Chapter XV - Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium Flashcards
When should a code from category Z37.- Outcome of delivery be assigned and in what position?
Must be assigned on the mother’s delivery episode only, to identfy whether the delivery resulted in a liveborn or stillborn infant(s).
Can be sequenced in any secondary position, NEVER in primary.
What types of episode should codes in category Z37.- Outcome of delivery not be used for?
Must not be used on patients who have undergone termination of pregnancy or suffered a miscarriage that has resulted in the delivery of a dead fetus whilst in hospital.
What does the term ‘abortion’ describe within the ICD-10 classification?
Both ‘miscarriage’ and ‘termination of pregnancy’
What is meant by the term ‘live birth’?
Complete expulsion or extraction of a fetus from its mother, which, after seperation, breathes or shows any other evidence of life (irrespective of the duration of pregnancy)
What is gestational age?
The estimated age of a fetus, usually calculated by ultrasound scan.
GA is expressed in completed weeks.
What are RPOC?
Retained products of conception - the retention of any part of the placental tissue, membranes, gestation sac or fetal pole following miscarriage, TOP or delivery of pregnancy.
What is the puerperium?
the 42 days following the end of the second stage of labour
When should the code O02.1 Missed abortion (missed miscarriage) be assigned?
Only when there has been no bleeding and no POC have been passed.
When assigning a code for O03.- Spontaneous miscarriage, what does the 4th character code assignment show?
Whether the miscarriage was incomplete or complete and if there were any maternal complications.
What is an incomplete miscarriage?
The miscarriage has started, bleeding is present but not all of the fetal tissue has been passed. RPOC are present.
What is a complete miscarriage?
The pregnancy has been lost, the uterus is empty and there are no RPOC.
What are other terms that may be used to described a missed abortion/missed miscarriage?
- Early fetal demise
- Early uterine death
- Silent miscarriage
- Delayed miscarriage
What is a missed miscarriage?
The retention of a dead fetus before 24 completed weeks of gestation.
Diagnosed before any bleeding has taken place, e.g. at a routine antenatal scan
What is a spontaneous miscarriage?
The expulsion of the baby or fetus before the 24th completed week without deliberate interference, and is a natural end to the pregnancy.
How may Hydatidiform mole (O01) also be referred to?
Gestational trophoblastic disease