Chapter 13 Flashcards
When was the letter that Jake got at Burguete dated form?
Sunday from San Sebastián
The letter at Burgeute was from whom?
What happened to Brett and Michael on the trip towards Pamplona?
They got to the city on Friday after Brett passed out on the train and rested for three days they will go to the Montoya hotel on Tuesday
How long did Jake and Bill stay in the mountains?
Nearly a week
Why is Harris not going with Bill and Jake to Pamplona?
He wants to try fishing once more
What did the telegram that Jake got from Cohn in Burguete say?
I come Thursday
What does the note that Bill and Jake send to the companions say?
Arriving tonight
What is in Roncesvalles that Harris, Jake and Bill all go visit?
The monastery
What word has Harris picked up from Bill ?
When was the last time Harris had any fun?
The war
What is Harris’s real name?
What does Harris give Bill and Jake in Burgeute?
His card, his address in London, his club and his business address, and an envelope with a dozen flies for each
Who was waiting for Jake and Bill in Pamplona after they leave Burgeute?
Mr. Cohn, Mr. Campbell and Lady Ashley
When do the Villar bulls come down?
That night a 7 o’clock
When do the Miuras bulls come in?
Is Bill an aficionado?
What does Aficion mean?
What is an aficionado?
One who is passionate about bull-fights
What were the photographs of passionate bull-fighters dedicated to?
Montoya or his sister
What did Montoya do with the pictures of bull-fighters he really believed in?
He framed them
What did Montoya do with photographs of those who did not have aficion?
Put them in his desk and then one day threw them away
What did bullfighters take for granted about Jake?
That Americans should not really have aficion
What could Montoya forgive bullfighters how had aficion?
He could forgive attacks of nerves, panic, bad unexplainable actions, all sorts of lapses
What did Montoya forgive Jake for?
His friends
What is the purpose of the steers?
To quiet down the bulls and keep them from breaking their horns against stone walls or goring each other
How many ticket-houses are in the square across from the Cafe Iruna?
When do the ticket-houses open?
A day before the fiesta
What were Brett and Mike wearing when Jake and Bill meet them in Pamplona?
Basque beret’s
How is Cohn different from Brett and Mike when Jake and Bill first see them in Pamplona?
He is not wearing a hat and has on spectacles
What war story did Brett ask Mike to tell?
When his horse bolted down Piccadily
What happens in the story about Mikes medals?
There was to be a bid dinner with the Prince of Whales and medals were to be worn. But Henry Wilson was shot so no medals were worn and he gave them out as souvenirs to the girls and the tailor wrote Mike asking them back because they were some chap’s medals
What two ways did Mike go bankrupt?
Gradually and then suddenly
What brought on Mike’s bankruptcy?
False friends and creditors
How much did Mike use to pay the tailor to shut up about the medals?
100 pounds a year
What does the sign on the wine shop in Pamplona say?
Good Wine 30 Centimes A Liter
What did the women do at the wine-shop?
She and three girls all stared at Brett
/What was each bull cage stenciled with
The name and brand of the bull-breeder
What three animals were put into the corrals before the bulls were released?
A mule and two steers
What happened to the first steer when the bulls were released?
It was gored
What does Brett tell Mike not to do after they leave the bulls killing the steers?
Not to detach her from the herd
What animal does Mike think Cohn should be?
A steer
Why does Mike compare Cohn to a steer?
Because they lead a quiet life, they never say anything and they’re always hanging about so
What was the result of Mike’s initial comment about Cohn being a steer?
Bill laughed, Cohn was angry, Jake and Brett were embarrassed and Mike kept talking
What does Brett tell Mike to show after he insults Cohn?
To show a little breeding
What does Mike say is the reason why Cohn didn’t have a good time in San Sebastián?
Because none of their friends wanted to invite him
What did Cohn do with Brett while in San Sebastián?
He just looked at her
What did Brett give Mike to read?
Cohn’s letters to her
What does Robert call Brett?
Circe because she turns men into swine