Chapter 15 Flashcards
Beside being a bull fighting festival what is San Fermin also?
A religious festival
When did the fiesta “explode”?
At noon, Sunday, the 6th of July
What did Jake compare the cafe on the day of the fiesta to?
A battleship stripped for action
What is Cohn drinking the morning of the first day of the fiesta in the Cafe?
The rocket thatt announces the start of the fiesta bursts high above what building?
The Theatre Gayarre
How many rockets were fired to announce the start of the festival?
What music were the pipers, the fifers and the drummers playing?
Who was the village idiot according to Bill?
The man playing the red-pipe
The dancers that came down the street at the start of the festival were all?
What was painted on the banner carried by the dancers?
Hurray for Wine! Hurray for the Foreigners
Who are the foreigners?
The companions
How long did the fiesta keep on oing?
Seven days day and night
What cigar-store items were included in the parade?
Cigar-store Indians, thirty feet high, Moors, a King and Queen
What was Brett missing when the Festival of San Fermin started?
Her hat
What did the dancers who surrounded Brett wear around their necks?
Big, white, wreaths of garlic
Where did the dancers take Brett and the companions?
Into a wine-shop
What were the dancers at the festival teaching Brett to do in the wine shop?
Teaching her to drink out of the wine-skins
What had the dancers hung around Brett’s neck in the wine-shop?
A wreath of garlics around her neck
Where does Jake go while the companions are with the dancers in the wine shop?
A shop that made leather wine bottles
What does Jake pay for his wine-skins at the fiesta?
Eight pesetas for two
How much did each wineskin that Jake bought at the fiesta hold?
Five litres and two litres
How much did it cost to fill the two wine-skins?
3 pesetas and 60 centimos
What happened to Cohn during the dancing?
He passed out on Anis del Mono
What do prices do when fiesta starts?
They double
What happened during the running of the bulls?
One man fell, rolled into the gutter and lay quiet
How many people in the crowd did the bull toss?
Six or eight people
What was the seating arrangement for the first day?
Three are ring-side and three were half way up the stands
Where did the companions sit on the first day?
Mike sat up high as did Brett and of course Cohn, Bill and Jake sit down on the front row
What is Cohn afraid of at the first day of bullfighting?
That he will be bored
What is a picador?
The guy with a spear who tries to stop the bull
Who introduces the companions to Pedro Romero?
In what room is Pedro Romero?
Room number eight
Does Pedro Romero know English?
No but he speaks English
Who is the best-looking boy that Jake has ever seen?
Pedro Romero (GAY)
What language do Pedro’s companions think the companions know?
What is Spanish for good luck?
Mucha suerta
What does Montoya say Pedro looks like?
A torero
What insult does Bill call Cohn during the first day of bull fighting?
A kike
What article of Romero’s clothing is Brett interested in?
His green trousers
Mike calls Brett an extraordinary?
What bothered Cohn on the first day of the bullfights?
The horse
How many bull-fighters were there on the second day?
Three; Romero and two others
What was the seating arrangement of the companions on the second day of the bull-fights?
Brett sat between Mike and Jake while Bill and Cohn went up in the middle
What did Romero’s style of bull-fighting give off?
It gave off real emotion
Whose death had caused all the bull-fighters to develop a technic that simulated the appearance of danger?
The death of Joselito
Why did Pedro Romero not fight on the third day?
Because it was Miura bulls and thus a very bull-fight