Chapter 3 Vocabulary Flashcards
The study of how sounds are organized within a language and how they interact with each other
Phonetic Inventories
The sounds that are produced as part of the language and suprasegmental features.
Sound substitution
speakers use sounds of their native language to replace non-native sounds when pronouncing the words of a foreign language
A particular phoneme set that corresponds to an actual phonetic segment produced by a speaker
Contrastive distribution
A case in which the two sounds occur in the same phonetic environment and using one rather than the other change the meaning of the word.
Produced with an obstruction of the airflow
Segments produced with a relatively open passage for the airflow.
Nasal Place Assimilation
An alveolar nasal assimilates to the place of articulation of a following consonant.
Refers to a special type of assimilation in which a consonant becomes like a neighboring palatal.
Vowel Harmony
A back vowel becomes front when preceded by a front vowel in the same word.
Causes two close or adjacent sounds to become less similar with respect to come property, by means of a change in one or both sounds.
Manner dissimilation
A stop becomes a fricative when followed by another stop.
Voiceless stops become aspirated when they occur at the beginning of a stressed syllable.
Maximally distinct
Consonants have very few qualities in common with the vowel and the vowels are very different from the consonants.
Sounds that immediately precede and follow it within a word.