Chapter VII Reveiw Flashcards
With eyes
Of a sparrow
With a finger
Of sisters
Old men
One can determine the declension of a noun by looking at the ________ case, singular
An adjective agrees with its noun in ____, ______, and case but not necessarily in declension
, gender
A construction which begins with a verb of saying and is followed by an infinitive is called _____.
Indirect statement
The English word ____ is often implied in the above construction, although it is not expressed in Latin
In this construction, the subject is not the nominative case, but in the ______ case.
A Latin word that can mean “himself” “herself” or “themselves” is _____
The word himself, herself, and themselves are known in English as ______ pronouns because they reflect on the subject
For the English derivative, oculist the Latin root word is _____ which means _____
Oculus, eye
For the English derivative delectable the Latin root word is ____ which means _____
Dominae, mistress
For the English derivative senile the Latin root word is _____ which means _____
Senex, old man
For the English derivative pacific the Latin root word is _____ which means _____
Pax, peace
For the English derivative verbose the Latin root word is _____ which means ______
Verba, words
For the English derivative paramour the Latin root word is _____ which means _____
Amor, love
For the English derivative dominion the Latin root word is ____ which means _____
Domina, mistress
For the English derivative binoculars the Latin root word is ____ which means ______
Oculus, eye
For the English derivative prestidigitation the Latin root word is _____ which means _____
Digitis, finger
What is the Latin infinitive that would be used in the following indirect statement: I think you are a good student.
What is the Latin infinitive that would be used in the following indirect statement: we know that the girls loves the sparrow
What is the Latin infinitive that would be used in the following indirect statement: she thinks her mother teaches her well
What is the Latin infinitive that would be used in the following indirect statement: the Romans say they are preparing for war.
What is the Latin infinitive that would be used in the following indirect statement: the girls think they are staying in town tonight.
What is the Latin infinitive that would be used in the following indirect statement: they know you think about gifts at holiday time.
What is the Latin infinitive that would be used in the following indirect statement: I know I am able to do the math.
What is the Latin infinitive that would be used in the following indirect statement: the general thinks the soldiers are in the fort.
What is the Latin infinitive that would be used in the following indirect statement: I know I envy all the poets
Identify the case and number of pacis.
Genitive singular
Identify the case and number of sorori
Dative singular
The adjective pulchra agrees with all of the following except…
A. Amor b. soror c. Verba d. Pax
Which two cases have identical plural endings in each declension?
Dative and ablative
What is the case used for for invideo?
Which of the following is not ablative singular?
A. Passere b. Tenere c. Sorore d. Amore
B. To hold
Which of the following is genitive plural?
A. Gremium b. Verbum c. Dolum d. Senum
The tranquility of the ~long~ peace ended abruptly.
He thinks that her ~eyes are beautiful~
Oculos pulchros esse. Acc. Noun and adj. are-esse
He saw ~many old men~ on the street.
Multos senes
She thinks that ~she herself is the love~ of his life.
Se amorem esse
They were bothered ~by the many sparrows~ in the park
Ā multis passeribus
She thinks that her ~sisters love their pet~
Sorores delicias amare
Why ~are you bitting my finger~
Digitum meum mordes
The slave envied ~the man~ who owned him
I think ~my sister ought to be a strict teacher~
Sororem meam magistram severam esse debere
What third declension ending is the same as nominative plural?
Acc. plural
We ought to love peace more than war.
Pacem plus quam bellum amare debemus
The children told ~the distinguished old man~ that ~they~ had been ~good~
Senem praeclarum / se / bonos
All of the following is derived from the oculus except
A. Octave b. monocle c. Eyelet d. Inoculate
The Pacific Ocean was named from the Latin word for
All of the following is derived from the Latin word senex except
A. Senate b. seniority c. Senile d. Sensible
All of the following is derived from the Latin word puto except
A. Computer b. putrid c. Reputation d. Dispute
A digitae leaf is so called because it
Has five divisions like fingers of a hand
I want to live in a sorority where members all treat each other like..