Chapters 11,12,13 Flashcards
Mass-less energy particle that make up light
Electromagnetic wave
Created by vibrating electric charges- moves through a vacuum
Gamma ray
Emitted from a decaying atomic nucleus 100 trillionths of a meter
Infrared wave
Waves that change to heat when absorbed 1mm to 700 billionths of a meter
Wavelengths range from .1mm to 30 cm
Radio wave
Used for communication. Wavelengths are longer than 10 cm
Ultraviolet wave
EM wave with wavelength between 400 billionths and 10 billionths of a meter
Visible light
Can be detected by the human eye 700 to 400 billionths of a meter
Used for medical imaging 10 billionth of a meter to 10 trillionths of a meter
Analog signal
An electric signal whose values change over time
Carrier wave
Specific frequency that a radio station is assigned and uses to broadcasts signals
Digital signal
An electric signal with only two possible values
Process of adding a signal to a carrier wave by altering the carrier waves amplitude
Device that transmits radio signals at one frequency and receives radio signals at a different frequency
A system of satellites and ground monitoring stations that enable a receiver to determine its location at or above the earths surface
Compare and contrast sound waves and electromagnetic waves
Sound waves require and medium, and are compressional
Electromagnetic waves are produced by vibration
How are moving electric charges related to electric and magnetic Fields?
They both have surrounding electric and magnetic fields. They exert a force even when the on ejecting in contact
What is radiant energy?
Energy carried by an electromagnetic wave, it helps by heating the earth
What is the speed of a vacuum, air,and water?
Vacuum- 300,000 km/s
Air-299,000 km/s
Water- 226,000 km/s
How are wavelength, frequency, intensity, and energy related in a electromagnetic wave?
All waves have wavelengths, frequencies, and intensities. As the frequency increases wavelengths become smaller
The range of frequencies in which electromagnetic waves occur is called ..?
Electromagnetic spectrum
Radio waves make what vibrate?
What is used in magnetic resonance imaging to help map body tissues?
What is absorbed by the ozone layer?
Ultraviolet waves
Radio waves with wavelengths of less than 1mm are what?
Warmth that you feel from a fire is transmitted to you by?
Infrared waves