Chapter Eight Flashcards
How many cards came from Brett while in San Sebastian?
One card
When was the next time that Jake sees Brett after San Sebastian?
When she comes back
What did the card from Brett from San Sebastian feature on its front?
It had a picture of the Concha
Who did Cohn say Jake could reach him through?
Through his bankers
What did Jake enjoy not having to do with Cohn gone?
Not playing tennis
When did Bill and Jake plan to go to Spain?
At the end of June
What did Jake do with Cohn gone?
Go to the races, dined with friends and put in extra time at the office
Where did Bill go to after staying in Paris for a couple days?
Where had Bill been before Vienna?
New York
What had Bill been doing in New York?
Wath theater and heavyweight fighting
What had Bill made a lot of money from?
His last book
How long was Bill in Vienna?
For three weeks
Where did Bill send a card from?
When will Bill be back?
Back on Monday
How long was Bill drunk in Vienna?
For four days
What did Bill watch in Vienna?
An enormous prize fight with a nigger and a white boy
Who did the Vienna nigger look like according to Bill?
Tiger Flowers
What happened during the prize fight in Vienna?
The nigger knocked out the local boy, made a speech and then got hit, knocked out boy gain and was chased out and went home with Bill in the car
Where did the nigger live?
In Cologne
What is the statue at the juuncture of the Rue Denffer-Rochereau and the Boulevard St. Mihel?
A statue of two men in flowing robes
What does Bill want to get in Paris?
One stuffed dog
What is the road to hell paved with according to Bill?
Unbought stuffed dogs
Where had Bill been drinking in Paris?
A the Crillion with George making him a couple of Jack Roses
In how many days had Harvey not eaten when Bill saw him?
Three days
What animal does Bill refer Harvey as?
As a cat
What kind of writer is Bill?
A nature writer
What does Bill say he’ll get Jake for Christmas?
A sruffed horse-cab
When does Michael come in?
What does Bill think Brett is going to do when he meets them?
Kidnap them
Where do Jake, Bill and Brett go to?
The Closerie des Lilas
What city is strange according to Bill?
What city is strange according to Brett?
What do the Jake, Brett and Bill fet to drink at the Closier des Lilias?
Brett a whiskey and soda, Jake a whiskey and soda, Bill a pernod
Did Bill swim in Vienna?
What does Bill plan to send Micheal and Brett?
A couple of stuffed racehorses
Where do Jake and Bill have dinner?
Madame Lecomte’s restaurant
What was Madame Lecomtes’s restaurant crowded with?
Why was Madam Lecomte’s restaurant crowded with Americans?
Someone had put it in the American Women’s Club list as a quaint restaurant on the Paris quais as yet untouched by Americans
When had Bill last eaten at Madame Lecomte’s retaurant?
In 1918 after the armistice
What is Jake’s excuse as for why he never goes to Madame Lecomte’s restaruant?
Because of the prescense of two many compatriots
What was the bill at Madam Lecomte’s chalked up on?
On a slate
What was down the river of the Isle Saint Louis?
The Notre Dame
What Parisian street made for steep walking that goes up to the Place Contrescarpe?
Rue du Cardinal Iemoine
Music was coming out of the door of what establishment on Jake and Bill’s walk?
The Negre Joyeux
What cafe has a long zinc bar?
The Cafe Aux Amateurs
What ws happening in the open kitchen of Cafe Aux Amateurs?
A girl was cooking potatochips in oil, there was an iron pot of stew from which the girl ladle some onto a plate for an old man who stood holding a bottle of red wine in one hand
What roa does Port Royal become?
Where are Michael and Brett waiting for Bill and Jake?
At the Cafe Select
What was Brett not wearing at the Cafe Select with Mike?
What happened to Mike’s nose?
An old lady’s bags fell on him
Where did Brett get her hat?
Some chap bought it for her
Who is an undischarged bankrupt?
Mike Campbell
Who is fighting in Paris?
Ledoux and somebody
What does Mike call Brett?
A lovely piece