Chapter Two Flashcards
employed to encourage all personnel in the organization accomplished whatever assignment may be given in order to achieve the objectives
Leading can only be achieved if it is preceded by
a well- designed strategy
Most active part of the directing function and provides direction where one is going
Characteristics of a Leader
- Good listener
- Optimistic
- Ambitious
- Likes everyone
- Good self-esteem
- Accessible
- Self- discipline
- Confident
- Good memory
- Good sense of value and sound judgement
Manager roles played in an organization
- Represents the org
- Hold formal authority
- Develops and implements strategies to accomplish goals
- Manage personnel and financial responsibility
- Facilitate communication
- Motivates employees
- Oversees customer service
- Implement time management strategies and innovative ways to expand service
4 key leadership styles
- Directing
- Coaching
- Supporting
- Delegating
Leadership employs____, _____,and _____ to accomplish the work of an org
Management skills, people skills, and vision
Indiv whose job is to guide the org to attain its objectives
Essential characteristics/ qualities of a successful manager
- Mission
- Vision
- Good health
- Humility
- Decision making ability
Leadership style in which manager makes decisions without consulting the subordinates ( self-centred)
Let people do as they choose( Delagating leadership)
It focuses on rules and regulations set by the hierarchy of authority ( work by the book)
Manager view all authority to be concentrated at the very top
Concept of centralized authority
Leader sets logical and realistic goals that initiates movement and providez motivation for full participation
Conviction of merits of decentralized authority
Leadership responsibility
- Formulate and document policies and procedures
- Encourage free flow and exhange of ideas
- Effectively communicate plan to all personnel
- Develop and maintain effective relationship with staffs
- Assure an awareness by all personnel of current trends and practice
- Provides efficient meand for assuring compliance
Leadership style the provides low support and direction
Leadership style thr provides high support and direction
Leadership style the presents rules, orders, or defined instructions
Leadership sytle the provides physical and personal resources
5 M’s of Management
- Mission
- Man
- Money
- Materials
- Methods
Art of getting things done thru peopl
Functions of Management
- Planning
- Organizing
- Leading/ Directing
- Controlling and Evaluating
Primarily one of broad policy making
Run the org withing the framework
Oversees activities of others to get them accomplish
Qualities the top management contenders possess
- Bright, informed, a bit of sparkle
- Articulateness
- Thoughtfulness
- Positive attitude
- Aura of leadership
- Breadth of interest
Responsible for the overall management of tbe organization
Top managers
Refer to more than one level in an org
Middle manager
Lowest level in an org that are responsible for thr work of others
First - line manager
First- line managers often call as
They direct activities and balance the demand of their supervisors with the capacitids of their subordinate
Middle managers
He provided one of the first comprehension studies of the nature of managerial work
Henry Mintzberg ( 1973)
Mintzberg grouped the basic roles performed by the manager as:
- Interpersonal roles
- Informational roles
- Decision roles
He identified 3 basic type of skills needdd by all managers
Robert Katz
Katz’ 3 basic types of skills
- Technical skills
- Human skills
- Conceptual skills
Doing things right
Doing the right thing
Efficiency and effectiveness concept
Peter Drucker
Indicators of lack management skills
- Inability to maintain adequate staff
- Recurring or persistent misunderstanding
- Excessive cost of operation
Categories of communication
- Upward
- Downward
- Diagonal
Barriers to effective communication
1.culture diff
2. Non-verbal expression
3. Paraverbal
4. Environment
5. Over communication
6. Under communication
Purpose of communication
- Influenced another’s action
- Meet social expectations
- Exchange knowledge
- Expression of feelings, ideas, and thoughts
Difference between interdepartmental communication and intradepartmental communication
Inter- info between among departments
Intra- info within the department
Process of passing info and understanding from one person to another
3 factors of leadership
- Leader
- Follower
- Situation
Supervisor tends to emphasize jigh productivity at the expense of all other factors
Production- oriented
Supervisor had a strong ties yo their employees
Employee- oriented
Widely known approach yo dramatize leadership style
Managerial Grid
Persons behind managerial grid
Robert Blake and Jane Mouton
2 dimensions in managerial grid
- Concept for production
- Concept for people
He based this theory on how employees view work
McGregor ( X and Y theory)
Authoritative leader- don’t like to work and have to be controlled
X Theory
Democratic leader- hardworking and self-motivated workers
Y theory
Little concerned for people or productivity
Improverishd management (1,1)
Great concern for people and production
Team management (9,9)
Medium concern for people and production
Middle of the road management (5,5)
Great concern for people, little for production
Country club management (1,9)
Little concern for people, great concern for production
Authority- compliance management (9,1)
Fred Fielder
Contingency Theory
Success of manager as the leader is contingent on 2 factors:
- Leadership style
- Favorablenesz
Leadership can either be:
- Relationship- oriented
- Task-oriented
Continuum of leadership
Robert Tannenbaum and Warren Schidmt
Normative Theory
Victor Vroom and Philip Yetton
Normative Theory classifies decision-making method as:
- Autocratic
- Consultative
- Group-oriented
Makes decisions based on the current info available
A-1 manager
Shares the problem with selected indiv before making decisions
C-1 manager
Shares problem with all members but makes the final decision
C-2 manager
Seeks necessary info from subordinates before making decisions
A-2 manager