Chapters 11-13 Flashcards
The infestation of the hair and scalp with head lice is known as
Pediculosis capitis
An acute staphylococci infection of a hair follicle that produces constant pain
Contagious condition caused by a parasitic infesting the hair and scalp
Pediculosis capitis
Scalp condition by red papules or spots at the opening of the hair follicle is
Tinea capitis
Technical term for beaded hair
Technical term for split ends
Technical term for gray hair
_____ an oral prescription medication for hair loss only available to men
______ a topical medication that is applied to the scalp twice daily, proven to stimulate hair growth
Short, fine, downy, unpigmented hair is known as
Vellus hair
The number of individual hair strands on one square inch of the scalp indicates
Thickness or diameter of the individual hair strand is called
Described as straight, wavy, curly, or extremely curly is known as
Wave pattern
Pheomelanin provide natural hair colors from _____ to yellow and blond tones
Red and Ginger
______ tiny grains of pigment in the vortex that give natural color to the hair
A side bond that is easily broken by strong alkaline or acidic solution is called a ______ bond
Fill up with a fibrous _____ then move upward, lose their nucleus, and die
Normal hair contains ____ percent of the element nitrogen
Normal hair contains ______ percent of the element hydrogen
Normal hair contains _____ percent of the element oxygen
Normal hair contains _____ percent of the element carbon
Chemical bond that joins amino acids to each other is called a
Peptide bond
Technical term for hair that is a dry, brittle condition including the formation of nodular swelling along the hair shaft
The loss of hair in round or irregular patches without inflammation is called
Alopecia areota
The ability of hair to stretch and return to its original form without breaking is
The ability of the hair to absorb moisture is called
Hair texture refers to the ____ of the hair
Hair that forms a circular pattern is called a
All hair follicles have the same structure and cycle through the same three phases which are….
Anagen, Catogen, and Telogen
Long, coarse, pigmented hair found on the scalp, legs, arms, and body is known as
Terminal hair
The cortex contains coloring matter in the form of minute grains of ____, or pigment
Hair is composed of cells arranged in three layers which are
Cuticle, Cortex, Medulla
Oil glands of the skin, connected to the hair follicles, are known as
Sebaceous glands
Small involuntary muscle attached to the underside of a hair follicle is the
Arrector pili
A small, cone-shaped elevation located at the bottom of the hair follicle is called the
Dermal papula
A thickened, club-shapes structure that forms the lower part of the hair root is the
A tube-like depression, or pocket, in the skin or scalp that encases the hair root is called the
A mature strand of human hair is divided into two principle parts known as the
Hair root, Hair shaft
The body can produce ____ of the 20 amino acids that make up hair and your diet must include the remaining essential amino acids
The study of hair is known as
The head of a surfactant molecule is ____, meaning water-loving
When a substance is combined with oxygen, the substance is
Another name for alkali is
When two or more atoms are joined together chemically, what is created
_____ organic compounds are substances contains carbon and evaporate very quickly and easily
Substances cannot be reduced to simpler substances are called
The smallest particle of an element is the
Anything that take up space, has physical and chemical properties, and exists in either a solid, liquid, or a gas is known as
The branch of chemistry that deals with products that do not contain carbon
Organic chemistry is the study of all substances containing
Temporary mixtures of two kinds of matter are
Permanent mixture of two or more substances that are United with the aid of a binder is
____ are substances used to neutralize acids and raise the pH of many hair products
A preparation made by dissolving a solid, liquid, or gaseous substance in another substance is
The tail of a surfactant molecule is _____, meaning oil loving
An alternation of properties of a substance without the formation of a new substance is a
Physical change
A molecule is formed by joining two or more ____ chemically
In creating a solution, the liquid used to dissolve a substance is called the
Liquids that mix easily are known as
The separating of a substance into ions is known as
Pure water with the pH of 7 is considered to be
There are about ____ naturally occurring elements, each with its own distinctive physical and chemical properties
A special type of oil used in hair conditioner and as water-resistant lubricants for the skin is
If a product has a pH of 8.9 it is considered to be
What type of change occurs when ice melts and becomes water
Physical change
A combination of substances that are held together by physical rather than chemical ties is called a
Physical mixture
When fermented to make wine, the sugar in grapes is connected into
Ethol Alcohol
Substances that act as a bridge that allow oil and water to mix emulsify are
When two or more elements combine chemically, they form a new substance called a
A new product formed by uniting of two or more elements is known as
Chemical reaction in which oxygen is subtracted from it hydrogen is added to a substance is called
Redox is contraction for
Oxidation reduction
A substance that adds hydrogen to a chemical compound or subtracts oxygen from the compound is a
Reducing agent
Distance between two successive peaks when energy is radiated through space is known as
Wave length
An instrument that produces moist uniform heat that can be applied to the head or face is called a
The process used to soften and emulsify grease deposits and black heads in the hair follicle is called
Infrared rays are mainly used during hair conditioning treatments and to process ____
Hair color
35 percent of natural sunlight is made up of
Visible light
Tesla high-frequently current should not be used who are pregnant, epileptic, asthmatic, who has high blood pressure
Another name for the Tesla High Frequency current is the
Violet ray
Process of introducing water soluble products into the skin with the use of electric current is known as
_____ forces acidic substances into deeper tissues using galvanic current from the positive toward the negative pole
Commonly used modalities in cosmetology are Tesla, micro current and
Galvanic current
The negative or positive state or an electric current is known as
An apparatus that conducts the electric current from the machine to the clients skin is called
An insulator or ____ is a substance that does not easily transmit electricity
Safety devices that prevent the over heating of electric wires are known as
Fuses, Circuit breakers
What electrical term is abbreviated AC
Alternating current
The term used for measuring the strength of an electric current is
The term used for measuring how much electric energy is being used in one second is
The term used for measuring the resistance of an electric current is
_____ is the unit that measures the pressure or force that pushes the flow of electrons forward through a conductor
Ultraviolet rays make up ____ percent of natural light and are also referred to as cold rays or actinic rays
An extremely low lack of electricity that mirrors the body’s natural electricity impulses is known as
The light blocked by the ozone layer
LASER is the acronym for
Light, Amplification, Stimulation, Emission of Radiation
Treatment that can remove blood vessels, hair follicles, and done wrinkles is known as
Laser treatment
LED is the abbreviated version of which is used to reduce acne and increase skin circulation
Light emitting diode