Chapter Two: Biomechanics of Resistance Exercise Flashcards
- Mechanisms by which the musculoskeletal components interact to produce movement
Muscle Origin
- Proximal attachment (closer to midline)
Muscle Insertion
- Distal attachment (farther from midline)
- Primary muscle involved in a movement
- Example: Triceps with elbow extension
- Muscle that can slow down or stop movement
- Example: Biceps during rapid elbow extension
- Muscle that facilitates or participates in a movement
- Example: Scapular stabilizers during overhead movements
Levers of the Musculoskeletal System: First class lever
- A lever for which the muscle force and resistive force act on opposite sides of the fulcrum
Levers of the Musculoskeletal System: Fulcrum
- The pivot point of a lever
Levers of the Musculoskeletal System: Lever
- A body that, when subjected to a force on one side of a pivot point, exerts force on any object impeding its tendency to rotate
Levers of the Musculoskeletal System: Mechanical Advantage
- Applied muscle force has to be less than the resistive force to produce an equal amount of torque
- Represented as a ratio greater than 1.0
- (Ratio less than 1.0 indicates a mechanical disadvantage, more muscle force than the amount of resistive force present)
Levers of the Musculoskeletal System: Moment Arm
- The perpendicular distance from the line of action of force to the fulcrum.
Levers of the Musculoskeletal System: Muscle Force
- Force generated by biomechanical activity or the stretching of non-contractile tissue that tends to draw the opposite ends of a muscle toward each other
Levers of the Musculoskeletal System: Resistive Force
- Force generated by a source external of the body that acts contrary to muscle force
Levers of the Musculoskeletal System: Second Class Lever
- A lever for which the muscle force and resistive force act on the same side of the fulcrum
- Longer moment arm than that through which the resistive force acts
- More mechanical advantage due to long moment arm=less muscle force required to move resistance
- Example: Calf muscles raising the body on the balls of the feet
Levers of the Musculoskeletal System: Third Class Lever
- A lever for which the muscle force and resistive force act on the same side of the fulcrum
- Shorter moment arm than that through which the resistive force acts
- Less mechanical advantage due to short moment arm =more muscle force required to move resistance
Levers of the Musculoskeletal System: Torque
- The degree to which a force tends to rotate an object about a specified fulcrum
- (Force X length of moment arm)
Variations in Tendon Insertion
- There is a large degree of anatomical difference between individuals
- Differences in tendon insertion contribute to different advantages and disadvantages
- Tendon insertions farther from the fulcrum lead to increased moment arm for the muscle force which contribute to greater degrees of force production but less torque production
- This causes increased ability to move weight and decreased ability to generate force at high speed of movement
- Tendon insertion closer to the fulcrum lead to decreased moment arm for muscle force generation but increased torque generation
- This causes decreased ability to move weight but increased ability to generate force at high speed of movement
Anatomical Planes and Major Body Movements: Sagittal Plane
- Divide the body into left and right
Anatomical Planes and Major Body Movements: Frontal Plane
- Divides the body into front and back
Anatomical Planes and Major Body Movements: Transverse Plane
- Divides the body into top and bottom
Anatomical Planes and Major Body Movements: Application
- Exercises for a specific joint should be incorporated in all planes
- Working joints in all planes can adequately strengthen them for movements that combine multiple planes
Human Strength and Power: Strength
- The ability to exert force
Human Strength and Power: Acceleration
- Change in velocity per unit time
Force=Mass X Acceleration
Human Strength and Power: Strength Vs Power
- Strength = the ability to exert force at any given velocity
- Power = the product of force and velocity at whatever speed
- It is important to train athletes with parameters that fit their given activity
Human Strength and Power: Positive Work and Power: Power
- Time rate of doing work
Human Strength and Power: Positive Work and Power: Work
- The product of the force exerted on an object and the distance the object moves in the direction in which the force is exerted
(Work=Force X Displacement)
Human Strength and Power: Negative Work and Power:
- When a resistive force moves downward the resulting calculations are negative
- There is no negative work or power
- Technically in this scenario the resistive force is performing work on the body as the resistive force moves downward with gravitational force
Human Strength and Power: Angular Work and Power: Angular Displacement
- The angle through which an object rotates
Human Strength and Power: Angular Work and Power:
Angular Velocity
- The objects rotational speed measured in radians per second
Human Strength and Power: Angular Work and Power: Torque
- Measured in Newton meters
- Distance component of the torque unit refers to the length of the moment arm which is perpendicular to the line of action of the force
Human Strength and Power: Angular Work and Power: Rotational Work
(Rotational Work = Torque X Angular Displacement
Human Strength and Power: Angular Work and Power: Rotational Power
(Rotational Power = Work/Time)
Thoughts as of 2/22: Big components of Chap Two
- Know the difference between strength and power
- Ability to use and apply equations
- Need to know and be able to use SI units for equations
Biomechanical Factors in Human Strength: Neural Control: Recruitment
- How many motor units are involved in a contraction
Biomechanical Factors in Human Strength: Neural Control: Rate Coding
- The rate at which motor units are fired
Biomechanical Factors in Human Strength: Neural Control: Muscle Force Increases When
- More motor units are involved in contraction
- The motor units are greater in size
- The rate of firing is faster
Biomechanical Factors in Human Strength: Neural Control: Initial Strength Gains
- Most initial gains in ability to lift weight in beginners is due to neural recruitment
Biomechanical Factors in Human Strength: Muscle Cross Sectional Area
- The force a muscle can exert is related to its cross sectional area not its volume
- Two individuals with different body compositions (one with larger muscular volume to one particular muscle group and one with smaller muscular volume to the same particular muscle group) but the same cross sectional area to that particular muscle group will be able to lift the same amount of weight. i.e. the larger athlete will not be able to lift more based off of larger volume of the muscle as force generation is dependent on cross sectional area.
- More volume to a muscle does not equate to more muscular force. Force is dependent on cross sectional area.
Biomechanical Factors in Human Strength: Arrangement of Muscle Fibers: Pennate Muscle
- A muscle with fibers that align obliquely with the tendon, creating a featherlike arrangement
Biomechanical Factors in Human Strength: Arrangement of Muscle Fibers: Angle of Pennation
- An angle between the muscle fibers and an imaginary line between the muscles origin and insertion
0 degrees corresponds to no pennation - Modifiable with training
Biomechanical Factors in Human Strength: Arrangement of Muscle Fibers: Greater Pennation
- More sarcomeres in parallel
- Less sarcomeres in series
- Better at generating force
- Have less maximal shortening velocity than non-pennate muscles
Biomechanical Factors in Human Strength: Arrangement of Muscle Fibers: Less Pennation
- More sarcomeres in series
- less sarcomeres in parallel
- Less force generation
- Better at generate maximal shortening velocities
Biomechanical Factors in Human Strength: Joint Angle:
- Torque production varies based off of a joints range of motion
Biomechanical Factors in Human Strength: Muscle Contraction Velocity
- Force production capabilities of muscle decline as velocity of contraction increases
- The decline in force capability is steepest over the lower range of movement speeds.
Biomechanical Factors in Human Strength: Joint Angular Velocity
- Muscle torque varies with joint angular velocity according to the type of muscle action
- Isokinetic concentric contraction causes decline of torque capabilities as angular velocity increases
- Eccentric exercise causes torque capabilities to increase as angular velocity increases
- The highest muscle force can be obtained during eccentric muscle action
Biomechanical Factors in Human Strength: Types of muscle action: Concentric muscle action
- Muscle shortening that is greater than an external resistance
Biomechanical Factors in Human Strength: Types of muscle action: Eccentric muscle action
- Muscle elongation due to an external resistance that is greater than the muscular force
- Typically used during training to keep a weight from accelerating downward due to gravitational force
- Greatest risk of soreness and injury
Biomechanical Factors in Human Strength: Types of muscle action: Isometric muscle action
- Contractile force is equal to an external force
- Muscle does not change length
Biomechanical Factors in Human Strength: Strength to Mass Ratio
- The ratio of the mass of the individual to the strength they can produce
- Important to maintain a high strength to mass ratio for some sports
- Athletes should train in a manner that increases strength more than mass
- Figuring out at what mass an athlete can generate the most strength can be beneficial to find the ideal strength to mass ratio for an event. This can be especially important for sports with weight classes. Athletes will want to figure out which weight class allows them to generate the most force at the lowest mass thus allowing them to not sacrifice their strength to mass ratio and compete at a lower mass while generating more strength than opponents.
Biomechanical Factors in Human Strength: Body Size
- Smaller athletes are stronger pound for pound than larger athletes
- As body size increases, body mass increases more rapidly than does strength
- At constant body proportions the smaller athlete will have a greater strength to mass ratio than larger athletes
Sources of Resistance to Muscle Contraction: Gravity
- Objects mass times the local acceleration due to gravity
(Fg=mx(ag)) - Pounds are not a measure of mass
- Weight varies by geographic location
- Mass is constant
- Mass is measured in kg
- The amount of mass a person can lift is dependent on the acceleration due to gravity
Sources of Resistance to Muscle Contraction: Gravity and Application to Resistance Training
- Torque due to an objects weight (which is a product of gravitational downward force) is the product of the weight and the horizontal distance from the weight to the pivot point (typically the joint).
- The horizontal distance from the weight to the pivot point is the moment arm.
- Mass does not change but horizontal distance from a given joint axis (moment arm) changes constantly
- When weight is horizontally closer to a joint (smaller moment arm) it exerts less resistive torque
- When a weight is horizontally farther from a joint (larger moment arm) it exerts more resistive torque
- Gravitational downward force at a larger moment arm requires higher forces to overcome due to the changing mechanical advantage throughout the range of motion of a movement
- Larger moment arm=less mechanical advantage
Sources of Resistance to Muscle Contraction: Weight Stack Machines
- Gravity provides the resistive force however components like pulleys typically create for more control over the direction and pattern of resistance
Sources of Resistance to Muscle Contraction: Free Weights: Advantages
- Whole body training
- Simulation of real life activities
Sources of Resistance to Muscle Contraction: Weight Stack Machines: Advantages
- Safety
- Design Flexibility
- Ease of use
Sources of Resistance to Muscle Contraction: Inertia
- Acts in any direction
- Generated when a resistance is accelerated
Sources of Resistance to Muscle Contraction: Inertia and Accelaration
- All movements of a stationary resistance require acceleration to begin moving, and thus generate inertia.
- All movements require deceleration at the end of a range of motion to stop the bar from moving
- Agonist muscle groups receive resistance greater than the resistive force early in a movement but resistance less than bar weight at the end of movement.
Sources of Resistance to Muscle Contraction: Inertia and Deceleration
- Reducing upward force on the bar to less than the bar weight to let some or all of the bars weight decelerate it
- Pushing down against the bar using the agonist muscles
Sources of Resistance to Muscle Contraction: Inertia and the effects of Acceleration on Training
- Inertia and acceleration can be used as a training tool to train muscle groups in a more explosive pattern
- Acceleration based training is desirable due to the functional use of acceleration in most sporting activities
- Acceleration and deceleration are functional components of many sporting activities
Sources of Resistance to Muscle Contraction: Inertia: Bracketing Technique
- Performing a sporting technique with greater than normal or less than normal resistance as a form of acceleration training
Sources of Resistance to Muscle Contraction: Friction
- Resistive force encountered when one tries to move an object when it is is in contact with another object
(Fr=kx(Fn)) - More force is required early in a movement to overcome the resistive force of friction but constant speeds afterward to maintain the movement
Sources of Resistance to Muscle Contraction: Fluid Resistance
- The resistive force encountered by an object moving through a fluid or by fluid moving past or around an objector through an opening
Sources of Resistance to Muscle Contraction: Fluid Resistance: Surface Drag
- The resistance of fluid passing along the surface of an object
Sources of Resistance to Muscle Contraction: Fluid Resistance: Form Drag
- The way in which a fluid presses against the front or rear of an object passing through it
Sources of Resistance to Muscle Contraction: Fluid Resistance: Dependent on
- Speed of movement
- Smaller opening
- Fluid is more viscous
Sources of Resistance to Muscle Contraction: Elasticity
- Resistive force proportional to the distance an elastic component is stretched
Joint Biomechanics: Concerns in Resistance Training: Back
- Lifting should be performed with a normal lordotic curvature in the low back as opposed to an arched back
- This is due to lower compressive forces o the lumbar spine and increased ability for the low back muscles to generate force
Joint Biomechanics: Concerns in Resistance Training: Intra-abdominal pressure
- Contraction of the trunk muscles can create increased pressure in the abdomen and contribute to increased ability to move heavy loads and reduce the forces required for the back to move loads on the low back
Joint Biomechanics: Concerns in Resistance Training: Valsalva Maneuver
- Increasing intra-abdominal pressure by contracting the abdominal muscles and closing the glottis
- Has the same effects as increasing intra abdominal pressure but can cause increases in blood pressure and pressure on the heart making it less desirable than increasing intra-abdominal pressure while leaving the glottis open
- Increasing intra-abdominal pressure while leaving the glottis open is the more desirable method to increase intra-abdominal pressure
- Experienced lifters may choose the Valsalva Maneuver if they are well versed in how to use it without increasing pressures to high
Joint Biomechanics: Concerns in Resistance Training: Weight Lifting Belts
- Weight belts can have a protective effect on the low back
- However, too much time spent in weight lifting belts can cause the abdominal musculature to not adapt optimally causing increased possibility of injury if a lifter attempts a lift without a weight belt on when they typically would have a weight belt on
Joint Biomechanics: Concerns in Resistance Training: Weight Lifting Belts: Considerations
- A weight belt is not needed for exercises that do not directly affect the lower back
- For exercises directly stressing the lower back and individual should refrain from using a weight belt during lighter sets but may want to use one during maximal or near maximal sets
- Weight lifters may choose to never use weight belts if they practice safe resistance training techniques
Joint Biomechanics: Concerns in Resistance Training: Shoulders
- The shoulder is particularly vulnerable during weight lifting due to its large degree of mobility
Joint Biomechanics: Concerns in Resistance Training: Knees
- The patella and patellar tendon are especially vulnerable to wear and tear with heavier restive loads
- The knee moves primarily in the sagittal plane and rotational movements which are checked by ligamentous structures can be damaging
Joint Biomechanics: Concerns in Resistance Training: Knee Braces and Wraps
- Knee wraps contribute to a spring effect that can aid in the amount of weight lifted
- However, their is insufficient evidence to classify knee braces as injury preventative
Joint Biomechanics: Concerns in Resistance Training: Elbows and Wrists
- Elbow and wrist injury primary concern is with overhead lifting
- Care should be taken with younger athletes to avoid over stressing growth plates in the elbow
- The prevalence of elbow or wrist injury with weight lifting is very sporadic and not prevalent in the literature