Chapter XXII - Codes for special purposes Flashcards
What type of chapter has Chapter XXII been classed as for the purpose of axis of classification?
An ‘other chapter
What does ‘SARS’ stand for?
Severe acute respiratory syndrome
When can the code U04.9 Severe acute respiratory syndrome [SARS], unspecified be used?
Only when the responsible consultant has made a clear clinical diagnosis of SARS in the medical record.
What must be coded in addition to U04.9 (SARS)?
All treated manifestations of the condition.
Which two codes from Chapter I must not be assigned in addition to U07.1 Confirmed COVID-19?
- B34.2 Coronavirus infection, unspecified site
- B97.2 Coronavirus as the cause of disease classified to toher chapters
U07.1 fully classifies the COVID-19 infection so the above codes should not be used to classify the covid infection alone.
When should B97.2 Coronavirus as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters be assigned in cases of COVID-19?
B97.2 must be assigned in addition to any codes for conditions classified outside of Chapter XVIII that are due to COVID-19.
How should symptom codes when documented as due to COVID-19 be assigned?
All symptoms due to COVID-19 should be coded and assigned following U07.1.
This is an exception to DChS.XVIII.1.
How should asymptomatic COVID-19 be coded?
How should codes in categories U82-U85 be sequenced?
- NEVER in primary
- Only in a secondary position, directly following the code they enhance (a code for a bacterial infection classified elsewhere)