Chapter Five: Adaptions to Anaerobic Training Programs Flashcards
Neural Adaptations: Occur via
- Maximization of muscular strength and power
- Augmented neural drive
- Increased agonist muscle recruitment
- Improved neuronal firing rates
- Greater synchronization
- Timing of neural discharge
- Reduction in inhibitory mechanisms
Central Adaptations
- Motor cortex activity increases
- Adaptations to the descending cortico spinal tracts in the spinal cord
- Increased recruitment of fast twitch motor units
Adaptations to Motor Units
- Improved summation of overlapping action potentials is expressed as augmented contractile strength
Gains in maximal strength and power of agonist muscles are generally associated with
- Increase in recruitment
- Increased rate of firing
- Greater synchronization of neural discharge
- A combination of all these factors
Size Principle
- Motor units are required from low to high threshold motor units
- Low recruitment threshold and force production to high recruitment threshold and production
- Typically small type one fibers first, large type I and small type II second, large type II last
Selective Recruitment
- Athletes can develop the ability to perform selective recruitment or the ability to preferentially recruit fast twitch motor units
- Typically takes place in athletes who require quick ballistic movements and due not have enough time to recruit the entire motor unit pool including Olympic weight lifting, plyometrics, speed, power, and agility
Adaptations to Motor Units: Smaller motor units vs Larger motor units
- Smaller motor units rely more on an increased firing rate to enhance force production
- Larger muscles depend more on recruitment to enhance force production
Adaptations to Motor Units: Synchronization
- Improved synchronization of motor units with training
- More critical to the timing of force production and less critical to the overall level of force developed.
Neuromuscular Junction: Anaerobic training appears to induce beneficial morphological changes to the NMJ including
- Increased NMJ total area
- More dispersed irregular shaped synapses
- Greater total length of nerve terminal branching
- Greater endplate perimeter length and area
- Greater dispersion of acetylcholine receptors within the end plate region
Neuromuscular Reflex Potentiation
- Increased response of the reflex
- Enhanced magnitude and rate of force development
- Increased potentiation of the reflex in trained individuals
Anaerobic Training and Electromyography Studies
- EMG studies show increases in neuromuscular activity as training begins and increased neural drive is the predominant factor with training
- As hypertrophy begins to increase this takes over as the primary training adaptation and EMG dats decreases
- If new training stimuli are introduced neural stimuli increases as shown via EMG studies
EMG: Cross Education
- Increased strength and neural activity in a muscle contralateral to a muscle being trained
EMG: Bilateral Deficit
- The force produced when both limbs contract together is lower than the force produced in one limb when contracting unilaterally
EMG: Bilateral Facilitation
- An increase in voluntary activation of the agonist muscle groups occurs
EMG: Antagonist Muscles
- EMG activity of antagonist muscles changes with contraction of agonist muscles
- Co-contraction of agonist and antagonist muscles serves as a protective mechanism to protect the joint
- Antagonist muscle force can lower with resistance training in individuals that need less antagonist muscle force to facilitate agonist muscle firing.
- Antagonist muscle firing can also increase in individuals who need increased stability in the joint.
Muscle Adaptations: Hypertrophy
- Enlargement of the muscle fiber cross sectional area
- Increase in net accretion of the contractile proteins actin and myosin within the myofibril within a muscle fiber
- Increased synthesis of titin and nebulin
- Increased protein synthesis and muscle cross sectional area.
Muscle Adaptations: Muscle Building Pathways
- mTOR
- Akt/mTOR pathway are particularly important for regulating muscle growth
Muscle Adaptations: General Pathway Signals
- Increase in protein and muscle building pathways
- Down regulation of inhibitory factors
Muscle Adaptations: Exercise Induced Muscle Damage
- Exercise induced muscle damage and the subsequent remodeling process play a roll in muscle growth
Muscle Adaptations: The steps of protein synthesis
- Water uptake
- Non-contractile protein synthesis
- Contractile protein synthesis
- Simultaneous reduction in protein degradation acts to maintain the size of fibers by reducing net protein loss
Muscle Adaptations: Hypertrophy in response to training
- Hypertrophy does not begin for around 1 month post initiation of resistance training. Early strength gains are neuromuscular adaption.
- Hypertrophy begins around one month/16 workouts into a program and is rapid at first.
- Hypertrophy then tapers off over time and slows.
Muscle Adaptations: Hyperplasia
- An increase in the number of muscle fibers
- Concept is not fully accepted is a mechanism of strength building. It is contested whether it takes place in humans or not.
Fiber Size Changes
- Muscle fiber size change follows the size principle
- Type II muscle fibers manifest greater increases in size than Type I fibers
- It has been hypothesized that individuals possessing higher proportions of type II fibers have a greater predisposition to muscle hypertrophy due to the increased capacity of type II fibers.
Fiber Type Transitions In Order
- IIx, IIax, IIa, IIac, IIc, Ic, and I
- With concomitant myosin heavy chain expression
Fiber Type Transitions: Training and Activation of High Threshold Motor Units Causes
- Transition from type IIx to type IIa
- IIx muscle fibers transition to slightly more oxidative causing their transition to IIa
- Changes in type IIx to type IIa do not impact the rate of change in CSA
Muscle Adaptations: Type I to Type II Muscle Fiber Transitions
- Type I to Type II muscle fiber transitions do not occur.
Structural and Architectural Changes
- Angle of pennation increases with resistance training
- Fascicle length is larger with resistance training
Other Muscular Adaptations
- Increased myfibrillar volume
- Increased Cytoplasmic density
- Sarcoplasmic reticulum and and T-tubule density
- Increased sodium-potassium ATPase activity
- Mitochondrial density in relation to increases in CSA occur disproportionately. CSA increases faster than mitochondrial density.
- Improved hydrogen buffering capacity causing improvements in ability to tolerate acid buildup.
- Increased storage capacity of ATP and Creatine Phosphate
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Bone
- Mechanical loading creates tension on bones causing osteoblast activity to lay own new bone
- New bone formation occurs predominantly in on the periosteum
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Cortical Bone
- Dense and forms a compact outer shell
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Trabecular Bone
- Spongy soft inner layer
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Bone Marrow
- Adipose tissue inside a bone
- Blood supply to the bone located here
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Response to Stress
- Trabecular bone more responsive to stress due to its soft flexibility.
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Minimal Essential Strain (MES)
- The minimal amount of strain required to stimulate new bone formation
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Progressive overload and the MES
- Progressive overload to exceed the MES is the best way to strengthen bones
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Bone Mineral Density
- The quantity of mineral deposited in a given area of bone
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Muscle hypertrophy and bone mineral density
- There is a positive correlation between muscle mass and bone mineral density
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Principles of Training to Increase Bone Strength: Specificity of Loading
- Demands the use of exercises that directly load the particular region of interest of the skeleton
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Principles of Training to Increase Bone Strength: Osteogenic Stimuli
- Factors that stimulate bone growth
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Adaptations to Tendons, Ligaments, and Fascia: Collagen
- The primary component of all connective tissue
- Two types I and II
- Type I=Bone, tendon, and ligament
- Type II=Cartilage
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Principles of Training to Increase Bone Strength: Procollagen
- Precursor to collagen
- Laid down via fibroblasts
- Increases with resistance activity
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Principles of Training to Increase Bone Strength: Collagen Structure
- Triple helix
- Fibers formed from microfibrils
- Structural integrity comes from chemical cross linking
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Principles of Training to Increase Bone Strength: Tendons and Ligaments
- Tightly bound parallel packed collagen bundles bunched together longitudinally to form tendons or ligaments
- Not very metabolically active
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Principles of Training to Increase Bone Strength: Fascia
- The fibrous connective tissues that surround and separate the different organizational levels within skeletal muscle
- Fascia within muscles converges into tendons that transmit forces
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Tendon and Ligament Response to Training
- Tendons and Ligaments require a large amount of force to remodel.
- The amount of remodeling is proportional to the force.
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Tendon and Ligament Response to Training: Sites of connective tissue increases in strength and load bearing capacity
- Junctions between the tendon and bone surface
- Within the body of the tendon or ligament
- In the network of fascia within skeletal muscle
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Tendon and Ligament Response to Training: Changes within the Tendon that Contribute to increase in size and strength include the following
- An increase in collagen fibril diameter
- A greater number of covalent cross links within the hypertrophied fiber
- An increase in the number of collagen fibrils
- An increase in the packing density of collagen fibrils
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Tendon and Ligament Response to Training: Tendon Stiffness
- With sufficient loading tendons can increase tendon stiffness or their ability to transmit forces.
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Adaptations of cartilage to Anaerobic Training: Cartilage
- Cartilage: A dense connective tissue capable of with standing considerable force without damage to its structure
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Adaptations of cartilage to Anaerobic Training: Cartilage Functions
- Provide a smooth joint articulation surface
- Act as a hock absorber for forces directed through the joint
- Aid in the attachment of connective tissue to the skeleton
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Adaptations of cartilage to Anaerobic Training: Cartilage Structure and Types
- No blood supply relies on diffusion of oxygen
- Types: Hyaline and Fibrous
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Adaptations of cartilage to Anaerobic Training: Hyaline Cartilage
- Found on the Articulating surfaces of bones
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Adaptations of cartilage to Anaerobic Training: Fibrous Cartilage
- Tough form of cartilage found in intervertebral disks of the spine and at the junctions where tendons attach to bone
Connective Tissue Adaptions: Adaptations of cartilage to Anaerobic Training: Cartilage Chanes
- Cartilage decreases with immobilization or lack of joint movement
- Cartilage increases with mobilization, joint movement and increased resistance on the joint
Endocrine Responses and Adaptations to Anaerobic Training: Acute Anabolic Hormone Responses: Testosterone, Growth Hormone, and Cortisol
- Concentrations of testosterone, growth hormone and cortisol increase following resistance training in men for 30 min
- The magnitude of elevation of these hormones is greatest when large muscle mass exercises are performed in a high intensity short rest interval program
- Correlation exists between lactate accumulation growth hormone and cortisol
Endocrine Responses and Adaptations to Anaerobic Training: Acute Anabolic Hormone Responses: IGF-1
- IGF-1 a primary mediator for growth hormone and acts as a hormonal messenger that stimulates growth in almost every cell in the body.
Endocrine Responses and Adaptations to Anaerobic Training: Acute Anabolic Hormone Responses: Insulin
- Insulin secretion parallels blood glucose and amino acid changes
- Insulin is mostly effected by supplementation during activity as opposed to anaerobic exercise stimulus
Endocrine Responses and Adaptations to Anaerobic Training: Acute Anabolic Hormone Responses: Catecholamines
- Catecholamines reflect acute demands of of anaerobic exercise
Endocrine Responses and Adaptations to Anaerobic Training: Chronic Changes in the Acute Hormonal Response
- Chronic adaptations in acute hormonal response patterns potentially augment the ability to better tolerate and sustain prolonged higher exercises intensities
Endocrine Responses and Adaptations to Anaerobic Training: Chronic Changes in Resting Hormonal Concentrations
- Chronic changes to hormonal concentrations due to prolonged anaerobic training are not likely.
- Acute changes are typically enough to effect appropriate tissue remodeling
- Chronically elevated hormonal levels would actually be counterproductive due to down regulation of hormone receptors.
Endocrine Responses and Adaptations to Anaerobic Training: Hormone Receptor Changes
- Resistance training has been shown to up-regulate androgen receptor content within a window following working out
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses to Anaerobic Exercises: Acute Cardiovascular Responses to Anaerobic Exercise
- Heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, and blood pressure all increase significantly during resistance exercise
- Resistance training does not cause negative effects on resting blood pressure but does cause increased blood pressure during an exercise
- Increased intra-thoracic pressure and plasma volume reductions have been noted during and following resistance training
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses to Anaerobic Exercises: Acute Cardiovascular Responses to Anaerobic Exercise
- Stroke volume and cardiac output increase mostly during the eccentric phase of each repetition especially with the Valsalva maneuver.
- Heart rate increases following an exercise than during an exercise
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses to Anaerobic Exercises: Acute Cardiovascular Responses to Anaerobic Exercise: Factors that Cause Blood Flow Increases
- Intensity of resistance
- Length of time of the effort
- Size of the muscle activated
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses to Anaerobic Exercises: Acute Cardiovascular Responses to Anaerobic Exercise: Reactive Hyperemia
- When a muscle undergoes tensions above 20% maximum voluntary control blood flow to the muscle is decreased due to an occlusive effect
- Reactive hyperemia takes place with an increase in blood flow following the release of the resistance
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses to Anaerobic Exercises: Chronic Cardiovascular Adaptations at Rest: Heart Rates
- Some evidence supports anaerobic training reduces resting heart rates
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses to Anaerobic Exercises: Chronic Cardiovascular Adaptations at Rest: Blood Pressure
- Systolic and Diastolic Blood pressure decrease with resistance training
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses to Anaerobic Exercises: Chronic Cardiovascular Adaptations at Rest: Rate Pressure Product
- Rate pressure product remans the same or decrease following resistance training
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses to Anaerobic Exercises: Chronic Cardiovascular Adaptations at Rest: Stroke Volume
- Stroke volume has been shown to increase as lean tissue mass has increases
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses to Anaerobic Exercises: Chronic Cardiovascular Adaptations at Rest: Cholesterol
- No change or slight decrease total cholesterol and LDL
- Increase HDL
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses to Anaerobic Exercises: Chronic Cardiovascular Adaptations at Rest: Cardiac Dimensions
- Increased left ventricular wall thickness and mass have been reported
- Highly resistance trained individuals shower greater than normal absolute posterior left ventricular septum wall thickness
- Little or no change to left ventricular chamber size or volume
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses to Anaerobic Exercises: Chronic Adaptations of the Acute Cardiovascular Response to Anaerobic Exercise
- Chronic resistance training reduces the cardiovascular response to an acute bout of resistance exercise of a given absolute intensity or workload
- Oxygen extraction is generally not improved following resistance training using heavy loads and low volume
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses to Anaerobic Exercises: Ventilatory Response to Anaerobic Exercise
- Ventilatory response is not effected or only moderately improved by resistance exercise
- Ventilation increases during a set and immediately after a set
- Shorter rest intervals produce the most substantial elevations in ventilatory rate
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses to Anaerobic Exercises: Ventilatory Response to Anaerobic Exercise: Maximal Exercise
- With maximal exercise adaptations include increased tidal volume, and breathing frequency
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses to Anaerobic Exercises: Ventilatory Response to Anaerobic Exercise: Sub-maximal Exercise
- With sub-maximal exercise breathing frequency is reduced and tidal volume increases
Compatibility of Aerobic and Anaerobic Modes of Training:
- Aerobic training, especially high intensity endurance training can have a limiting effect on anaerobic and resistance training
- Resistance training has a positive effect on aerobic training adaptations
- Power development is impacted more than strength development when combined with aerobic training
- Accumulated stress that causes long term decrements in performance with or without associated physiological or psychological signs and symptoms of maladaptation
- Short term decrements in performance due to short bouts of high intensity training
- When combined with adequate rest can be a good tool for super compensation in training
Non-functional over-reaching
- Long term mal-adaptation do to increased training stimulus without adequate recovery
Overtraining syndrome
- Prolonged maladaptation beyond the cessation of activity that as biological, neuro-chemical and hormonal components
Mistakes that can lead to Anaerobic Overtraining
- Any increase in an acute variable of training in too high a dose can cause overtraining
- Athletes who perform at a high intensity and do not take adequate recovery are at risk for overtraining
Hormonal Markers of Anaerobic Overtraining
- Over training has been shown to cause reductions in testosterone, and lutenizing hormone and increase cortisol
- Over training has been shown to blunt the exercise induced rise in testosterone
- Over training causes long term pituitary down regulation
Psychological Factors in Overtraining
- Over training can cause decrements to mood and monitoring athletes mood is a method to monitor for over training
- Performance reductions and loss of accumulated physiological adaptations following the cessation of training
Detraining: Changes
- Initially no change in the immediate period of reduced strength and conditioning parameters
- Strength loss in the musuclauture with prolonged detraining
- Neural changes first followed by atrophy
- Highly trained individuals can gain strength back quickly
- In anaerobically trained individuals an increase in oxidative muscle fibers
- In aerobically trained individuals a decrease in oxidative muscle fibers
- Reductions in muscle fiber cross sectional area in type I and type II muscle fiber types and cross sectional area in muscle mass noted in anaerobically trained individuals