chapter eleven Flashcards
what are the 3 criteria of anorexia?
- severe restriction of energy intake
- intense fear of gaining weight/obesity
- very distorted body image
what are the health problems resulting from anorexia?
- “Skin-and-bone”appearance
- Slowed basal metabolism, decreased heart rate
- Lowered body temperature
- Iron deficiency anemia and other nutrient deficiencies
- Rough,dry,scaly,cold skin
- Low white blood cell count,potassium
- Lanugo and loss of hair
- Constipation, amenorrhea
- Osteopenia and osteoporosis
- Depression, sleep disturbances
- Changes in brain size, blood flow to brain, neurotransmitter function
- Loss of teeth
- Muscle tears, stress fractures
- 3% will eventually die from disease, suicide, heart ailments, infection
what is the first goal of treating anorexia?
gain person’s cooperation and trust
what is the ultimate goal?
achieve and maintain weight gain
what is bulimia?
• Recurrent episodes of binge eating followed by some type of compensatory behavior to prevent weight gain
– compensatory behaviors: actions taken to rid body of excess calories and/or alleviate guilt, anxiety associated with a binge; include vomiting, misuse of laxatives, or excessive exercise
what are the 3 criteria of bulimia?
- hidden binge-and-purge habits
- elaborate food rules
- triggered by emotional factors
who is most likely to have bulimia?
young adult women who are predisposed to becoming overweight, disengaged from families with impulsive behavior and frequent weight-reduction diets as a teen
what are the effects of bulimia?
Can cause weight gain and weight fluctuations
• Leads to guilt, depression, low self-esteem
• Vomiting causes most health problems • Demineralization of teeth
• Drop in blood potassium
• Swelling of salivary glands
• Stomach ulcers and bleeding
• Constipation
• Syrup of ipecac is toxic to heart, liver, kidneys
what are the treatment goals for someone with bulimia?
Decrease episodes of bingeing and purging
• Psychotherapy to improve self-acceptance
• Change “all-or-none” attitude about food
• Correct misconceptions about food
• Establish good, normal eating habits
• Group therapy, long-term therapy
what are the characteristics of binge-eating disorder?
considers self as hungrier than normal, bingeing not compensated with compensatory behaviors, isolates self to eat large quantities, eating reduces stress and provides feeling of power and well being
what are the effects of binge-eating?
obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, type2 diabetes
what are the treatment goals for someone with bing-eating disorder?
managing negative emotions through participation in weight-control programs, healthy coping mechanisms, eating in response to hunger, avoid deprivation diets
define some subthreshold eating disorders
- Atypical anorexia nervosa
- Meets most of the criteria for diagnosis of anorexia nervosa but whose weight is still within a normal range
- Bulimia nervosa, or binge-eating-disorder episodes occurring less than once per week
purging disorder
• Repeatedly purge to promote weight loss even in absence of binge eating
• Body dissatisfaction, anxiety, and depression • Effects same as those with bulimia nervosa
what is the profile of female athlete triad?
- Disordered eating
- Irregular menses or ammenorrhea
- Osteoporosis and loss of estrogen
• Bone density similar to 50-60 year olds • Bone loss is largely irreversible
what are some treatment suggestions for female athlete triad?
- Reduce preoccupation with food, weight, and body fat
- Gradually increase meals and snacks to an appropriate amount
- Achieve an appropriate weight for height
- Establish regular menstrual periods
- Decrease training time and/or intensity by 10% to 20%
how can eating disorders be prevented?
- Treat physical, emotional problems early
- Discourage restrictive diets
- Correct misconceptions about foods, diet
- Size acceptance