Chapter Two Flashcards
includes using summative tests to measure student achievement. They are used to make decisions about promotion, retention, etc.
High-stakes Testing (HST)
developed to determine what the mastery or proficiency of a standard looks like.
Performance Standards
Test adjust difficulty based on the students’ response. If miss an item, goes lower; if correct, goes higher.
Some argue the tests are more accurate.
Benefits: given online, immediate feedback, cost effective, reduce the amount of time completing and scoring assessment
Computer-Adaptive Testing
add students’ scores into teacher evaluation
Value-added Models (VAM)
In 2002 it allowed states to choose their own proficiency levels.
reauthorization- report cards are issued each year depicting performance of students in public schools and require annual yearly progress (AYP)
2004 IDEIA was meant to compliment it.
No Child Left Behind
2009, developed by National Governors’ Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers to address weak state standards.
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
was designed to improve achievement for all subgroups. States competed for grants for innovation and reforms around the CCSS. Out of _____ came the two consortia, PARCC and Smarter Balanced
Race to the Top (RTT)