Chapter Four Flashcards
The taxi passes a standing bus at the?
lace de la Contrescarpe
The taxi goes onto a darks street behind?
St. Etienne du Mont
The taxi turns onto the cobbles of?
Rou Moufftard
Jake was able to see Brett’s face as the taxi goes out onto?
Avenue des Goblins
What was wrong with the Avenue des Gobelins?
The street was torn up and men were working on the car-tracks by the light of acetylene flares
Why does Brett not want Jake to kiss her?
Because she can’t stand it
Brett’s brother came home with his “” shot off from what Battle?
Describe the Parc Montsouris?
There is a restaurant with a pool of live trout
Where does Jake tell the driver to go after Brett tells him to?
The Cafe Select on Boulevard Montparnasse
What guards the passing Montrouge trams?
The Lion de Belfort
On what Boulevard can Jake and Brett see the lights of Montparnasse in the distance?
Boulevard Raspail
What does Brett ask of Jake?
To kiss her just once before they got to the Select
What kind of hat does Brett have?
A man’s felt hat
What was the name of the little Greek portrait-painter who called himself a Duke?
Is Count Mippipolous skinny or fat?
What does the Count wear on his watch-chain?
An alk’s tooth
What happened to Georgette after Jake left?
She got into a corking row and demanded that the patronne’s daughter show her yellow card after showing her own
According to Braddock’s Georgette had a wonderful command of the?
What is Jake’s excuse for leaving?
He had a headache
Where does Jake suggest that Brett comes and meet him?
A the office
Where do Brett and Jake decide to meet?
At the Crillion at five
How does Brett heard from Mike lately?
By a letter
What Boulevard does Jake walk down towards after leaving the Cafe Select?
Boulevard St. Mihel
What tables were still crowded as Jake walks down towards after leaving the Cafe Select?
The tables of the Rotunde
What Boulevard was deserted during Jake’s walk?
Boulevard Montrparsse
The waiters were stacking tables aat what restaurant?
The Closerie des Lilas
What statue did Jake pass during his walk?
Marshal Ney
What group wrote an inscription on Marshal Ney’s statue?
The Bonapartist Group
Down what Boulevard is Jake’s flat?
Boulevard St. Mihel
What pieces of mail were waiting or Jake inside his flat?
Two letters and some papers
From where were the two letters?
The United States
How much was shown on the bank balance statement initially?
How many checks did Jake write out?
What was Jake’s final balance?
What was the second letter?
A wedding announcement
Who was getting married?
Katherine the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aloysius Kirby
Alosyius was what kid of name?
A good Catholic name
What was outside Jake’s flat?
A light train on the street-car tracks carrying vegetables to the market
What was beside Jake’s bed?
A big armoire with a minor
What colors were the two bull-fight papers?
Orange and yellow
What was the better paper according to Jake?
Le Toril
How did Jake think his wound should have been seen?
As funny
What did Jake read through in Le Toril?
The Petite correspondence and the Cornigrams
On what front was Jake wounded?
On the Italian Front
In what Italian hospital was Jake initially placed?
The ospedale Maggiore in Milano, Padglione Ponte
What was the name of the second Italian hospital that Jake stayed in?
Padgliona Zonda
What statue was in the Padgliona Zonda?
Ponte or maybe Zonda
In what hospital did the liaison officer visit Jake?
The Padgliona Zonda
What was any foreigner according to the Italians?
An Englishman
What Church had an awfully good way of handling problems like Brett?
The Catholic Church
Why did Jake start to cry?
Because he was thinking about Brett
Who did Jake think had come to see him?
Who had actually come to visit Jake?
What time is it when Brett comes to visit Jake?
4:30 am
Who has Brett just left when she visits Jake?
The Count
According to Brett who is the Count one of?
One of us
What is the Count the owner of?
A chain of sweetshops in the United States
Who is the Count putting up?
Where did Zizi offer Brett 10,000 to go with him?
To Barritz
About how many pounds is $10,000?
About 2,000
Why did Brett say she couldn’t go with Zizi to Barritz?
Because she knew to many people in Barritz
What was the second place that Zizi wanted Brett to go with him to?
What is Brett’s reason for not going to Cannes?
Because she knows too many people in Cannes
What is the final place that Zizi asks Brett to go with him?
To Monte Carlo
What does Brett tell Zizi is the reason why she can’t go anywhere with Zizi?
Because she knows too many people everywhere
What dos Brett tell Zizi about Jake?
That she loves him
What does Zizi want to do with Brett and Jake?
Take them to dinner tomorrow evening
Where is Brett and the Count plan to have breakfast?
At the Bois
Brett and the count have a dozen bottles of what drink at breakfast the following morning?
A dozen bottles of Mums
According to Jake it is easy to be hard-boiled during the day?
But not during the night
Who says don’t touch him?
Who says I simply turn all to jellly when you touch me?