Chapters 1-3 Flashcards
The reason for America’s greatness
righteous character
a way of life
America’s primary cultural influence
Judeo-Christian heritage
the belief that work is a gift from God and a means of glorifying Him
Puritan work ethic
the government leaves people free to own businesses and make a living based on their own initiative
free enterprise
a government that exercises its power under constraints, usually by means of a constitution
limited government
anything that helps people remember past events
types of memorials in America
documents, symbols, monuments, creeds
a system of colors and designs for flags that was devised during the Middle Ages
a solemn promise
a people’s loyalty, support, and devotion to duty
writer of the “Pledge of Allegiance”
Francis Bellamy
the official patriotic song or hymn of a country
national anthem
writer of “The Star-Spangled Banner”
Francis Scott Key
a love for one’s country and a loyalty to it
the spirit of patriotism that Americans feel for their nation
the characteristics and traditions that have been handed down to us by our ancestors
the promotion of one’s own nation and government regardless of moral considerations
The first black American in the history of the US armed forces to achieve the rank of four-star general
General Daniel “Chappie” James
the authority and power to control, to direct, and to rule the actions and affairs of others.
God has both the supreme power and the right to govern all nations and their rulers
the first foundational civil ordinance
capital punishment
God’s purpose for government
to protect the innocent by punishing the guilty
the rules of human action or conduct
the two foundations for law
revealed law and natural law
law given by God explicitly in the Holy Scripture
revealed law
las that is discernible by all men as image-bearers of God
natural law
orders from God telling men what to do and what not to do
The Great Commandment
“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all they heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind…Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
another name for the Ten Commandments
belief that the only reason to obey law is that it has been made
positive law
One of the first written laws in history
Code of Hammurabi
where does every form of government derive its authority
from God (Romans 13:1-7)
a government where God rules directly
modern day theocracy
rule by clerics
Islamic law
the belief that government should remove everything religious from its domain