Chapter Three Flashcards
System of human communication using particular form of spoken or written words
Semantic rules
-dictionary definition
-meaning changes based on context they’re used in
Syntactic rules
Govern how we help guide the words we use
-grammar, structure and punctuation
Pragmatic rules
Help us interpret messages by analyzing the interaction altogether
-consider: words used, how they are stated, relationship with speaker
Denotative vs connotative meaning
D- dictionary of definition, all agree on the understanding of the word
C- subjective definition of the word, might mean something different to you
Specialized or technical language of a specific group or profession that outsiders may not understand
Uses informal words in communication
Wanna—> want to
Words employed by certain groups, such as young adults and teens
Expressions or figures of speech whose meaning cannot be understood by looking at the individual words and interpreting them literally
Ideas or expressions that have been so overused they have lost their original meaning
Improper language
-not proper
-not applicable in certain situations
-vulgarity or cursing
Ambigious language
Can have various meanings
Make language unclear, a way of saying something more politely or less bluntly
Relative language
Depends on the person communicating
Static evaluation
States that things are not constant, they vary over time and our language should represent that change