after death. can record for own use.
Patriot Act
government can see our social media and use wire taps and see personal documents.
Miller v. California
convicted of sending obscene material through the mail. anything of literary, artistic, political, or scientific value cannot be banned. (sex ed in schools)
Richard Drew
took the falling man photo
an individuals code of behavior based on religious or philosophical principals