Chapter Three: Bioenergetics of Exercise and Training Flashcards
Metabolic Specificity
- Tailoring training to the specific metabolic needs of the athletes sport
- The conversion of macronutrients which contain chemical energy into usable biological energy
- The breakdown of large molecules into smaller molecules associated with the release of energy
- Protein ———> amino acids
- The synthesis of larger molecules from smaller molecules
- Amino acids ——–> protein
Exergonic Reaction
- Energy releasing reactions that are generally catabolic
Endergonic Reactions
- Require energy
- Anabolic
- Contraction of muscle
- The total of all the catabolic or exergonic and anabolic or endergonic reactions in a biological system
Adenosine Triphosphate
- Molecule that allows for the transfer of energy from exergonic to endergonic reactions
Adenosine Triphosphate: Chemical Makeup
- Adenosine
- Three phosphate groups
Adenosine: Chemical Makeup
- Adenine+Ribose
- The breakdown of one molecule of ATP to yield energy
Adenosine triphosphatase
- Enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of ATP
Myosin ATPase
- Enzyme that catalyzes ATP hydrolysis for cross bridge recycling
Calcium ATPase
- Pumps calcium into the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Sodium-Potassium ATPase
- Maintains sarcolemmal concentration gradient after depolarization
Adenosine Diphosphate
- Adenosine
- Two phosphate groups
Adenosine Monophosphate
- Adenosine
- One phosphate group
Anaerobic Metabolism
- Energy producing processes that do not require the use of oxygen
Aerobic Metabolism
- Energy producing processes that require oxygen
Anaerobic Energy Systems
- Phosphagen
- Glycolytic
Anaerobic Energy Systems: Location in the Cell
- Sarcoplasm of a muscle cell
Aerobic Energy Systems
- Oxidative system
Aerobic Energy Systems: Location in the cell
- Mitochondria
Macronutrient Metabolism
- Only carbohydrate can be metabolized into energy without oxygen making it vital for anaerobic metabolism
- At any given point during activity all energy systems are active however the magnitude of contribution of each system to overall work performance is primarily dependent on intensity and duration
Phosphagen System
- Provides energy for short term high intensity activities such as resistance training or sprinting
- Active at the beginning of all exercise regardless of intensity
- Relies on the breakdown of ATP and the breakdown of another high energy molecule called creatine phosphate or phosphocreatine
- High rate of energy production but limited stores of creatine phosphate do not allow it to be the primary supplier of energy for long duration activity
Phosphagen System: Creatine Kinase
- The enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of ATP from CP and ADP
Phosphagen System: ATP Stores
- Body stores 80-100g of ATP in reserve
- ATP is not able to be completely depleted
- ATP can deplete to 50-60% of pre-exercise levels
- Type II muscle contains higher concentrations of creatine phosphate meaning they may be able to replenish ATP faster during high intensity activity
Phosphagen System: Adenylate Kinase Reaction
- Produces ATP and has byproduct of AMP a precursor to glycolysis
Phosphagen System: Control of the Phosphagen System: Law of Mass Action
- The concentration of reactants or products in solution will drive the direction of the reactions
- Breakdown of carbohydrate either glycogen stored in the muscle or glucose delivered in the blood to resynthesize ATP
- Slower than phopshagen system but has higher ATP regeneration capacity due to higher concentrations of glycogen and glucose
Glycolysis: Pyruvate
- Result of glycolysis
- Either will be converted into lactate in the sarcoplasm
- Pyruvate can be shuttled into the mitochondria
Glycolysis: Anaerobic Glycolysis: Pyruvate to Lactate
- ATP synthesis occurs at a faster rate due to rapid regeneration of NAD+
- Creates hydrogen and lowers cytosolic pH
Glycolysis: Aerobic Glycolysis: Pyruvate to Mitochondria
- ATP resynthesis occurs slower due to numerous reactions
Glycolysis: Aerobic vs Anaerobic Glycolysis
- Which type of glycolysis is used depends on exercise intensity
- If energy demands are high the body will utilize anaerobic glycolysis
- If energy demands are low the body will utilize aerobic glycolysis
Glycolysis: Glycolysis and the Formation of Lactate
- Lactate is the end product of anaerobic glycolysis not lactic acid
- High concentrations of lactate are found in muscles after activity but is not the main factor in muscular fatigue
- Muscular fatigue is driven by high concentrations of Hydrogen Ions
- Increased hydrogen decreases pH and causes increased acidic conditions inhibiting muscular processes
Glycolysis: Metabolic Acidosis
- Exercise induced decrease in pH causing increased acidic conditions
Glycolysis: Lactate as an Energy Substrate
- Lactate is used as an energy substrate in type I and cardiac muscle fibers
- Lactate is used for energy substrate in gluconeogensis
Glycolysis: Gluconeogensis
- The formation of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources
Glycolysis: Lactate Production
- Type II = 0.5 mmol/g/s
- Type I = 0.25 mmol/g/s
- Higher production in type II muscles due to higher concentrations of glycolytic activity
Glycolysis: Lactate Production Influenced By
- Muscle fiber type
- Exercise duration
- State of training
- Initial glycogen levels
Glycolysis: Bicarbonate Buffering
- HCO3 buffers hydrogen production during lactate production
Glycolysis: Lactate Buffering
- Oxidation within the muscle fiber
- Transportation in the blood to other muscle fibers to be oxidized
- Transported in the blood to the liver where it is converted to glucose in the Cori cycle
Glycolysis: Lactate Clearance
- Lactate returns to pre exercise values one hour post activity
- Active recovery has been shown to buffer lactate better than passive recovery
- Trained individuals buffer lactate faster and experience lower blood lactate levels at a given workload
- Peak lactate levels occur 5 minutes post activity
- Trained individuals have higher blood lactate at maximal activity
Glycolysis: Leading to the Kreb’s cycle
- If pyruvate is not converted to lactate then it is transported to the mitochondria as long as the mitochondria has sufficient oxygen available
- Two molecules of NADH are also transported
- Pyruvate is converted to Acetyl-CoA
- Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA causes the loss of a carbon via CO2
Glycolysis: Path of Acetyl-CoA and NADH
- Acetyl-CoA enters the Kreb’s cycle for further ATP resynthesis
- NADH enter the electron transport chain where they are also used to resynthesize ATP
Glycolysis: Energy Yield: Two systems for resynthesizing ATP
- Substrate level phosphorylation
- Oxidative phosphorylation
Glycolysis: Energy Yield: Phosphorylation
- The process of adding an inorganic phosphate to another molecule
Glycolysis: Energy Yield: Oxidative Phosphorylation
- Refers to resynthesis of ATP in the electron transport chain
Glycolysis: Energy Yield: Substrate Level Phosphorylation
- Refers to direct resynthesis of ATP from ADP during a single reaction
- Yields four ATP
Glycolysis: Energy Yield: Sources of ATP consumption
- Conversion of fructose-6-phosphate to fructose -1,6-biphosphate via phosphofructokinase during glycolysis requires the hydrolysis of one ATP
- Phosphorylation of blood glucose to stay in the muscle cell due to the concentration gradient, via hexokinase, requires the hydrolysis of one ATP
Glycolysis: Energy Yield: Mathematics of ATP Yield Depending on Source
- If the source is blood glucose then two ATP are used and four are produced creating a net yield of two ATP.
- If the source is muscle glycogen then one ATP is used for the conversion of f6p to f16b and four or produced creating an ATP yield of three ATP (muscle glycogen does not require the hydrolysis of one ATP to remain in the cell and maintain a glucose concentration gradient)
Glycolysis: Control: Glycolysis Rate Stimulation Due To
- Intense muscle action
- High concentrations of ADP and ammonia
- Slight decrease in pH and AMP
Glycolysis: Control: Glycolysis Rate Inhibition Due To
- Rest
- Reduced pH, ATP, CP citrate and free fatty acids
Glycolysis: Control: Other Factors
- Concentrations and turnovers of three important glycolytic enzymes hexokinase, PFK, pyruvate kinase
Glycolysis: Control: Allosteric Inhibition
- Occurs when an end product binds to the regulatory enzyme and decreases its turnover rate and slows product formation
Glycolysis: Control: Allosteric Activation
- Occurs when an activator binds with the enzyme and increases its turnover rate
Glycolysis: Control: Allosteric Inhibition Reactions
- Hexokinase is allosterically inhibited by the concentration of glucose-6-phosphate in the sarcoplasm
- As g6p increases hexokinase activity decreases
- PFK reaction is allosterically inhibited by ATP
- As ATP concentrations increase PFK activity decreases
- Pyruvate Kinase is allosterically inhibited by ATP and Acetyl-CoA
- As ATP and Acetyl-CoA concentrations increase pyruvate kinase activity is inhibited
Glycolysis: Control: The rate limiting step is
- PFK converting f6p to f16b
- As PFK activity decreases due to increased ATP it limits the conversion of f6b to f16b causing a decreases in glycolytic activity
Glycolysis: Control: Allosteric Activation Reactions
- PFK reaction is allosterically activated by AMP
- AS AMP concentrations go up PFK activity increases
- PFK is allosterically activated by ammonia
- As ammonia concentrations go up PFK activity increases
- Pyruvate kinase is allosterically activated by high concentrations of AMP and f16b.
- As concentrations of AMP and f16b go up pyruvate kinase activity increases
Lactate Threshold and Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation: Lactate Threshold
- A period of significant increase in reliance on anaerobic mechanisms for energy production to meet demand
- Corresponds well with ventilatory threshold
- Typically begins at 50-60% of maximal oxygen uptake in untrained individuals and 70-80% in aerobically trained individuals
Lactate Threshold and Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation: Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation (OBLA)
- Occurs when the concentration of blood lactate reaches 4mmol/L
Lactate Threshold and Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation: Increases in Lactate Due to
- Recruitment of large motor units and type II muscle fibers due to anaerobic component of activity.
Lactate Threshold and Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation: Training at LT
- Studies show training at ones LT can push it to the right allowing the individual to perform at higher percentage of maximal oxygen uptake without as much lactate accumulation
The Oxidative System:
- Primary source of ATP at rest and during low intensity activities uses primarily carbohydrate and fats
- Protein does not provide a significant contribution to to total energy
The Oxidative System: Substrate utilization
- At high intensity activity almost 100% of energy is derived from carbohydrate if available.
- At prolonged sub-maximal, steady state work there is a gradual shift from carbohydrate back to fats
The Oxidative System: Glucose and Glycogen Oxidation
- Pyruvate to Acetyl-CoA
- Two ATP are produced indirectly from GTP for each molecule of glucose
- Also produced are six molecules of NADH and two molecules of FADH2 which transport hydrogen atoms to the ETC to be used to produce ATP from ADP
- This causes NADH and FADH2 molecules to rephosphorylate ADP to ATP
The Oxidative System: One molecule of NADH Produces
- Three molecules of ATP
The Oxidative System: One molecule of FADH 2 Produces
- Two molecules of ATP
The Oxidative System: ATP Yield
- 38 ATP from the degradation of one molecule of glucose
- 39 ATP from the degradation of one molecule of muscle glycogen
- Accounts for 90% of ATP synthesis
Fat Oxidation: Beta Oxidation
- Triglycerides broken down by hormone sensitive lipase into free fatty acids and glycerol
- Free fatty acids undergo beta oxidation where they become acetyl-CoA and hydrogen protons
- Acytel-CoA to Krebs cycle
- Hydrogen atoms carried via NADH and FADH2 to the electron transport chain
- Results in very high ATP yield and is capable of a much higher ATP yield than carbohydrates
Protein Oxidation:
- Amino Acids can be converted to glucose, pyruvate or various other Kreb’s cycle intermediates to produce ATP
- Contributed little to short duration ATP yield but may contribute to long duration activity
- Branched chain amino acids (Leucine, isoleucine, and valine) are the main amino acids that are oxidized in skeletal muscle.
- Nitrogenous waste products are urea and ammonia
Control of Oxidative System: Rate Limiting Step of the Kreb’s Cycle
- The conversion of isocitrate to alpha-ketoglutarate a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme iso-citrate dehydrogenase
Control of Oxidative System: Allosteric Control of Iso-Citrate Dehydrogenase
- Allosterically Inhibited ATP
Control of Oxidative System: NADH and FADH2
- If there are not sufficient quantities of NAD and FAD2 to accept hydrogen the rate of the Kreb’s cycle is inhibited
Control of Oxidative System: GTP Accumulation
- When GTP accumulates the concentration of succinyl CoA increases which inhibits the initial reactionof the Kreb’s cycle
Control of Oxidative System: ETC Inhibition
- ETC is allosterically inhibited by ATP
- ETC is allosterically activated by ADP
Energy Production and Capacity
- High intensity short duration activities requires energy from the phosphagen system
- Low intensity long duration activities require energy from the oxidative system
- Fast and slow glycolysis produce energy on a continuum between higher intensity short duration activities and a shift toward longer duration low intensity activities
- At no time during any activity or rest does any single energy system supply all of the energy
Substrate Depletion and Repletion: Phosphagen Repletion
- Repletion of phosphagen post exercise occurs within a relatively short period
- Complete ATP repletion occurs within 3-5 minutes
- Complete CP repletion occurs within 8 minutes
Substrate Depletion and Repletion: Phosphagen Alterations with Training
- Aerobic endurance training can increase resting concentrations of phosphagens and decrease their rate of depletion
- Studies are mixed on if high intensity training and resistance training alters phosphagen levels.
- Increased muscle mass and increases in type II muscle hypertrophy can cause increased phosphagen concentrations due to the ability of the muscle to store phosphagen
Substrate Depletion and Repletion: Glycogen
- 300-400 grams of glycogen are stored in bodies muscle
- 70-100 grams of glycogen are stored in muscle liver
- All types of training can cause increases in muscle glycogen
Substrate Depletion and Repletion: Glycogen Depletion
- Related to exercise intensity
- Muscle glycogen more important than liver glycogen
- Liver glycogen contributes to low intensity activity
- Muscle glycogen takes over as a more important contributor as exercises intensity increases.
- Over 60% of maximal oxygen uptake muscle glycogen is the primary source of energy substrate
Substrate Depletion and Repletion: Glycogen Repletion
- Repletion of muscle glycogen is related to post exercise carbohydrate intake
- Repletion seems to be optimal if post exercise carbohydrate intake is between 0.7-3.0 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight is ingested every 2 hours post exercise
- If enough carbohydrate is consumed post exercise it can be totally replenished in 24 hours
Bioenergetic Limiting Factors in Exercise
- Glycogen depletion can be a limiting factor both for long duration low intensity activity and exercise supported primarily by aerobic metabolism and for repeated high-intensity exercise supported primarily by anaerobic mechanisms.
- Metabolic Acidosis
- Increased intracellular inorganic phosphate
- Ammonia accumulation
- Increased ADP
- Impaired calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Chap Three thoughts
- Need to make sure we make note cards for the blue boxes
- Need to make sure we can walk through each of the bioenergetic systems: Phosphagen, fast and slow glycolytic, and Oxidative
- Need to make sure you can work out the math on ATP production for each system
- Need to have an awareness of when each system is used during which types of activities
Oxygen Uptake and the Aerobic and Anaerobic Contributions to Exercise: Oxygen Uptake
- The ability for a person to take in and deliver oxygen to working tissues
Oxygen Uptake and the Aerobic and Anaerobic Contributions to Exercise: Low Intensity Exercise
- Oxygen uptake increases for the first few minutes until a steady state of uptake is reached
Oxygen Uptake and the Aerobic and Anaerobic Contributions to Exercise: Oxygen Deficit
- The period at the beginning of exercise where the anaerobic system is supplying energy do to the delayed response of the aerobic system
Oxygen Uptake and the Aerobic and Anaerobic Contributions to Exercise: Oxygen Debt/Excess Post Oxygen Consumption (EPOC)
- The period following exercise where oxygen demand is still above pre-exercise/resting levels
- Oxygen uptake above resting values used to restore the body to the pre-exercise condition
Oxygen Uptake and the Aerobic and Anaerobic Contributions to Exercise: Oxygen Deficit and EPOC Relationship
- No relationship exists between the two shown via studies
Oxygen Uptake and the Aerobic and Anaerobic Contributions to Exercise: When Anaerobic mechanisms contribute
- When oxygen is above the maximal amount of oxygen uptake that a person can attain the anaerobic system kicks in
- As Anaerobic mechanism contribution increases, exercise duration decreases
Metabolic Specificity of Training
- Athletes should train to the specific metabolic needs of their sport whether thats anaerobic or aerobic
- Many sports require intermittent bouts of low intensity work interspersed with high intensity effort
- Athletes benefit from training for both types of energy systems when the sport requires, focusing on one type of energy system over the other may be detrimental to the athlete.
Metabolic Specificity of Training: Interval Training
- Method that emphasizes bioenergetic adaptions for more efficient energy transfers within the metabolic pathways by using predetermined intervals of exercise and rest periods
- Short duration/high intensity intervals may take longer to replenish energy stores due to the 8 minute period for replenishing CP stores
- Long duration/low intensity intervals will take less time to replenish energy systems due to the use of the aerobic system.
Metabolic Specificity of Training: High Intensity Interval Training
- Involves brief repeated bouts of high intensity exercise with intermittent recovery periods
Metabolic Specificity of Training: High Intensity Interval Training: Variables to Manipulate to achieve Metabolic Specificity
- Intensity of active portion
- Duration of active portion
- Intensity of recovery portion
- Duration of recovery portion
- Number of duty cycles performed
- Number of sets
- Rest time between sets
- Recovery intensity between sets
- Mode of exercise
Metabolic Specificity of Training: High Intensity Interval Training: Variables to Manipulate to achieve Metabolic Specificity: Most Important Variables
- Intensity and duration of the active and recovery portions of each duty cycle are the most important to consider
- Cumulative duration and intensity of active portions of duty cycles should equate to several minutes above 90% of VO2max
Metabolic Specificity of Training: High Intensity Interval Training: Benefits of HIIT or the result of
- Recruitment of large motor units
- Near maximal cardiac output
Metabolic Specificity of Training: High Intensity Interval Training: HIIT provides stimulus for
- Oxidative muscle fiber adaptions
- Myocardial Hypertrophy
- Increased VO2max
- Proton Buffering
- Glycogen
- Anaerobic thresholds
- Time exhaustion
- Time trial performance
Metabolic Specificity of Training: Combination Training
- Adding aerobic endurance training to the training of anaerobic athletes
Metabolic Specificity of Training: Combination Training: Aerobic training impacts on the anaerobic athlete
- However, aerobic training may reduce anaerobic power output in high strength, high power performance
- Combined aerobic and anaerobic training may reduce gain in muscle girth, maximum strength, and speed and power related performance
Metabolic Specificity of Training: Combination Training: Proposed mechanisms for aerobic training hinderance of anaerobic training
- Too much training duration limited recovery
- Decreasing rapid voluntary activation
- Chronically lower muscle glycogen levels that can limit intracellular signaling responses during resistance training
- Fiber type transition to slow twitch fibers
Blue Box: Lactic Acid Does Not Cause Metabolic Acidosis
- Lactic Acidosis is a misnomer for the burning sensation during high intensity exercise based on the assumption that there is an immediate dissociation of lactic acid int lactate and Hydrogen
- ATP hydrolysis is the contributor to Hydrogen ion accumulation and acidosis
- Metabolic acidosis is a better term to describe the decrease in pH when skeletal muscle is doing work
Blue Box: Differences in PCR Depletion and Resynthesis in Children Versus Adults
- Children are better able to meet energy demands with oxidative metabolism during high intensity intermittent exercise
Blue Box: EPOC in intensity, duration and mode dependent: Aerobic Exercise
- Intensity has the greatest effect of EPOC
- The greatest EPOC values are found when both exercise intensity and durations are high
- Performing brief intermittent bouts of supra maximal exercise may induce the greatest EPOC with lower total work
- There is interindividual difference in EPOC
- The effects of aerobic exercise modes on EPOC are unclear
Blue Box: EPOC in intensity, duration and mode dependent: Resistance Exercise and EPOC
- Heavy resistance exercise produces greater EPOC’s than circuit weight training
- Intensity dependent in response to resistance training
Blue Box: EPOC in intensity, duration and mode dependent: Factors Responsible for EPOC
- Replenishment of Oxygen
- ATP/CP resynthesis
- Increased body temp, circulation and ventilation
- Increased rate of triglyceride fatty acid cycling
- Increased protein turnover
- Changes in energy efficiency during recovery