What is science?
a body of knowledge/ an intellectual activity encompassing- observation, description, experimentation, explanation of natural phenomenas/ pathway to understand the world/ study of living things – pathway by which we can discover and understand the world around us
Scientific literacy
a general, fact based understanding of biology and other sciences
Biological literacy
essential to modern world– ability to use the process of scientific inquiry to think creatively about real world issues that have a biological component, communicate these thoughts to others, integrate ideas into your own decision making
irrational belief that actions that are not logically related to a course of events that influence the outcome
Scientific method
process for examination and study
empirical in nature
based on experience and observations that are rational, testable and repeatable
self correcting
incorrect ideas are discarded in favor of more accurate explanations
adaptable, may have to change ones beliefs when data does not support a hypthesis
Scientific Method Step 1
make observations- look for cause and effect relationship
Scientific Method Step 2
formulate hypothesis- proposed explanation for observed phenomena
proposed explanation for phenomena
null hypothesis
a negative statement proposing there is no relationship between two factors
Scientific Method Step 3
devise a testable prediction
Scientific Method Step 4
conduct a critical experiment- makes it possible to decisively determine if hypothesis is correct
Scientific Method Step 5
draw conclusions– look for patterns and relationships in data
hunch, guess, speculation– a hypothesis that has withstood test of time and is unlikely to be altered by new evidence
scientific theory
a hypothesis for which scientists are most certain
Cell theory
all organisms are composed of cells/ all cells come from pre-existing cells
Theory of evolution by natural selection
species change overtime/ all species are related to one another through a common ancestor
common elements to most experiments - treatment
an experimental condition applied to research subjects
common elements to most experiments - experimental group
a group of subjects that have been exposed to a particular treatment
common elements to most experiments - control group
treated identical to experimental group with one exception, they are not exposed to treatment
common elements to most experiments - variables
the characteristics of an experimental system that are subject to change
Placebo effect
a frequently observed, poorly understood phenomena in which people respond favorably to any treatment
blind experimental design
experimental subjects do not know which treatment (if any) they are receiving
double blind experiment
neither the experimental subject nor the experimenter know which treatment the subject is receiving
subjects are randomly assigned into experimental and control groups
conduct an experiment repeatedly with large numbers of subjects to determine validity of experiment
independent variable
some visible entity that is available at the start of the process and whose value can be changed
dependent variable
created by the process of being observed, usually changes with response to independent variable
scientific sounding claims not supported by trustworthy methodical scientific studies
anecdotal observation
based on one or a few observations people conclude that there is or is not a link between two things
hierarchical organization
life is organized on many levels within individual organizations/ organisms are organized into many levels
the power of evolution
change in genetic characteristics of individuals within populations over time accounts for diversity and unity of organisms