Cell theory
All living organisms are made up of one or more cells & all cells arise from other preexisting cells
What does a cell need to be alive
(1) Plasma membrane to keep outside out and inside in (2) DNA as hereditary information that encodes proteins (3) all cells make proteins using ribosomes (4) ability to transform energy from one form to another
(1) Bacteria and archaea (2) small size (3) no intracellular organelles (4) enclosed in cell wall made of Peptidoglycan (PG) (5) Circular DNA (6) ribosomes smaller and less dense (6) Divide by binary fission
(1) protests, fungi, plants, animals (2) larger size (3) possess intracellular organelles (4) if they have cell walls there is no PG (5) linear DNA (6) Ribosomes are larger and denser (7) divide by mitosis or meiosis
Typical Eukaryotic cell features
(1) DNA contained in nucleus (2) cytoplasm contains specialized structures called organelles (3) larger than prokaryotes
Four structures in all prokaryotes
(1) Plasma membrane: encloses cell contents: DNA, ribosomes and cytoplasm (2) Cytoplasm: jelly like fluid inside the cell (3) DNA :one or more circular loops containing genetic information (4) Ribosomes: granular bodies in the cytoplasm that convert genetic information into protein structures
Typical Prokaryotic cell features
(1) No nucleus- DNA is in cytoplasm (2) Internal structure mostly not organized into compartments (3) Much smaller than eukaryotes
Endosymbiosis - explains presence of mitochondria and chloroplasts in eukaryotes
(1) ancestral eukaryote engulfs prokaryote (2) ancestral eukaryote and prokaryote merge (3) over time, the engulfed prokaryote evolves into an organelle such as mitochondria
(1) plasma membrane folds in on itself (2) inner compartments (organelles) are formed
Plasma Membrane
made up of two layers that are filled with a variety of pores, molecules and channels
Plasma Membrane functions
(1) Holds contents of cell in place (2) takes in food and nutrients (3) aids in building and exporting molecules (4) allows interactions with the environment and neighboring cells
Evidence for Endosymbiosis
(1) Mitochondria (M) and Chloroplasts (C) are same size as bacteria (2) M &C have circular DNA like prokaryotes (3) M&C divide by binary fusion (4) Ribosomes present in M&C are similar to bacterial ribosomes
(1) A solute is dropped into a solvent (2) Solute molecules move about randomly bumping into each other (3) random motion of molecules causes them to end up evenly distributed
Passive transport
occurs when molecules move across a membrane without energy input– molecules move down their concentration gradient
Simple diffusion
molecules pass directly through the plasma membrane without assistance of anther molecule
Facilitated diffusion
Molecules move across the plasma membrane with the help of a channel or carrier molecule
Movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane from an area of high water concentration to an area of low water concentration
Isotonic solution
solute concentration is balanced– water movement is balanced
Hypotonic solution
solute concentrations lower outside the cell– water goes into cell
Hypertonic solution
solute concentration higher outside cell – water diffused out of cell