Chapter 9 Vocabulary Flashcards
The study of the acquisition, storage, comprehension, and production of language.
The study of the neural and electrochemical bases of language development and use
Right Hemisphere
coordinates the left side of the body, and performs tasks that have do with creativity and the arts.
Left hemisphere
responsible for controlling the right side of the body. It also performs tasks that have to do with logic, such as in science and mathematics.
temporal lobe
Associated with the perception and recognition of auditory stimulat
frontal lobe
Concerned with higher thinking and language production
pariteal lobe
least involved in language perception and production.
occipital lobe
associated with many aspects of vision
corpus callosum
main pathway between the two hemispheres, making it possible for the two hemispheres to communicate with each other and build a single, coherent picture of our environment from the many different kinds of stimuli.
a membrane that is one quarter inch thick covering the brain
language centers
parts of the cortex of the brain that are used in the production and comprehension of language
protrusion in the cortex of the brain’s hemispheres that serves as a physical landmark for the identification of different sections of the brain.
depression in the cortex of the brain’s hemispheres that serves as a physical boundary for the identification of different sections the brain
Sylvian fissure
a large horizontal fold located in the middle of each hemisphere of the brain that separates the temporal lobe from the frontal lobe of the brain
Superior temporal gyrus
upper portion of the temporal lobe
auditory cortex
language center of the brain located in the superior temporal gyrus next to the sylvan fissure
middle temporal gyri
middle portion of the temporal lobe
inferior temporal gyri
lower portion of the temporal lobe, the left ITG is involved in processing word meaning
Wernicke’s area
older term for the sylvian parietotemporal area and posterior parts of the superior temporal gyrus
inferior frontal gyrus
lower portion of the frontal lobe
Broca’s area
region of the brain that contains neurons involved in speech function
motor cortex
posterior portion of the frontal lobe
Angular gyrus
language center of the brain located between the SPT and the posterior parters of the STG
arcuate fasciculus
a bundle of nerve fibers in the brain connecting SPT with the IFG
visual cortex
area of the brain located in the posterior occipital lobe of each hemisphere
property of the brain such that one side of the body is controlled by the opposite hemisphere of the brain
dichotic listening task
experiment that presents two different sounds simultaneously, one in each ear
ventral pathway
connects the SPT with the ITG via the extreme capsule
specialization of the brain hemispheres for different cognitive functions.
an operation in which one hemisphere or part of one is surgically removed from the brain
Neural plasticity
the ability of the brain to adapt to damage in one region by reassigning processing functions to another region
Globally ambiguous
ambiguity is not resolved by the end of the utterance
heuristic model
we have certain rules of thumb that we rely on whenever possible in sentence processing
constraint based models
allow non syntactic factors like sentence context and real-world knowledge to influence our choices about syntactic structure.
categorial perception
occurs when equal-sized physical differences are not equal-sized psychologically
occur when a later unit substituted for an earlier unit for when a later unit is added earlier in an utterance
can be seen as the opposite of the anticipations
the switching of two units each taking the place of the other
an error in speech or deliberate play on words in which corresponding consonants, vowels, or morphemes are switched between two words in a phrase
occur when a unit is moved from one location to another