Chapter 9A - Environmental Issues and Property Concerns Flashcards
Used as fireproof insulation, friable and causes breathing problems, throat and lung cancer. Must be encapsulated - sealed to prevent flaking
Carbon Monoxide
Natural byproduct of combustion - colorless and odorless, stops blood from being able to absorb oxygen. CO detecters required in all new homes, all rental properties, and in existing homes upon sale.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
Coolant in refrigerators, air conditioners, and dehumidifiers known to deplete the ozone layer.
Due Diligence
Investigation to find facts and liabilities about a property prior to its purchase
Electromagnetic Fields
Invisible, produced by electrically charged objects - high tension power lines, transformers, etc. May cause cancer.
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
Details a project’s impact on energy use, sewage systems, drainage, water, schools, etc. Impact on environment.
External Environmental Hazards
Concerns outside boundaries of a property - nearby landfills with toxic substances, polluted waterways, smog from nearby factories.
External Obsolescence
Interference of quiet enjoyment of property coming from outside property - airport noise pollution.
Trademarked name for Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
Easily crumbled
Naturally occurring underground water. Can become contaminated, and home’s water supply can come from that water. NYS requires seller to disclose source of water supply - well, private, or municipal.
High Tension Power Lines
Large transmission cables carrying electric power
Internal Environmental Hazards
Hazrds within a property.
Meth (illegal drug) created in labs - highly combustible and explosive, production leaves toxic residue and property becomes mini-waste site.
Fungus that can be toxic - causes fatigue, sickness, and digestive, neurological and immune system problems.
Toxic substances produced by some molds.
Anything that interferes with the owner’s right of quiet enjoyment.
Radon Gas
Radioactive gas that natural occurs in rocks, soil, and water from uranium decay. Differs site by site, should be tested.
Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act
Requires disclosure of lead based paint hazards on homes built before 1978. Must disclose known paint in home, reports from lead tests, pamphlets on how to protect families from lead paint, and gives homebuyers a 10 day period to conduct inspection on their own expense.
Sick Building Syndrome
People suffer from headaches, nausea, sore throat, nose/eye irritation, and other symptoms only while in a building with poor ventilation.
Black mold. Highly toxic.
Transfers power between circuits
Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)
Fuel tanks for gas, oil and chemicals - leaks can lead to contaminated drinking water
Used in manufacturing, insulation, and under carpeting - causes breathing problems nd cancer
Ecosystems where land is permeated with water.