Chapter 14 - Mortgage Basics Flashcards
Acceleration Clause
Lender has right to declare entire balance due because of borrow default or violation of contract provisions
Adjustable Rate Mortgage
Allows lenders to periodically adjust interest rate to respond to the market. Easier to qualify for than fixed rate mortgages.
Alienation / Due on Sale Clause
Gives lender certain rights when there is a transfer of ownership. FHA/VA loans cannot include an alienation clause.
Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
Actual interest rate charged including loan fees and points.
Blanket Mortgage
Subdivision development - mortgage for multiple parcels/lots, partial release clause allows lots to be released one at a time
Bridge Mortgage
Bridge between two mortgages (buying/selling) - repaid with a later mortgage.
Construction Mortgage
Temporary loan to finance building.
Debt to Income Ratio
For evaluating lendee for a mortgage. All recurring debts cannot exceed, for Fannie Mae loan, 36% of stable monthly income - 43% for FHA insured loan, 41% for VA guaranteed loan.
Failure to make payments on a loan.
Deficiency Judgment
Involuntary general lien imposed when a foreclosed property does not bring in enough money at a foreclosure sale to cover debt.
Equitable Right of Redemption
Right to save or redeem a foreclosed property before it is resold.
Graduated Payment Mortgage
Smaller payments earlier in the mortgage and then loan escalates because interest wasn’t getting paid early on.
Home Equity Line of Credit / Home Equity Loan
Junior mortgages. HELOC is money available to homeowner as expenses arise, HEL is a one time loan for specific amount/purpose.
Interest Rate Cap
Adjustable rate mortgage. Limits number of percentage points interest rate can increase during term of loan.
Judicial Foreclosure
Procedure in the event of default requiring a court-ordered sheriff’s sale of property to repay debt.
Mortgage Banker
Any company who originates at least 5 mortgage loans in a year must be licensed by New York State Banking Department.
Mortgage Broker Dual Agency Disclosure Form
Must get permission from both buyer and seller if you, real estate licensee, are also MLO and are serving buyer.
Mortgage Loan Originator
Mortgage Broker. Intermediary bringing together lendor and lender, especially nonconforming loans.
Open-End Mortgage
Allows borrowers to request additional funds to a predetermined limit.
Package Mortgage
Includes personal property - typical in vacation homes
Payment to Income Ratio
Used to evaluate lender for a mortgage. PITI (Principal / Interest / Taxes / Insurance) vs. borrower’s stable monthly income. Traditionally 28% for Fannie Mae loans and 31% for FHA insured loans.
Pre-qualification determines size of loan a potential buyer is eligible for - does not guarantee approval and does not bind lender. Pre-approval is when lender determines if and for what amount lendee can be financed - if the buyer’s circumstances stay the same, lendor will loan a certain amount of money. Shows sellers that buyer is serious, prepared/able to make purchase.
Prepayment Penalty Clause
Gives lender right to charge borrowers a penalty for paying off the loan early and depriving them of interest income. Subprime loans mostly - not in Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac loans, prohibited in FHA and VA loans.
Purchase Money Mortgage
Generically any mortgage loan used to buy real estate, specifically when seller finances part or all of sale price.
Regulation Z
Implements the Truth in Lending Act (TILA)
Release Clause
Reverse Equity Mortgage
House pays you - for 62+ year olds with little to no debt.
Sale and Leaseback Financing
Typically used by commercial tenants - tenant buys property and fixes it up, then sells it and leases the property back from its new owners. Frees up capital for the company and investor gets tax benefits.
Straight Mortgage
Term/interest only mortgage. Pay interest only and then principal in a lump sum as a balloon payment at the end o the term - good for investors because they’ll be selling/flipping and can write off interest.
Subordination Agreement
Gives later date mortgage priority over earlier mortgage - made between lien holders.
Truth in Lending Act (TILA)
Prevents abuses is consumer credit disclosures so consumers know what they are paying for. Implemented by Regulation Z.
Wraparound Mortgage
Seller keeps existing loan and pays on it, while buyer has another mortgage. All are treated as a single obligation and the buyer pays the seller back. DANGEROUS!